The Swarthmorean, 1938-08 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)

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DRIVE CIREFULLY VOL X, No. 31 . MRS. C. C. SCHA'rrn BURIED MONDAY Former Marian Hanna Died Fri­da> · 88 Result of Accident 18 Months Ago Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, August 1, at her late home, 625 Parrish road, Swarthmore Crest, for Mrs. Conrad C. Schahe, who died last Friday. in the Temple University Hospital, Plula­delphia. Altho~gh of late she had ap­peared to be in the best of health Mrs. Schatte had n.ever fully recovered from a serious: fracture of the right leg and other injuries she suffered ill an auto­mobile at::ciden~ at Hardingville, N. J., January 6, 1937. She was in a condition at the Underwood Hospital in Woodbury, N. J., six weeks follow­ing the accident and the11 was confined to her home for a long period of con­valescence before being able to go about as usual. Five weeks ago she was taken ill again and entered the hospital. Mrs. Schatte was thirty-five years old last November. She was born in Chester but had been a resident of Swarthmore for twenty-one years. Before her marriage in the Swarth­more Presbyterian Church she was Miss Marian Hanna, daughter of James Hanna, well known Chester contractor, and Mrs. Hanna, reddents of Vassar avenue. She was a member of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church and of the Junior Board of Chester Hospi­tal. Surviving beside!! her husband and parents are two daughters, Betty Jane, 16 and Marian Hanna SchaUe, 14, an'd a brother,' John Reid Hanna, of University place and Cornell avenue, Swarthmore. The services, which were conducted by the Rev. David Braun, pastor of the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church, were attended by many relatives, per­sonal friends, aClluaintances and busi­ness associates of the Hanna family, including prominent civic and business leaders of Chester and of other parts of Delaware county. The body wal surrounded by.~ more than a hundred beautiful floral tributes. SWARTHMORE, PA., AUGUSA 5, 1938 "Lucky" Is ,(riple Winner EI .. OY YOUR· VACITIOI '2.50 PER YEAR COUNCIL SITS IN JULY SESSION To Award Fire Truck Bid· on 10th; Buses Replace Yale Ave­nue TruUeys on 14th At a meeting of Borough Couhcil held last Wednesday night bids for the new. ladder truck for Swarthmore Fire Company were opened and after some discussion it was decided to award the contract for the new truck at an ad­journed meeting to be held Wednesday, August 10. Albert Sidney Johnson, Jr., appeared in the interest of his client, James A. Peck, of Baltimore pike and Sproul road, who OWI1S the property at 350 Vassar avenue, and stated that Mr. Peck was willing to release Mrs. Ogden from her lease on that property, if Council felt there was a violation of the zoning ordinance. Several neigh­bors appeared and complained about the continuance of the property as a boarding house aud c.1aimed that prop­erties on that street ··were depreciating because of this condition. Mrs. Louis W. King, of 29 College avenul', asked Council to repair dam­age caused tu her property by the water from the sewers during recent storms. Dr. Eugene Underhill, of Ches­ter and Leiperville roads, requested more information· on the new sewer to be located on his property. Both matters were referred to the sewer committee. Council passed an ordinance provid­ing for contract with thc Sewer Au­thority. New sidewalk on \Valnut lane, be­twe<! n Elm avenue and Swarthmore avenue, was authorized to be installed. CfJvrle~1I of PM/a. InQui,.er. Borough Secretary Elliott Richardson Nancy McCurdy, five-year-old daughter of I\Ir. and Mrs. Wallace 1\1 •• M~Curdy, of Ogden avenue,. is pic- announced that the P. R. T. was to lured with the Harlequin Great Dane owned by Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Dlmltman, of Walnut lane, which wall put new bus~s on Yale avenue in place nol only the largest and most spotted dog but also the bellt trained animal io ' Swarthmore's 80nuai dog of ,the present trolley, the new service show Monday. . start on. Augu:;t 14, afld the tracks. -':'--==~'::':'::"':"'~-------':"---'--'-':":''''':''''''':'''---'-----'--'---------'----'-~'':''''-''--'--''--~'':'''''''':'''':'-'--';':':';:''''-'''':'''-'- to be removed as soon as possible. FIDO REIGNS AS THE SW ARTHMOREAN HOLDS FOURTH MID-SUMMER·. DOG SHOW UBRARY CLOSES TOMORROW Pallbearers were: Walter C. Atkin- , . . . son, of Lansdowne; James A. G First Two Events Given to Celebrate Close of Dog Quarantines in 1931 and 1936 Proved This. afternoon, Friday, Aug­ust 5, from 2 until 5 :30 o'clock and tomorrow morning, Saturday, from 9 :30 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. will be the last opportunities un­til Monday, August 22, for members to withdraw books from the Swarthmore Public Library. In addition to being closed each Saturday afternoon during July and August the library will not be open for the next two weeks while Mrs. Irwin Tschebull, the librarian, is on her vacation. Campbell and Edward Lupton, Jr., of So Popular Show Was Made an Annual AfIair . Chester;·Johll Dolman, Jr. and S:,muel of Ever Increasmg" Success J. Hanna, of Swarthmore; Richard Massey, of Philadelphia; Herman C. Neuweiler, of Allentown; Charles L. Mathewson, of Pittsburgh, and Ray­mond W. Baldwin, of Williamsport, Pa. Interment was in Chester Rural Cemetery. ------~.~.~.------- LOCAL MAN ATTENDS CELEBRATION A. B. Gorman, of Crest lane, was one of the group who helped the Standard Oil Company of Pennsylvania celebrate the tenth anniversary of its inception in this State on Tuesday, August 2. The festivities got off to a good start with a big, all-day party at Springhaven Country Club where the 150 congenial . guests enjoyed to the fullest all the pleasures that Springhaven offers. A royal banquet at the Ritz-Carlton Ho­tel in Philadelphia closed the lo.;al commemorative celebration and left all the participants hoping that the next decade would be as auspicious as the last and ihe next celebration as note­worthy as this. ------~.~.~.e-----~~ New Magazine; Delaware County's oldest weekly paper will greet its subscribers next week as a monthly IJictm'e magazine devoted exclusively to this county. Its name is the Delaware County Advo­cate, and it has been published since ]868 by John Spencer, Inc., of Chester, Pa. The purpose of the new magazine is to summarize in· picture form the out­standing events, institutions, industries, personalities and other aspects of our coullty. The first issue will contain, for example, a survey of swimming fa­cilities, the Finnish Tercentenary Cele­Lration in Chester, Swarthmore's Coun­try Week' picnic, the Restoration of John Morlon's Birthplace, the "Ad­Vocate's Photographic Salon," with pic­tures by Ernest R. Laws, and severa] short items. Subscription price of the new Ad­Vocate is $1.50 a year (12 issues) or 15 c~nts a copy at newstands. The maga­ZlOe may also be obtained direct from the ,publishers, John Spencer, Inc., 8th & Sproul Streets, Chester, Pa. Helping along the old adage that was afraid he'd r.ever find the tiny mite ing the 'ugliest' dog in the Borough. 'every dog has his day' and assuring at if he got loose: "Bang," mongrel pet of Virginia Perk­least one such opportunity anllually Mills and Betty Jane Hedgepeth, of ins, Cedar lane, doesn't seem to mind for the local canine The Swarthmorean Cornell avenue, walked off with 'black- it a· bit and in his owner's absence last Monday held what seemed to be cst' honors and the master prize for dragged Anne Perkins along to this the most largely attended of the four the 'champion-best all around dog' year's show as his chaperon while he events it has so far sponsored. won by "Bismark," their co*cker span- "gain victoriously defended his title. Undau"nted by scorching weather iel. The Newfoundland "Jock" was al- "Bo," Kerry Blue terrier of Larry many dogs came half an Il our b e fo re most as black and "Betsy," black co*cker Drew, Park avenue, SD much resembled the scheduled hour, 10 :30 i\.. ,M., and spaniel owned by Emily Smith, sister "Bang" that he was just about held to waited 011 the rear grounds of the High of "Jock's" master, was second cham- second place. School for the registrar and judges to pion. Number thirteen proved lucky for arrive. "Scupper," Mardy Jean Crosby's fox "Jiggs," mongrel of Billy Hartman, When at last each pup had been reg- terrier, of Princeton avenue, was the Dartmouth aveliue, and won him the istered and tagged with an I·d e ntl·f i ca- 'whitest' dog and Pauline Deacon's 'cutest' award. "MacGregor," Airs. E. tion number the dogs lined up in front "Bob," of Chestnut avenue, was next Fullerton Cook's tiny pet, met with of the class signs along the fence while 'whitest.' trouble on the trip from his home in Postmaster Alfred P. Smalley, Mrs. "Topsy," of Oberlin avenue, rat terI- \Vallingfordand almost didn't get to I, C I R rier owned and shown by Elizabet 1 the show in time to be the second J. Passmore Cheyney and har es . d 1 'I Pope, was 'fall cst' again this year an 'cutest.' But since MacGregor is an 0 d i Russell carefully determined the dogs Mary Dickinson's M t. Holyoke place standby and can be counted on to put I with supreme peculiarities demanded of brown dachshund, "Dina," was nearly in an appearance each year, he was ai-I winners in the eighteen classes. as obese. The Popes were pretty sure lowed to burst in unregistered and have' Double the usual amount of hooks may be taken out this week and kept until the week the Library reopens. This ar­rangement will permit the is­suance of two seven-day books and four two-week books on each adult card. Although the Library opens on the 22nd the books will not be overdue until after the 26th. Those who wish to return their books while the Librilry is closed may drop them in the box outside the Library Winston Roberts, of Walnut lane, of the prize claiming it was a cim:h last the chance to receive some compensa- door. was the proud custodian of "Lucky," year and they knew they had 'improved' tion for the worry of his unavoidable '-------------------------___ ..1 huge Harlequin Great Dane, which un- 'Topsy's' figure since then. delay. President Lectures Counell disputedly won as the 'largest' and "Mickey," thirteen years old, owned "Dusky," Lois Gray's Vassar avenue 'most spotted' dog. "Lucky" also was by Mrs. T. K. Brown, of Dickinson ave- Irish setter, proved the 'friendliest' can­judged the 'best trained' dog, tha!lk nue, and exhibited by Elizabeth Bryant, ine and Elizabeth Pope's "Topsy" was goodness! - One look at that massive of the same street, was the 'oldest' dog. next cordial. hound and one fervently prayed he was with Dween Lingle's "Punch," of Cor- "Punch" Lingle was the 'Inost thor­well trained. nell avenue, (over ten), next in line of onghly mongrel' and Ian Chew's The generosity of Martel Brothers, years. "Skippy" nearly as 'thorough.' Vfe were who gave in addition to the master "Arno," \\Tilson Burke's Doberman sorrowfully told a deadly rival in this prize (a model dog house complete to Pinscher, of \Vestdale avenue, appar- class had to be .withheld from the show shingled roof) a whole case - £orty- ently still has the shortest tail in he and his owner, George Froebel, of eight cans of dog food, enabled the in- Swarthmore but (we hate to have to Swarthmore avenue, had anxiously novation of awards for second place confide this) he must have let himself awaited, after he was injured last week. this year. Each runner-up received a slip during the past year for "Dina," "Hector," Nancy McCurdy's dachs­consolation can of the food. the dachshund, replaced him as the hund, of Ogden avenue, donned the Next to "Lucky," "Jock," Jimmy 'most aristocratic.' The tail of Ian 'most forlorn' look and surpassed even Smith's Newfoundland, of Park ave- Chew's "Skippy," of Rutgers avenue, "Dodo," Barbara Kent's dachshund, of nue, was 'largest'; and Gordon Bier- was so obviously not there that he was Riverview road, in this expression so man's Chesapeake Bay retriever, "Bob," second 'shortest tailed.' Warren Ber- well assumed by the particular breed. of South Chester road, was nearly as nard's English setter, "Duke," of Union Ian Chew, Gordon Bierman and Bar­well trained as the Great Dane. avenue, was second 'most aristocratic.' bara Kent left the show before receiv- "Sambo," twenty-day-old part fox ."Patsy," setter belonging to Ann ing their dog's prizes so the three sec­terrier puppy of Bill Mitchell, North Cochran, of Kenyon avenue, had suffi- ond awards their pets won await them ·Chester road, was closely followed by dent feminine pulchritude to capture at The Swarthmorean office. "Inky," Nancy Hoot's two-month-old first prize in the 'prettiest' class. The Members of the Swarthmore Nursery co*cker spaniel, of Lafayette and Prince- Hedgepeth's spaniel, "Bismark," was School were interested visitors at the ton avenues, for the awards of'sJllaUest' the Adonis of the sllow; show, insisting on bringing their and 'youngest' in the show. "Sambo's" .There must be a great deal of satis- friend, "Ruffie," Mrs. G. Wills Brod­tender age rated him a ride in a.basket factibn' in· holding a title year after, head's part shepherd and setter mutt, from class to class, or maybe his owner year even if it is the distinction of be-I (ConUnwed 0" Paue Fo.,.j T. E. Hessenbruch, of Yale avenue. president of Borough Council, gave a lecture on "Water Shed" to Council members at Wednesday evening's ses­sion. ••• Eagles Beat Pirates Games on Friday and Monday were rained out. On Wednesday night the Eagles beat the Pirates by a score of 5 to 1. Since neither team had a complete line up, members of the Junior Homets filled in. Runs for the winners were scor­ed by Spanier (2), Richardson (1), Scott (1), Hoot (1). Earnshaw scored f(;r the losing team. Hamby had two hits for the winner. . Two fine fielding plays were made by at! unassisted double play by Davis and a put out at second! by Hamby. Kaufman and Costello also played good games.· The League now stands Junior Hor­nets 3-2, Eagles 2-~, Pirates 2-3. Eagl~ and Pirates play again on Friday· night. The J unioi" 'Homers' pf:()I' • 'away Irom home. ~.

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DRIVE CAREFULLY VOL. X, No. 31 MRS. C. c. SeRA'ITE BURIED MONDAY It'orlller I\larian Hanna J)ied Fri-, tlay as Result of Accident 18 Montbs Ago I Funeral ser\'ices were held at 2 o'clock ~londay aftl'rnoon, Augllst I, at her late home. (,25 Parri~h. road. Swart hmore Crest, for ~I rs. (onrad C. Schattl', who died last Friday. in the Temple Ulliversity Hospital, 1'11I1a­delphia. Although of late she had ap­pl.' areel to he ill the hest of hl'allh ~I rs. Schatte had ne\'er fully n·c()\'l.'red from a serious fracture of the rh.:ht leg and other illjuril.'s she sufTen'd ill an iluto­l\ Iohill' accident at Ilarding\·ille. :-.:. J., January 6. IIH7. She was in it critical ~ondition at the Ullderwood Ilospital in \Voodhury. X. J., six wel'ks follow­ing the acciell.'lIt and then was confined \(1 her home for a long period o~ con­\ ·aleSCI'IICI.' hefore heillg ahle hI go ahout as usual. Fh'e weeks ago she was takell ill again alld entl'n'd the hospital. 11.1 rs. Schatte Wi,lS thirty.-live vears old last Xo\'emher. She was lJorll in Chl.'stl'r hut had hl'en a n'sidellt of Swarthmore for twenty-one YI.'ars. Before her marriage in the Swarth­more Prl.'sln·terian Churdl she was ~I iss ~Iarian' J lalllla, daughter {If Jam..:s I-Ianna. well knowlI Chester contractor, al\(I 1\lrs. I-Iallna, re,idl'nts of Vassar a\'enul.'. Sh..: was a memher of the Swarthmore Preshyt..:rian Church and of thl' Junior Board oi Ch..:ster lIospi­tal. Survivillg hl'sidl's her hll~ha nd and parellts arc two daughters, .\:etty JOllie. 16. allll ~lari;\11 Hanna SchaUl', I .... and a hrothl'r. John I{l'id 1·lanna. of UninTsity pla..:e alld Corm'" il\'enue, Swart hnwre. The services. which wer..: conducted SWARTHMORE, PA., AUG USA 5, 1938 "Lucky" Is Triple Winner EIJOY YOUR VACATIOI 32.50 PER YEAR COUNCIL SITS IN JULY SESSION To Award Fire Truck Bid on lOt"; Buses Rel.lace Yale Ave­nue Trolleys on 14th A t a lIIeet jng of Borough Council held last \ \'edll,'sday night hids for the lIew 1addl'r trurk for Swarthmore Fir..: Com pall)" w..:n· OPl'lIl.'l1 and aft..:r sOllie discussilln it was Ikcid..:d to award the contrart for the 1Il'\\' truck at an ad­journed 1II..:..:t ing to he held \ \' ednesday, August W. Alhert Sidlll'y Johnson, .I r., appeared in thl' inkresl (If his e1il'lIt, lalllcs A. Pl'ck, of galt illlorl' pike an'd Sproul road, who owns the I'r(lpl'rl \. at 350 \'assar an'nlll', and stall'll ihat ~I r. I\-ck was willill;.( to rd,'as{' ~I rs, Ogden frum IlI"r lease on that property, if ('oundl felt there was a violation of the zoninJ.!: ordinance. Sl'\Tral lIeig-h­hors appean'd a 1111 rOhlplainl'd ahout the continuance of till' prolll'rly as a hoardin,~ house allll daillled that prop­..: rti..:s Oil that ~trel'l wt:re dl'preciating hecause of this condition. ~I rs. Llluis \\', King, of ?!-) College a\'I'IIIH', askl'd Council to n'pair dam­agl' l'a II sed 10 her prop..:rty hy the \\'atl'r frolll the Sl'\\'l'rs during recent storms. Dr. Eugcne Undl'rhill. of Ches­ter and L"il'{'r\'iIIl' roads, re{llIested ilion' in f, Irlnat ion on the ne\\' s..:wer / 10 he lorated on his prop..:rty. Bot h mattl'r" Wl're referred to the Se\\'l'r ("0111111 itt ee. C{luncil pas~ed an onlinallce prO\'id­ing for contract with the Se\\'..:r Au­thllrity. hy the Rev. D;l\'id Braun. pastor of CO'lrtoll of I'MI". Inr,uirer, the Swarthmor..: Pr..:shyt..:riall Church, Nancy I\IcCurdy, fh'c-y(~ar-old daughter of Mr. amI l\Ir". \VlIlIace 1\1. I\It,Curdy, of Ogden avenue" is pic- X l'\\" sidewalk Oil \\' alllut lane, he­tWCCII EIIII a \'t'ntle a 1111 Swarthlllofl~ il\'CIIUl', was authorizl'd to he illstalled. Borough Secretary Elliott \{ ichardsoll ;\Il1\ounc..:d that the 1'. R. T. was to \lilt IIl'\\' huses 011 Yale avellue ill place uf the presellt trolley. the new service to start Oil AUJ!u~t 1..J, and the tracks to he removed as suon as possible, were attendcd b\' m;lIn' relatives. per- tured with tht~ lIurlCtlUin Grcal Dane owned by I\lr. and 1\1r",. E. Z. Dimilman, of Walnut tllne, whIch WII!! sonal friends. a';!Jllaint;llIces and husi- nlll onl~' the Ilirgellt and most !!llotted dog but IIlso the be!!' 'rained animal in' Swarthmore's annual dog ness assoriates of the Ilanna family, .. how 1\10Il.lIlY_ inclu<iitlg' 1)rotuincllt civic and husincss --~-~-- Il'aders oi Chester and of other parts FIDO REIGNS AS THE SWARTHMOREAN of Delaware COllllty. The hody w;u I surrounded by1more than a 1II,I.\ntuk.riel'ld_ HOLDSF_O. U_R_! .__ H _~ .. MID.SUMMER DOG SHOW, heautiful flnral trihult,s, ~~ _~_ Pallhear..:rs wen': \\'alter C, son. of Lansdowne: James A. G First Two Evcnts Given to Cclebrate Close of Dog Quarantines ill 1931 and 1936 Proved: LIBRARY CLOSES TOMORROW This aftnnllon, Friday. Aug­ust 5. frolll 2 until 5 :30 o'dock alld tomorrow 1II0rning, Saturday, frolll fJ :,30 A. ~1. to 12 :30 P. M. will he the last opportunities un­til ~llIl!(lay, August 22, for lIIemhl'rs to withdraw hooks frolll t he Swart hmon' Puhlic Lihrary. III additioll to heing closed each Sat urrlay afternoon durinl-!: July and August thc lihrary will not he opl'n for the lIl'xt t\\'o weeks while ~I rs. Irwin Tsclll'hllll. the lihrarian, is Oil her \'ilcat ion. Camphell and Edward Lupton. Jr., of So I'ollldar Show Was Made an Annual Affair Ch..:st..:r: John Dolman, J r, and Salllllc; f E I . S J. Hallnil. of Swarthmon': Richard 0 ver ncreaslIlg uccess M aSSl'Y. of Philadelphia; Jlerman C, Neuweiler. of Allentown: Charles I., ~I ath..:wson, of Pittshnrgh. and Hay­m011l1 \V, Ralclwin, oi \Villiamsport, Pa. Interment was in Chest..:r Hural Ce III I.' t..:ry , -------.~.~.~----- LOCAL MAN ATTENDS CELEBRATION A. B. Gorman. of Crest lane. was one of the group who Iwlped the Standard Oil Compan)' of Pennsyh'ania celehrate tIll.: tellth anni\'crsary of its inCl'ption in this State on ')'m'sday. August 2. The festi\'ities got ofT to a good start with a hig. all-day party at Springhavcn Country Cluh when' the 150 cong..:nial guests ..:njoYl'd to the fullest all thc pleasures that Springha\'l'n ofTers, A royal halHluet at the Ritz-Carltoll Ho­tel in Philaddphia closed the local rOlllm('morati\'e celehration and left all the participants hoping that the next d..:cade wOllld hl' as auspicious as the last and the next cdehratiun as notc­worthy as this, ------~.~.~.~----- New Magazine Delaware County's oldest weekly paper will greet it s suhscrihl'rs next week as a mllnt h Iy pid lire lIIagazinc devoted l'xc1usive\y to this cOllnty, Its name is the Delaware COllnty Advo­fate. and it has hel'n puhlish..:d sillce IRh8 hy John Spl'ncer, Inc,. oi Chester, Pa. Thc \lurpo~e of t he new magazinc is til ,ummarize in picture iorm the out­~ tandinl-!: en'nts, institutions, industrics, p{'r,onalities amI othl'r aspects oi our ('(\Ullty. The lirsl isslIl' will nmtain, inr l'xallll'll', a ~I\r\"('y oi swimllling fa­(' ilities, the Finnish Tercentenan' Ccle­hration in Chester. Swarthmore< Coun­try \\'l'ck "knic, the R..:storation of John ~Iort()n's Birthplace, the "Ad­\' orate's Photographic Salon," with pic­tUrcs hy Ernest R. Laws. and sevcral ~hort items. Suhscription price of the IIl'W Ad­VOcate is $1.50 a year (12 issu('s) or 15 c~nts a copy at nl'wstands. The maga­ZIIIC Illay also he ohtained din'ct from the puhlishers, John Spenc('r, Inc., 8th & SproUl Streets, Chester, Pa, I Helping- along- thc oM adage that was afraid he'd ne\'er find the tiny mite I ing the 'ug-liest' dog- in the t:ofllngh'l 'e,"ery dog has his da\" and assuring at if he got loosc, , ., Bang," mongrel pct of Virginia Perk-least one such oPJl~lrt\lnity annually ~Ii\ls and Betty Jane JJedgeJll'th. of ins, Cedar lane, doesn't Sl:em to mind i for the local canine Thl: Swarthmorean Cornell a\'enUl', walked ofT with 'hlack- it a hit and in his owner's ahsence i last Monday held what seemed to be cst' honors and the master prizc for dragged Annc Perkills along" to this; the most largely attended of the iour the 'chamllioll-hest all around dog year's show as his chap..:ron while hc I events it has so iar spom;ored. \\'on hy "Bismark," their co*cker span- 'Igain \'i~toriously dden~led his title.' Undau;lted hy scorching w..:ather I iel. Thl: Xewfoundland "Jol:k" \"I~ a1- "Bo," Kerry Bluc tern..:r of Larry lIIany dogs camc half an hour IIdore most as hlack and "Betsy," hlack co*ckel' Drew. P;II'k avenue, so much resemhled' the scheduled hour, 10 :,10 A, .M., and spaniel owned hy Emily Smith, sister. "Bang" that he was just ahout held to, waited on thc rear grouillb oi the Iligh of "Jock's" master, was sccond l:halll- secolld place, i School for the rcgistrar and judges to pion. XUlllher thirteen pro\"cd lucky for i arrive. "Scupper," ~Iardy J ":0111 Croshy's fox "Jiggs," mongrel of Billy Hartman" \Vhen at last l'ach pup had II l'en l.e g- telT.iel'' , oi PI'incetoll av...:nl\l' 'was, thc Dartmouth a\'enUl', and won hilll the ,: I. st..:red amI tagged \\".Ith a,n III l :ntl'f 'I C... I- I 'wllltest dog and Pauhne Deacon s 'cutest' award. "~lacGr..:'""o r," ~Irs, E,:I h:o n numh..:r the dogs h.ned .UI' 11\ 1'\. O llt !I ," Bo.h'" o" i Chestnut ;l\Tnu..: was next Fullerton Cook's tin'."J Ilet, lIIet with of the class sI, gns along the iencc w1i'l1e I. w"ill'tIe's·t ·.. f ()I I' t t r trouhle 011 the trip fro III his homc in ) .) S II 'I' 0\lSY, () IeI' 11\ a\'enue, ra I' - \\'allingiord and almost didn't get to' I ostmast..:r A~tred 1. • ma, l'Y, .\ rs" riel' owned and shown h\' Elizaheth the show in timc to he the seconll J, Passmllrl' l heYIll'Y al~'1 Charles R: I POPl'. was 'fattest' again tl;is Yl:ar and 'cutest.' But since ~I acGregor is an old R~lssell carefully d.etl:r~lIIned the dogs, ~I an- Dickinson's ~I t. J1oh'okl: place standhy and can he counted on to put WIth sUt,rcnle IIecuharlll":s demanded of II . I I . • . I . I . , . .. , >rown e ac Ishund, "Ullla,' was ncar Y 11\ all appeal·anc..: each ycar, h..: was a - Wlllll' ers III the elhHhteen. e1,as, es, as I 'J'I 1> ' I" I I I II Il'S":, Ie lll,es were pretty surc IOWl'd to IIIrst 11\ unreglst..:rcl alII la\'e \Vlllston Roh.:rts. 01 \\-alllut lalle' i of thl' prize c1aimillg it was it cinch last the chance to recei\'e some C01llpeIlSa­was the prll\~c1 l;ustOllian oi "I:"cky,": year and thl'Y knew' they had 'illlpro\'ed' tinn ior the worry oi his unavoidahle h~lgl' JlarlequlII (,reat J);\I~I" wllll',h ~III- i 'Topsy's' figurc sillce thcn. I delay. Douhle the tlsual amount of hooks lIIay he taken ont this \H'l'k and kept ulltil the week the Lihrary rcopens, This ar­rallgem..: nt will permit the is­suance {)i two se\"l.:n-day hooks and iOllr two-week hooks 011 ('aeh adult canl. Although the Lihrary opens on the 22ml the hooks will 1I0t hc ()\'crdue IIl1t il after the Those who wish to rcturll their hooks while the Lihrary is closed lIIay drop them in the hox outside the Lihrary door. President Lccturcs COllncil (hsputedly \\'011 as the largest .tlul l .. ~I ich'\·." thil-t cell years old. owned I .. Dusky," Lois Gray's Vassar a\,clluc :lIIost spollee.\' dog, ".I.uc~y" also ~va~ i hy ~I rs. 'I;. K. t:nlwn. ~li Dickinson a\'e- Irish sl'tler, proved the 'friendliest' can- T. E. J kssenhruch, of Y;IIe avenue, JlJ(lg..:d the hest tl'allll'd dog, th.l.nk I nuc, and exhihited hy Elizaheth Bryant" ine and Elizaheth Pope's "Topsy" was pn'~idellt of Borough Council, gave a goodlll'ss!-()ne look at that lIIasslve!of thl' sallll' street. was the 'olckst' dog'next cordial. lecture on "\\'ater Shed" til Council hound and onl' fcn'elltly prayell h..: was. with Dwcen Lingle's "Pllnch," oi Cor- "Punch" Linglc was the '1llost thor- Illl'lIIh..:rs at \\'edne~day evening's ses-wcll trained, : IIl'II an'nue, (O\'l'r ten). next in Ii lie oi ou~hly lIIongrel' and Ian Chew's slon. '1'111.: generosity oi ~Iartel Ilrothers,i y..:ars. "Skippy" lIl'arly as 'thorough.' \Ve were! ••• wl!o gave in addition to thl' lIIaster I ,"Arllo," \Vils~'n Burkc's UOhl'J"lIIall sorrowiully told :\ deadly rival in this I •. l'r~ze (a nlllll~'1 dog house cOlIIl'ktc tOI Plllscher: of \\ estdalc avenue, al?pa~-Iclass had .to he W1thh,eld fron! the show II Eagles Beat Pirates slllllgled 1'(01) a wholt: caSl' - fortY-ll'nt Iy stili has th..: short est t;\l1 \II he and IllS owner, George l'roehd, of , eight .cans of d(lg food, ":lIahll'd the in-I Swa.rtlllnO!·I' hut (we hatl' 10 h;~\'l~ h~ Swa.rlhlllore avelluc, .. had anxiollsly I . ~;~llIes on Frida)~, all~'. .~lolI(l:IY were I\{~\"allon of, awanls for secolIII. place I c(~nhde !hls) he mllst ha\'e let ,I,I1J~ISl'I", aW:\Itl'd, after he was. I\lJl~red 1;lst week. ~:lII:c:1 (I~~t. O~I }\. {(~ncs(~.I: 1~lght the thiS year. I'.ach rUIIIIl'r-up reCel\T" <lishp durlllg tlw past Yl';I\' illr \)lIIa. "llccI"r," Nallcy ~lcC{\rdys dachs_ll.agles .. th,e Ilr.ltc, h) .1 Sl:ore of 5 consolation can of the f01H1. I the dachshund, rep);\cl'd him as tl1l' hunc!. oi O,L:dl'n an'lIl1l', don lied the: I~I I. SIIIt'e neither ~ealll had. a t'ollllllete Kext til "1.l1ck)' ," "Jock," .I illlmy ,'III"~t ari~l( ItTat ic.' The tail (li I an: '111( "t iorlorn' I<lok and sllrl'as~l',1 e\'cn! 1!llc 11.1', 11~{'lIIh{'.'·~ 01 th~ J 1111101' Ilortll'h SlIIith'~ :\~'\\'iollll:\Ial1ll, (\~ Park ;1.\'C-iChl'w's "~~i"\IY," oi l{lItgcrs an'lIlIl'.!"I)."I"," Bill'bara ,Kent> dachshl~I\(I, of hl\ed I,n. 1,"I~Il"."~Ir t~e wlI\~ll'rs WCI'C Sl'Or­lIue, was largl'st: anll (,(lnloll I,ICI'-! was so oh\"l(\lIsly lIot thl'rt' that he was I Ri\'cl"\'icw roael. 111 thiS expressIon so ~I h) Sp.llllel (_), 1~lchanbon (1), mall> Chl'~;,I\leake Bay rl'trie\'er, "Bob," j secnl,lIl :sh(~rtest tailed.' \ \. ~~ren . n~r- \\'l'\1 assullled hy thc p~rt icular breed, Scott ,( I >:. ~!l)(:~ (I). 1',a~nsl,law SCOI'~(~ of :-;ollth Chester road, was n..:arly as nard s l',nghsh seller, "Duke. of LlllolIl lall Chew, Gordon Blel"lnan and Bar- for the IO~lI\h tc.lln, llamh) had two IlIt~ well trailled as the Great Dane. a\TIIUe, was secolld 'most aristocratir.' hal'a Kent left thc show bciore rcceiv- for the wmner. "Samho," twenty-day-old part fox ." Patsy," setter hclonging to Ann ing" their dog's prizcs so the thrc..: scc- Two fi,!lc fielding \llays wcre made by terrier puppy of Bill Mitchell, North Cochran, of Kenyon avenue, had sufli- ond awards their pcts won await them al: unasslstcd douhlc play hy Da\'is and Chcster road, was closely followed by ciCllt feminine pulchritude to capture at The Swarthmorean office. a put out at second hy Hamhy, Kaufman "Inky," Xancy Hoot's two-month-old first prize in thc 'prettiest' class. Thc ~Iell\hers of the Swarthmore Nursery and Costello also played good gamcs, co*ckcr spaniel, of Lafaycttc alld Princc- I Hedgepeth's spaniel. "Bismark," was School were interest cd \"isitors at thc The I.e".gue now sta.l1ds Junior Hor­tOil a\'enues, for the awards of 'smallcst' ! tIll.: Adonis of the show. show, inslstlllg 011 hringiug their ncts 3:2. l'.agles 2-2" Pirates 2-3. Eagles and 'youngest' in the show, "Sambo's"! There lIIust he a great deal of satis- friend, "Ruffie," ~Irs. G. \Vills Brod- alld Plrat~s play agam on Friday night. tender age rated him a ride in ~ basket; iaction ill .. h?I(~ing a ~it~e ~ear after I h('ad's part shepherd and seller mutt, The JUllIor Hornets play away from from class to class, or maybe IllS owner; year evell It It IS the dlstmctlOn of be- I Colltinued on Page Four) home,

---------- Page 3 ----------

Dorothy Effing to Wed Here Tomorrow Owl's Head Harbor. Vergennes, Vt. They eXI)ect to return Tuesday, August 23. · ... Mr. and Mrs. G. 1'. Tucker, of Wash- THE· SWARTHMOREAN Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Boyd:"" turned Sunday to their home on Park avenue after spending ten days in Ocean City, N. J. WiD Marry Dahl Jenldrul Kurtzhalz Home on Park Avenue a' ingtoll, D. C., is arriving this week to be the house guest of h\!r son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hornaday, of Dickinson avenue. Mrs. Boyd lelt yesterday with. Mrs. Wesley N. Clifford, of South Chester road. to spend several weeks in Asbury Park, N. J. * * * The marriage of Miss Dorothy E. Mrs. Larry C•o n*o v*er and her two Effing, of Park avellue, to Mr. Dahl children. Barbara and Jimmie, of Mot­G. Jenkins, of Park avenue, son of Dr. inc, III., arrived last Monday, August Newton H. Jenkins, of Wilkes-Barre, If to spend some time with Mrs. Con­will be performed at 11 o'clock tomof- over's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. row morning, Saturday, August 6, in and Mrs. A. P. Harrington. of Ogden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles avenue. Mrs. Vernon M. Parry, of Beaumont, Texas, formerly of South Chester road. Swarthmore, entertained at tea recent­ly. Her home was attractively decor .. ated with garden flowers. Among the guests were Mrs. Joseph K. McLean, Mrs. Fred Bowers and daughter, Miss Harriet Pew, of Berkeley, Cal., cousins of Mrs. Clarence Worst, of Swarth­more, who are the house guests of Mrs. R. W. Pack, of Beaumont. Mrs. Pack presided at the tea table. Other guests included Miss Louise Langford, of New York City; Mrs. George Fulton, sister­in- law pf hi rs. R. Chester Spencer, of Swarthmore; Mrs. Ben Woodhead, cousin of Mrs. A. Robb Cochran, of Swarthmore j and Mrs. Harry Keedy, daughter of Mrs. Howard E. Young, of Swarthmore. Kurtzhalz, '114 Park avenue. The cerc- ... * mony will be performed by the Rev. Mrs. J. Donald Gibson, of Hillborn George Gilbert, retired minister, of avenue, entertained hfrs. Robert G. Rutledge, an uncle of the bridegroom. Holland, Jr., of Idlewild, Mrs. Robert Miss Effing, who will be unattended, D. Taylor and Mrs. Robert Applegate, will be given in marriage by Mr. Kurtz- hoth of Lansdowne, at luncheon last halz. Mr. Barton \V. Rope, of Park \Vednesday, August 3. avenue, brother-in-law of the bride, * * * will act as best man. Mr. and Mrs. WiIJiam S. Hobbs and The bride will wear all ensemble of children, Milton, Charlotte, June and whitc crepe with white shoes an d mat. . Laura, of Park avenue, spent last ching off-the-face hat. Her corsage will week-cnd· in AnnapoJis, Md., with Mr. be of orchids and lilies of the valley. Hobbs' brother and family, Mr. alid Mr. Jenkin's cousin, Miss Mary Lou Mrs. Elmer E. Hobbs .. Miltc;m remained Gilbert, of Rutledge, will reuder the to spend two weeks WIth hIS uncle and Mr. and Mrs. Parry are leaving Beaumont this week for Philadelphia to spend some time before going to Toledo, Ohio. Lohengrin \Vedding March on the pi- aunt. ana. • * • Following a reception at the home Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins will leave on a week's wedding trip. They will be at home after September 1 in their apart­ment at 120 Park avenuc. AI r. J enkills graduated from the Uni .. versity of Scranton this junc and will work for his lUaster~s degree at the Uni­versity of Pennsylvania next winter. * * • \Vonl has been received of the O1a;- riagc of ·Miss Henrietta J. \Vebcr, of Lansdowne, teacher of the sixth grade College a\'cnue school, to Edward Gott­loh Manual, of California, all April 16 in Philadelphia. Mrs. Manual will con­tinue her duties under the Swarth­more School System. • •• Mr. and AI rs. Irwin L. Tschebull, of the Harvard Anllcx, leavc Saturday afternoon to spend a week visiting Mrs. 'fschebull's parcnts, Mr. and l\.irs. L. B. Johnson, of North Wales, Pa. The following week they will spend with her aunt, :Miss Carolyn Rorer, of Ava­lOll, N. ]. * * * 1\.1 rs. Sergc Alexander Korff, of North Chester road, has returned from the Columbia Hospital, Washington, D. C., where her baby daughter, Alex­andra, was born on July 12, and has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Joseph \V. Graeme, of \Vashington. The three will spend August at Gibson Island, Md. where they will be joined by Dr. Korff, of the Bartol Foundation, later in the month. • • • Mrs. George C. Abbe, of Dickinson avenue, returned home Monday after a month's recuperation in Ocean City, N. J. fo1lowing a major operation per­formed in the PresIJyterian Hospital, Philadelphia. • • • Miss Rosamond L. Jones, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Jones, of Yale ave­nue, returned home last Sunday, July 31. from Camp Ponemah, Kent, Conn., where she spent the month of July. • • • Ann Gorman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gorman, of Crest lane, left Thursday, july 28, for Camp Dark Wa­ters, ~Jcdford, N. J., where she will spend the month or August. • •• 1\1 iss Lillian Hewes, who teaches at the Rutgers avenue school, is touring Virginia. She plans to stop at \Villiams­burg, J amestowll and other historic places of interest. .' * * Mr. and Mrs. Earle P. Yerkes and daughter, Virginia, of South Princeton avenue, will leave tomorrow hy train for St. Louis, Mo. to take all express for Mexico City where they will stay for ten days. Returning by train 10 Vera Cruz and sailing from there tD New York, stopping for a day in Hav­ana, Cuha, they expect to arrive home about August 25. • • • 11 r. and ~I rs. Rohert Abbe, of Park a\'enue, arc spending the summer with Mrs. Abbe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry \Voodward, of Fairview, Pa. • •• Dr. J. Albright Jones and family, of Swarthmore avenue and Cedar lane are leaving today for a vacation ai • I I Starting FrIday Vietor McLaglen In "We're Going to be Rich" with BRIAN DONLEVY-GRACIE FIELDS hi r, and Mrs. J. Donald Gibson, of Hillborn avenue, spent last week-end motoring down the Skyline Drive, through the Shenandoah Valley in Vir­giJlia and into North Carolina. * * * Miss Eleanor G. Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j. Russell Hayesj of Elm avenue, has completed her work at the summer school of the Cambridge (Mass.) School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, an affiliated graduate school of Smith College. * * * Patricia Paul has returned to her home 011 mm avenue after spending a month at the Lake Greeley Camps, Greeley, Pa., where her mother, Mrs. Dorothy Paul, and sister, Joan, will re­main until August 31. hi r. and Mrs•. H*. *S heldon Kitchel removed this week from the Elm Apart­ments, 1 Park avenue, into the former \Valters apartment in the Harvard Annex, 209 Rutgers ave·nue.. ... Their SOil, Richard, who has been at­tending Texas Country Day School, will accompany them and their daugh .. ter, Barby Lou, who is visiting her aunt. Mrs. john G. Butterworth, of Evanston, Ill., will join the Parrys in Philadelphia. * * • Mrs. Paul Perry and son, Paul, of Pittsburgh, were the guests of Mrs. Martha R. Blessing and son, George, of Elm avenue, at Ocean City, N. J. last week. * • • Mr. and Mrs. A. G. McVay, of North Chester road, are spending their vaca­tion in Ocean City, N. j. Their son, Jackie, is staying with his grandpar­ents, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt A. Hills, of Elm avenue. • * * Mr. j. Walter Thompson, of Park avenue, spent last week-end at Camp Delmont, the Boy Scout camp at Green Lane, Pa. * * • }'I rs. A. H. Marsh has gone to Balti-more, Md. 10 live after spending a nl0nlh visiting her son and daughter­in- law, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Marsh, Jr .. of University place. • * * Dr. and Mrs. Arno Viehoever, of Rut­gers avenue, with their son, Kent, left Wednesday to spend the rest of the week on Long Island, N. Y. They made the journey by moto,r. Their son, Arnold,who recently visited D~. and Mrs. George Armitage and a former Swarthmore College chum, .f~m~ly, o~"SOU~I.l ~.h5st~r :~~~~, .. l.~.!~ !~s! .Rrank .. ::the .JaU-crfs---hlxne Saturday, July 31, to spend the month at Mt. Vernon, N. Y. and later spent of August at Lakewood, Skowhegan, a nionth with 'him at Lake Placid, Me., where they have taken a cottage. starred on his new position with the 'I A \'1 p. t* * f R t Philip J. Ritter Canning Company, l\ rs. - . res on, 0 u gers ave- B 'd N J I k mle, is spending the month of August n geton, . ., ast wee . at Griscom Hall•, B*u c•k Hill Falls, Pa. * • * Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Dorden, of ~lrs. George L. 'rone and SOIl, Tom- South Princeton avenue, had as their my. of Wallingford Hills, left 'ruesday guests last week-end Mr. and Mrs. August 2, to spend the month of Aug- James Pullar, of Old Lyme, Conn. Mr. ust with Mrs. Tone's parents, Dr. and and Mrs. Borden and daughter, Dor­M:- s. Max Hootman, of Washington, othy, witl leave next Tuesday for a two Pa. Mr. 'rone will join his family Sat- weeks' vacation at Newfound Lake, N. urday, August 13, ~or two weeks. H. and Cedar Tree Point, R. I. Mrs. Florence* M•. •T empic, of Park Mrs. Borden's parents, Mr. and Mrs. avenue, left Tuesday to spcnd a month Frank E. Curran, of St. Petersburg, visiting Mrs. Arthur Lougee at Frye­burg, .Me. • * • DOUBLE WOVEN SEATS For Ruslie Chairs and 'Caning Mr. ]. D~yton Gibson, of \Vaterbury, Inexpensively and Expertly Done Conn., arrives today to he the week- THOMAS HARPER end gucst of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A J. Donald Gibson, of Iiillborn avenue. 221 Lincoln ve., FoJsom • • • Tel. Sw, 2070 Mrs. R. G. Severance, of Buffalo, N.I----------------­Y., accompanied her hrother and sis­ter- ill-law, Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam E. Danforth, of Cornell avenue, home f~01l1 their Canadian trip last Monday IIIght, August I, and will be their guest for a few days. Mrs. Danforth gave a small tea yesterday afternoon in I hall or of Mrs. Severance. MEDIA Friday - Saturday LUISERAINER as the "TOY WIFE" with Melvyn Douqlas-Robert Younq FIRST RUN NEWS Sunday ''LITTLE MISS THOROUGHBRED" with John Utel-Ann Sheridan Frank McHuqh-Janet Chapman Monday - Tuesday JESSIE MATTHEWS in "SAILING ALONG" with Roland Younq-Jack Wbilinll IIII1111111111111111111 "coV ACCIDENTS usually happen so quickly the victim doesn't know what struck him. lETNA-IZE A Personal Accident Policy. wti."", by the Altna Life l ......... ceCOmpany or Hartford, Conn.t win give you 6uanda1 pratectio .. ogoimttbe=-­pei I II PETER E. TOLD Insurance 111..1 " 1 -.••. "'- rFJa.,. \whQ arc spending from May· to October with the Bordens, left last week by motor for Montreal and Que· bee, Canada, to take the thousand mile cruise up the Saguenay and St. Law­rence Rivers. * * • Mrs. Richard D. Scales will leave to­day for Boston, Mass. leaving her young son, John Kent Scale~, with her mother, Mrs. Arthur W. Kent, of Elm avenue, for several weeks. AUGUST S, 1938 . }.ames Dryden, .of Dartmouth ave­nue, spent the wt;:ek-end with George H. Troxell, Jr., also of .Dartmouth ave .. nue, ilt the Troxell cabin, uYixin,'" ilt Lcnapc. • I • BirIh Mr. and Mrs. William Knetsche, of Princeton and Lafayette avenues, are being congratulated on the birth of a son Monday. in the Lying-In Hospital, Philadelphia: The Open Road Is Calling ANSWER THE CALL WITH A CAR EQUIPPED WITH fire.t.a. TIRES Don't miss out on the fun that can he yours with a car ready to go at a moment's notice. Avoid disap­pointment and delay - make certain your car IS in perfect condition. Drive it in today and have it RUSSELUZED RUSSELL'S Tirt.font SERVICE Dartmouth and Lafayette Avenues Phone 440 'UWe' Don',' Sell 'Ca'rs:':"::' We S~rv;ce ·Tht;~;;· .. '''''' ."." 25 Acres About 12 Minutes From Swarthmore I have been in the Real Estate business over 20 yean and have a mosl unutlual l,rOI,crt,.. to offer the buying public. Usually when you buy ~ll the eOlllltry it is necessary 10 purchase from 50 to 100 acres in order to have privacy and insure against anything undesirable thai might be built nearby. The llrOpert,. I have to offer is 25.4 aues. The lopogral.hy of the ground is such that it insures againsl any undesirable building, although the section, in DIy judl'ment, is one of the besl in Delaware County. This ground is on a high knoll approximately 100 feet above Crum Creek Road, overlooking Spring .. field reservoir, is heavily wooded with old forest trees principally oak, beech, poplar and pine. It has onc of the best quarries suitable for residential building in Delaware County. Has streams and one you would almost call a creek. There is also a macadam driveway of rock base, well constructed, over 700 feet in length. This is most unusual in view of the fact that Q house has never been built on the properly. The price is considerably under the market for properties which were sold in that vicinity within Ihe last year. The last sale was to a loe!ll Media allorney - five aerctl, '8000 or 81600 per acre. Olher properties have sold for 11200. '1400 and 11600 per acre. Anyone who is interested in this tYllC of Real El!ltote should DIake an inspec­lion of the properly before making a decision. WILLIAM ALLEN BROWN, Jr. 739 Yale Avenne Swarthmore 904 THE SWARTHMORE BUILDING ASSOCIATION mature.1 its 56th series in July with the 142ml payment uf .rues. The following letter of appreciation i. a sample of several received: "In dosing this 8eries of I.ayments I should like to add a note of apI.reeiation for tbe evidently very sound l.olicy that tbe Association bas been pursuing. Consid· ering that tbe period over which I have made these IJRymenls bas been 80 largely one of depression, the investment has been amazingly good, We are indebted to it, among other things, for an excellent Swarthmore house." AUGUST 1938 . THE ·SWARTHMOBEAN PUllLIBIIED BVBBY PBIDAY AT IWABTIIIlOUo 1'4. - PETER E. TOLD B4lIor ROSAUE DRYDEN· ,N.,~t . Pho"'8~re'" I Entered AI second CIau 1iaueI-,. .J'&D1IU7 z.t. 1m. at the Post Otllce .q 8wart.lua.ore. ft., UDIIer tlte Act of ~cb 3z..1I71. t'RIDAY. AUGUST S, 1938 Thank. Boro For Picnic The following lctter of appreciation has just been received by the Swarth­more Country W cek Picnic Association from 'rhe Children's Country \Veek As­sociation of Philadelphia after the July Z7 aunua: picnic here: "Because we w'!re taught to say "Thank you," \ ... ·e arc doing it, but not because of training alone, for it is a pleasure to try to put into words the many expressions of thanks that we heard on Wednesday. I am sure that you and your many wilting co-workers, needed nothing but the smiling, happy faces of your guests to reward you for the many hours of preparation for the big day. Swarthmore may weB be proud of her citizens, who contribute so much to make a joyous day in God's Great Out of Doors for these underprivileged, and we of Country Week are happy to share with you, some of that day. With kind personal regards and our sincerest thanks, I am Very sincerely, MAY MACKIE ALLEN, (Mrs. Ernest T. Allen), Recording Secretary." The local committee is also grateful for the annual contribution Mrs. Philip Marot who potted two hun· dred plants for the mothers to home from the picnic. • I • Trinity Parish .Notes V,THE SWART_OREB IF EY~RY ONE .. .. . I : , .' If ev.ery one who drives a car c;!ould lie a month tn ueC1; : With broken bones ami stitched-up wounds, or fractures of the hekd And here endure t.he, agonies tl1a" many people do.' ' They'd never need p.reach sa.f ety any rD.a,:re .!o:- me or you. . If everyone could stand besid~ the bed of some close friend, And hea! the doctor say "no hopes" before that fatal end, And see him there unconscious, never knowing what took piace, The laws and rules of traffic I am sure we'd soon embrace. If everyone could meet the wife and children left behind And step into the darkened home where once the sunli~ht shined, And look upon "the. vacant chair" where Daddy used to sit, I'm sure each reckless driver would be forced to think a bit. If e\'ery one would realize pedestrians on the street H~ve }ust a.s ~uch !.,ne those upo~ the seat, An~ tram their eyes for children who ·run recklessly at play, This steady toll of human lives would drop from day to day. If every ·one would check his car before he takes a.trip, . ~or worn-out. tires, loose steering wheels, and brakes that fail to grip, And pay attention to his lights while driving roads at night, Another score for safety could be chalked up in the fight. If every oue who ~rives a car would heed the danger signs; Placed by the highway engineers who also marked the lines To keep t!le traffic in the lane and give it proper space, The aCCidents we read about could not have taken' place. And last, if he who takes the wheel would say a little prayer, And keep in mind those in the car depended on his care, . And make a vow and pledge himself to never take a chance, 'rhe great crusade for safety then would suddenly advance. From Engineering Magazine of Pasadena Junior College C. E. WIESER, D.D.S. Republished from July Exide·lronclad Topics. of My Life; Lingbergh, We ; Story of San Michele; Pupin, From migrant to Inventor; Roosevelt, LeUe'rs I to His Children; Thomas, Count nor, Sea Devil. (Colftilfued next u .. ek) SHERIFF SALES Sheriff'a Ollh.-e. Court House. XetUa. Penna. . Frida)'. August 26. 1038 8 :30 A. M. Eutem Slandanl TIme C~'.dl'"o,!,. ~""" . uo eallh or ('CrUDed check I ~;I~"'iO.";';ni·)~·i (unle88 otherwise alaled In f' balance In ten d1i78. Olber con· of sale. JOBeI)b Pu8hka. mortgagor. and DofOlb7 W1e-e .... real owner. Levari Facias No: 129 June Ternl 1938: debt '1497.82. bOllae and lot Iituate 011 the ,northeasterl,. side of Congreu Avenue 525 feet southeaet from tbe BOutheast. .Ide of Gl't'enhlll Road. Township 01 Upper Darby. bO feet on Congrep Avenue' b), 126 feet dee". being No. 317 CODJr]'e8li Avenue. Im.,tovemenl8 consist of two slor), Btone and BtU('(.'Q houlle. 36136 feeL porch front: Iwo 8101')' stuC(!O addition 12::.:8 feet..: frame garage. l!!x~n feet. WM. K. RHODES. AUomer. Le"ari Facias No.238 June Term. 1938 All that certain lot or pie<.'C o! Kl'ound with the meS8uaIfC or tenement thereon erected. situate 011 the west aide of Wellln!rtoll road at the distan<.'e of two hundred and seventy­Ih'c feet north""ard from the .north side of Walnut street. in the Township of Upper Darbf'. Count,)' of Delaware. and State of PeIIllI.l),lvanla. Containing in fronl. or breadth un the said Welllng:ton road twenty·five fee' and cxtendlng of that width in length or delllh wl'stwa .... t between parallcl IInos at rjgbt. angle8 to the said WeUington road 86"eIl17 feet 10 the middle of a certain ten feet. wide prj. "ale drh'eway ezlendlnlr northward into San. trtrect and southward into Walnut street. Methodist Church Notes and !Subject. however. to certain Next Wednesday, "Arms and the Ib,oIld"'-' reslrictions as therein mentioned. Rear Admiral j. Duncan MacNair be the vacation preacher next Sun­morning, August 7, at 11 o'clock. Admiral MacNair is a chaplain the United States Army. I I I Christian Science Church Man" will be the bill, with Dudley Together with the free use, rit:ht. liber17 Vaughan, Ferd Nofer and Harrv Bol- and PljviIege of the aforesaid priVate drive- ~ wa)' a8 and for a pa8llageway and driveway laver. at all HOWB hereafter forever. in (''Ommon Thursday, "You Never Can Tell" will with tbe owners. lenants and occupiers of the olher Iota of gTOund bOUnding thereon and be given its last performance of this having the U8C tbereof. or to any other prop. year. to the west thereof to whIch tbe use of On Friday, "Too True To Be Good", ~~e:~la~!;,. be extended by tho aal.d first produced at Hedgerow on the au-thor's birthday last year, will be played Being- No. 100 Wellington road. "Spirit" is the subject of the Lesson- with a cast including Cele McLaughlin, Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Sci- Ferd Nofer, Mary Esherick, Harry enlist, on Sunday, August 7. The Gold- Sheppard and Frank Kelly. Improvement!! conslat 01 two stOI')" stone. block nnd tltueco houoo. !!lx3D feet; frame addilion. 12x3 feet; one slOt')' frame addition. DxU leet; garage aUaclled., ~n Text is: "The frui~ of the Spirit is Saturday the ever popular "Saint 10.1[20 feet_ . • ."Iv I 111 all goodness and righteousness and joan" will see Catherine Risser Mi-On Sunday there will be au truth" (Ephesians 5 :9). chael Stuart and Jasper Deeter' celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock as weU as the later celebra­tion at 11 o'clock. The rector, who has just returned 'from his vacation, witt be at both services and will preach at 11 o'clock. Sold as the property of Katherine Luekel lind Ellzabelh Lucke). DlortgagOrs nnd erine Lucke!. rcal owner. Albert J. Ruppel, who has had charge of the music for the past seven weeks, • , will end his summer work in the par­ish on Sunday. Plans for the Church School arc pro­' grcssing. Wh'i1e iiI Nova Scotia the , Rev.' J. j. GUenther secured copies of interesting material from the Canadian Board of Religious Education. • • Presbyterian Cburch Notes • I • . I the cast in the last performance of the Shaw Festival Enters Final Week festival. WH, K. RHODES. Attorney. Next Monday starts the fourth and last week of the Hedgerow Theatre's Fifth Annual Shaw Festival. .Five the six Shavian plays appearing in the ••• H. S. READING. J[~nrl~,A~"'."j~~"':.jPriI..: ~iLc.e .A .m..l.g. rL .• eva.n dF a.S tNraot.f o7r3d JuEnno· '11.000.00. BOOKSINUBRARY House and Jot Nether Providence Twp .• Del. festival are scheduled for that "'W::~f I1Iun(irloos "Candida" heinii" the o~ly play "'Recoln'infinded'''· 'For Co .. Po .• on s. "". of Pin. Rid •• Road 1144.28' mCllaured N. and E. a10ng the 8. Line of Pine Rid&'\l Rd. fr(tm Ua intersection with tho Phil • II Garrotllord St. Rwy •. Co., 1hencc· eztendlng' : alonl! !tne of lot No. l:!!U S. 7- 10' 20" E. 110.05; thence N. 75° 2' 50" east 61.62' to a point IJI line 01 lot No. 127 thence ex. tending along aaid line ot lot No. 127 on said f1~an N. ~ •. 37' west 107.97' to Ibe S. ad. of itted. Summer Perusal Given, With Monday and Tuesday "The Simpleton Latest Additions the Unexpected Isles," the Valley Theatre's latest play. added to the repertory on the .playwright's eighty-second birthday, july 26, wilt be given perfurmances. "The Simple­ton" was written in 1934 and had its The Swarthmore High School :su:m-IPmc RidJre Rd. S. 85° 23' weal. 42.0'; Ihence mer Reading list material is available w. along curved line of Pine Ridge Rd. 32~' ISh b tf! beginning. Being lot No. 128 on plan of t Ie wart more Pu lie Library and Pine Ridge. Improvements cOllsist of: two and books may be found in the proper places one·half 8tOl")' stucco house. !!5x3.J feet: porch among the titles assi""ned to the various lrollt; one ator), addilion. 20x20 feet: Sunday morning, August 7 at 11 first American production by the The-o'clock thc guest preacher will' be atre Guild in 1935. b stu(.(.'O garage. 10x23 feet. grades for summer reading. The complete list of hooks as it stood last year is E. LEROY van RODEN. AttornC)', Rev. Dr. Frederick W. l .. oetschu, pro. It has become custom to celebrate fessor of Church History in Princeton Shaw~s birthday with the addition of follows:- WILLIAM W. McKIM. Sherif(. "I I«'ou'd hape been eho.ell lor /ir.. pri"" had my /olk. hept me in {trlt cia .. f!ondi­tiOIl by /eeding me Marlel'. Dog Ratiom." FOLKS! When You Feed Your Doq -Be Sure You Aetually Feed Him. MARTEL DOG FOOD -is Supercharqed With Real Food Values and Vitamins. 6 Cans 49c Martel's Special Dog Ration is good, plain, wholesome food, scientUically prepared. Meat food products - with carrots, salmon, bone meal, cereals, and codliver oil in every tin. No cheap fillers or meat ounce substitutes - every is supercharged with real food value - they eat it wi th keen appetites and thrive on it. For their general well-being - feed them Mar­tel Doq Food. • Martel's Befler Food lor Ihc Kenncl Swartbmore 2100 .• , ' . ~. . I . ~TI-II: LINI:N SI-lOP~~ Theological Seminary. Dr. Loctscher is one of his plays to the theatre's al- Bullen, Cruise of the Cachelo; a graduate of Princeton U •• ivm,ih,.lready large repertory of 127 plays. The las, Magnificent Obession; Princeton Seminary and has had birthday play comes as a highlight Company;. Harte, Luck uate study at the Universities of annual festival. Camp; Hilton, Goodby, Mr. lin and Strassburg in Germany. He was Over four years ago Hedgerow james, Smoky; London, Call of the wild:! pastor of the Oxford Presbyterian planned its first festival aile week in and Cruise of the Shark; Church in Philadelphia for some years duration. Due to quick national re- Heart of a Dog. and left to become professor of Hom. llOWI1 and demand for seats, it Biography: ilectics and later, Church History in to two weeks the second year, .h,,,,.1 Artiss, Up the Years from Princeton Seminary. Dr. Loetscher has the third, and last year it effi- bury; Bok, Americanization of the Ph.D. degree from Princeton Uni- to four full weeks, which policy Bok; .Garland, Son of the Middle versity, the D.D. degree from Lafayette the theatre decided to continue for the der:. Grenfell, Labrador Doctor; College and LL.D. fro111 the University present festival. KrUlf, Hunger. Fighters; Keller, S',nnd of ,Dubuque. Past Hedgerow "firsts" on the au- Raymond Yeakel of Philadelphia will thor's birthday' have been "Saint Joan", be thc organist eluring the vacation of 1934; "Doctor's Dilemma", 1935; "Get· BCl1janlili L. Kneedler. ting Married", 1936. Many of the same ===================== actors not only portray the same roles CHURCH NEWS they did at the first festival, four years 'i\jiAiiITm;iOiiUi"piiiSii:n'Eimii=rniiUiiC~ I ago, but the same roles they did when .., the plays were first l)roduced and added Rev. Davlo1 Braun, Mlnlater to Hedgerow's repertory-some fifteen SUNDAY ;'~:;OO~A~.~eMri~c.k~ ~wM.~ o~m~ln~'~~a~~r~:: I::~T;:h:e ppalsaty.s offered in the festival rep- Theological Seminary, resent the author's writing from his TRINITY CHURCH earliest, which was "Candida", to his Protestant EpisCOpal the Hedgerow~s latest, "The Sim- Chester Road and College Avenue picton." Qev. J. Jarden Guenther, S.T..M.. F SUNDAY riends of the theatre, and of Shaw 8:00 A.M.-HOlY Communion. particular, havc come from all parts 11:00 A. Y.-Holy Communion and Ber.. the country to see Hedgerow's pro-m~. Guenther will preach.. duction of his works. Nightly, the the­atre's parking lot houses cars 'With ClMarEenTcHe OFD. IST EPISCOPAL CH1JRCH license plates from ten 10 fifteen states carter. A.B., B.D., J41DJster ' SUNDAY which alone tells the story of the fes .. ~11~::0O0O ~AA~.. ~ ~~~~~~~~;;;-FiiiEi;ms tival's growing national importance. 'I'HE RELIGIOUS BOCmrY OF 11:00 A. M. - Mee~::D~; Worship in HARVARD Meeting House. .:30 A.M. :~~~~-SeWIng and TEA ROOM ~UlU ltlng In WhIttter House. Box lunche.m. Harvard & RUlgel'll Avenue are cordially invited. PIIIsT CHURcH OF CHBIST, SCIENTIST, Dinner OF SWAB'l'lDlORB ..... It Avenue below Harvanl Break/aal-Lu1I(!heon For Reservations Phone Mr. Lippincott Swarthmore 149 Towing Repairing We guarantee our work­so it has to be A·I. Our men are trained and our equip. ment modern. When some­tbing goes wrong - in town or on the road - a call to 1250 will bring our welcome tow truck to you. HANNUM AND WAITE Chry.ler - Plymouth Yale Ave. & Chester Rd. Swarthmore ·1250 "House 0/ DistinctilJe Linens" SPECIAL ADVANCE SALE FINE FLORAL SATEEN DOWN FILLED COMFORTS ~~-. Colors to select from-Blue, Green, $6.95 Gold, Peach. Brown and Orchid Price $10,50 eacb 1-1. T. Patterson 1318 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA Est. 1908 -.Ph. PEN. 0694 QUICK KILLING POWDER For Ants, Roaches, Fleas and Other Insects N. WALTER SUPLEE Sonth Chester Road Phone 105 J .. E. UMEBURNER CO. Dispensing Opticians Experts in the Makiug and Fitting of Spectacles and Eye Glasses 1923 Chestnut Street 6913 Market Street • • • • Philadelphia Upper Darby, Pa. JOSEPH E. HAINEs Pre.idem

---------- Page 4 ----------

, 'TB. It". ABTBMOat:AN Iiams-were the only bright spots lor "ORNETS TAKEN Vaeadonb181 OVER AGAIN the local.. ' • Next week the season will close wIth , h Th rsda 'Don't forget you can ave games on both Tuesday and u or your copy of The SwarthmN'ean nights at the CoI!ege field. ~s.slngton ana , sent to you during your vaca- Sun ViD.e Shut-out I.otlals July Prospect Park will be the vJ~Jtor •. !fow- tion no matter where you plan 26, W --ter Troun---' Them ever, there is unfini.hed busmess to !he , • The ' no extra .aA:1!I ~ ext\!nt of three postponed games which to spend It. re 15 OR 28th Th d t f th se charge for postage anywhere should be played off, e a es 0 e w'lthin the United States and Two shut·out de f eats, 1. 5 the ree ord of games will be annoI unced when arranged. h h I • but a slight expense to ave t e the Hornets for the past week. They l~st MEN'S SINGlES paper sent outside the country. a pitchers' battle to the league·leading Many subscribers are now en- Sun Villagers on. t~~ ColI~ge field, Tues- SCORES GIVEN joying the p.leasure ~I r~ading day. when the V1S!tut~ p~tcher socked !\ about their fnends while sOJourn-home run in the third mmng for the only illg in parts more or less at a score of the game. ' Doubles Tournament For Men distance. You, too, may have Gruhler pitched well. and held the opo to Start in Near The Swarthmo,..,aa .ent for auy posing team to seven htts, struck out four F t number of weeks you desire. Just and gave three bases on balls. The Hor- u ore telephone Swarthmore 900 or ncts garnered only threc1lhind lS, by yituU;, Why leave Swarthmore for the sum- drop a post card in the mail ad- Henderson and Dingle e erson 5 wa - •. t dd lop was good for three 'bases but his team- mer when you cGa? lenTJO y e.verCy vatrte Y vising your new a ress. I I h to of sport at the Jr s eonts our s on l __ ,_.:... __________ _ mates could not deve o~, tIe P13nc HUNTING for lost bring him home The other offenSIve ges- College avenue. . • t' tcures by thde H~trnlets bWaersee baysa~i~gfi~e by ~~~~I;ci":!:~~l~~n ~~le fi::p1::c~~~: heney an a s 0 en . TENNIS From the Hornet viewpoint, the less yes, and even , said about last Thursday's game the bet- An average of forty peo~fe a day F · I re' Lester 10 Hornets O. have taken advantage of thiS unusual Ttehr.e HlOoar neste oh it " column was blank also offer. A III'g h a f 68 peop.l e played on LOCAL BOYS ENJOY IJFE AT CAMP DELMONT The 12 boys from Swarthmore who went to Camp Delmont, Green Lane, Sunday afternoon, july 24, for two weeks with Scoutmaster A. H. Van Fido Reigns at 4th Annual Show (Colli_cui /rom PQ{I. 0"18) 01 Swarthmore avenue. Although he didn't come through with a prize uRuffieu and the children had a ,!ood time and contributed much to the show. A can of dog food was given tiLou," black mongrel of Mary Gary, Yale ave­nue, who bravely accompanied his mis­tress to the show in spite of a well bandaged foreleg smashed by an auto­mobile. This and some of the dog bis­cuits which were' served as refresh­ments probably formed a bright spot in the day of the invalid. An intertE-ting observation is re­ported by Postmaster Smalley. Two 10· cal mail carriers were bittcl! by dogs Monday afternoon and another Tues· day morning on their routes. An inves­tigation revealed none of the offending canines had been present at the show. Finding this out the mail carriers easily understand why the three were disgruntled. A,UGUST 5, 1938 At Fort' , Lieutenant John M, Jackson, o! rark avenue, is on~ of the twenty-one Dela­ware Count~ officers 01 the 316th In­fantry, Organized Reserves. who have been ordered Ito Ft. George G, Meade, Md. for two Vleeks active duty training with their Regiment, ,July 31 to August 13. The Regiment wjll participate in a division· comn:aand post exercise of the 79th Division, of which the Regiment is a part. The general purpose 01 the camp will ue to give all officers, from second lieu­tenants up, training in actual staff work. In addition to the daily round of t;ailling there will be social fUD.clioos including the Division Ball to lighten the two weeks. ---.....,. . ~-- NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mr •. W. I. Steele and fam­ily removed Tuesday from 512 North Chester road to Hopewell, Va. and they committed one faux pas. T~o the much-boasted-of tennts courts one double plays-Dotts to Vitulli to Wtl- day ~ast week and have constantly beeD cmnlng ba-:k for more. CLASSIFIED In a few more days the boys in charge are going to give a trip to Europe to anyone who can find a blade of grass 011 the courts. Alen are having a chance to really prove their worth as scouts as wen as have a glorious time. They work hard all week to attain at least one merit .JOBN IPBNCBB, .NC. The results of the Men's Singles Tournament are as follows: First Round-R. B. Little, defeated Bill Rutherford, 6-2, 7-5; J. G. Young defeated Gary White 6·0, 6·4, 6·4; A. FOR SALR P. Harrington defeated G. Gardiner. FOR BALE-WATER PLANTS, rapld bloom- 6-0, 6-1; L. Detloff defeated Ted Saul-lng hYaCinths and other greens for pool SOd d t or aquarium... Also GUPPl1!8. very cheap. nier 6-2, 8-6; am sgoo nose ou Pree snalla with every PurChaSe. 316 I)art... John Creamer 6-1, 7-5. mouth avenue. Second Round-Ralph Rhoads, won FOR BALE-Large wardrobe trunk In very p good eondltiop. ,15. COst over $45. 'l30 from R. S. Young, 6·0, 6-3: Leslie olk Harvard avenue. defeated R. B. Little, 6-3, 6-1; John WANTED badge, available for angling, arch~ry, athletics, bird study, botany, buglmg, camping, canoeing, cooking, leather­craft, wood carving, first aid, Indian lore insect life, life saving, marks­ma~ shipt pioneering, reptiles, rowing, signaling, stalking and swimming. The Board of Review and the Court of Honor meets Saturday afternoon to consider the merits of the candidates and the awards are made around the big, ceremonial campfire on Saturday, Recognition NighL Last Saturday night, July 30, when PRINTERS PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHERS BOOKBINDERS 8th STRE£'1' NEAR SPROUL, CHESTER, PA. WANTED - Room and. board. for elderly lady requlrlng moderate supervision. Tele­phone Swarthmore 519. BOARDING Naisby defeated J. G. Young, 6-1, 6-1; Alex Ewing, fought from behind to defeat John Delaplaine, 3-6, 9-7, 6-3; Bill Fawcett won from L. Detloff, 6-3, 9'-7 j Stuart Jones won from Sam Os­good 6-2, 7-5; Bob Delaplaine won from A. P. Harrington, 6-0, 8-6. t hey gat hered around th e big fire J ef - ~~~iii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:i~iii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:i;::;iii:i~~ fery Kirk was elected to the Order of the Arrow. an honor attained by Sam Gary last year; Phil Shenkle was raised to a second-class scout and merit badges were awarded Henry Sabine, for First Aid; Dick Delaplaine, for Astronomy and Swimming; Richard Bell, for Astronomy and Sam Gary, for First Aid. The Swarthmore Scouts also took part in the investiture cere· monies for a tenderfoot who is the 10th boy in hi. family to become a scout. BOARDING - Nurse wm bOard the aged. eonvaJeaeent and chronlc. Care glven 1t needed. Foreh and grounds. Rates $18 per week. Telephone Madison 6938. FOUND FOUND-Pen and 6·ft. rule by glrls' ten­nI8 COUIUJ at COllege. About 3 weeks ago. CaU at The Swartbmorean omce. Quarter Finals-Ralph Rhoads de­feated Leslie Polk, 7-5, 6-1; John Nais­by defeated Alex Ewing 6-3, 8-6; Stuart Jones pulled a sllrprise by win­ning from Bill Fawcett, 6-1, 4-6, 6-1. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Bob Delaplaine received a default. 4 rooms--available at onee ...... '35 Stuart Jones by a series of uncanny 5 rooms and bath-August 15 ... ,45 placements outtricked B. Delaplaine by S t 1 ISO I the score of 4-6, 6-3, 6·4. 2nd :floor• 5 rooms, ep. ..... T he winner of the tournament will WM. S. BITl'LE It isn't aU work and no play, though, as a typicai Scout day at camp will show. It all starts with: first call at 6:20; wash up parade at 6 :25; break­fast at 7 :20; health and cleanup pe­riod at 7 :50; scoutcraft period at 9 :00; morning swim at 11 :00; life guard s,,":im at 11:30; dinner at 12 :15; rest pertod Swarthmore 111-" Notary PubUe-lDSuraD~Rea.l Estate FOR RENT In Swarthmore. Modern home, thorougC1Y Insulated 'l bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, ot water heat. oll burner, 2·car garage. Avall-able september 15. R I J. D. DURNALL, ea Iy 110 Cornell Ave. Phone Sw. 13 FOR RENT Rehohoth Beach, Del, 4 room cotlage, all conveniences. Aug. 14 uutil Sept. 5. Phone Sw. 1432 or write Box 0, Swarth- Moreau. MRS. A, J. QUINBY II SON I08&rBILQUIHIIY FUNERAL DIRECTORS BBLL PBONB' _ ..... OL A. Wayne Mosteller Eledrical Conerador Teh'phone Swarthmore 58 MARY EYRE MacELREE Teacher oj Pian_Pipe Organ Theory In Swarthmore Every Wednesday 609 S. HIGH ST, WEST CHESTER Tel. West Chester 905· W MEDIA SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Baltimore and South Aves. Summer Claue. - Enrol' NON} Day and E"t!ning C-al. on Reque8t c.n Medi. 1936 CALL 1896 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS RADIO Tubes-Washilll' Maehines-Cleanera -INSTALLATIONS-SWARTHMORE ELECTRIC SHOP Park and Dartmouth Aves. YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER S ..... m ..... 19 PETER E. TOLD General IlllJurance 417 DARTMOUTH AVE.. S.artJamore 1833 h be announced soon. A mcn's doubles tournament is ut to commence. All interested will ase sign at the courts. abo pie • I • Robiu Hood Theatre jilt tiOi for When an innocent young girl is at I :00; afternoon swim at 3 :30; life ed in an Italian speakcasy the situa- guard swim at 4 :15; retreat ~t 5 :15; 1 is "Strictly Dishollorable"-the bill supper at 5 :30; evening period at 6:00; Robin Hood Theatre, Arden, Del., night period, campfire, games, etc. at the week of August 2-6. The Robin 7 :45; call to quarters at 9:00: taps ~t ood left the staccato brilliance of 9 :15. From first cail to taps the day 15 esign for Living", closing Saturday, crowded with fun and excitement as y 30, for the voluble dialogue of well as work and study. The rifle allan waiters and gives an easy lesson ranges are open all day under super­for H '"D Jul It in gi g three acts in what every young vision and there is boating in the after­rl should know. noon and evening for those who de­For the Italian singer, Gus, and the sire it. On Wednesday and Friday each ood-natured old judge, who live in Troop must plan its own program. ap artments over the speakeasy, the easy According to the Program Director utine of their lives is upset when they _ uA scout misses something when uddenly find thrown 011 their mercy there isn't a rainy day or night in 1 attractive young girl who docsn't camp." Special programs are arranged arc rcturn to her Mississippi home to take care of this contingency. The ithout first ensnaring a husband. For Nature cabin has a blazing fire .and a Ie girl herself, the appearance of the special nature program. In the Indian andsome Italian singer is the answer Big House there are two fires and. a o a maiden's prayer. camp program. The Handicraft ca~ms ro S al d w II h t Vivian MacGill is starred as Isabelle are open all day and in the evenmgs arry, the native southerner, the same the campfire program is held in the PI)ealing type of role which first won Big Hous~. P a h cr acclaim in "Co-ReSI)ondel1t Un- The boys' parents arc invited to see nown." Maurice Burke plays the Ital- and participate in Recognition Night an singer, so beloved by the fairer around the campfire. Visiting hours ex. Mortimcr \Veldon is the old judge are Saturdays frolll 5 P. M. until 9 who becomes the confidante of both the P. M. and Sunday afternoons. k I s s lnger and the girl. The boy who docs the jiltiQg is ". played by Edwin Ross, with Charles S. P. C. A.. Work Mendick in the role of the speakeasy Shows Further Increase manager, and Francis Mann as his s tar waiter. Patrolman Mulligan, who maintains an all night vigil for the im­prisoned girl, is played by Richard Bowler. "Strictly Dishonorablc", rife ,,,lith smart, spicy scenes, is Robin Hood theatre's most popular form of play, and presents ior the first time in the capacity of director. taura Barrett. • I 1 RCj!istrars Here on 15th The record of work performed by The Delaware County Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Media, for the first six months of this year again shows an increase over the same period of 1937. So far this year 3685 unwanted animals were cared for, including 1675 dogs, 1986 cats, and 24 other creatures. 912, or one­fourth of the total, were from the Ches­ter district. 49 lost dogs were restored. an~ new homes secured for many dogs and cats. The ambulance answered 1868 Registrars from Media will sit at calls. trave1ling 11.390 miles. and using Borough Hall on Monday, August IS, 1374 gallons of gasoline. Donations re­from 2 until 5 P. M. and from 6 until ceived averaged 14* cents per animal. 10 P. M. to provide the last opportun- Complaints of abuse involving 188 ani­ity for Swarthmore voters to register mals were investigated and corrected a:s locally before the November election, I needed 4 horses unfit for labor were re­Those who are not registered person. moved from work. 6 prosecutions wen: ally and miss this opportunity will have brought, resatting in convictions, for ne. to make a trip to the Media Court I glect, abuse, overloading, and failing to House before October 8. aid ani~ls .ir)uf,Q{_ bf ~",os.~, I ~,. How many miles Q month? H I' you pay the grocer and the butcher, the gas, e1ecmc ~-om. bills every month in cash, consider the steps y?" would save. as well as the convenience you WOtdd ...... 1bIougb a cbedring acxount at this bank. Wid "'I lawing home, you can settle the monthly household bills in less lime than it takes you to pay one or twO persooa11y. AmI your cancelled checks are legal eridence of payment, A checking account will save you miles and hours­and occuiooaJly money. SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. Member oj Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation WITH EUERY mEAL '- REIISTRARS SIT HERE IOIDAY TH~ I REIISTRARS SIT HERE IOIDAY VOL X, No, 32 SWARTHMORE, PA., AUGUST 12, 1938 '2.50 PER YEAR NAMED TO HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY Harry E. Oppenlander, Swarth­more College, '25, to Teach Science and Social Studies Anllouncement has just been madc of the selection of Harry E. Oppenlallder of Whitemarsh, to be a member of the Swarthmore High School faculty ncxt year as teacher of science and social studies. hlr. OpPclllandcr was selected as succcssor to the late Albert D. Spaeth. Mr. OppellJander is a graduate of Swarthmore College, class of 1925. He taught for tCIl years at thc Chestnut Hill Academy in thc fields of science, social studies, and mathematics. He also served as trcasurcr and business manager of the school. During the last three ycars he has been a graduate student of cducation at the University of Pennsylvania and has completed most of thc work to­ward the Ph.D. degree. His doctoral dissertation subject is i'Science Edu· catioll in Colonial America." He par­ticipated in a recent survey of the Philadelphia schools and was author of the section on "The Cafeteria.' He is a member of Phi Delta Kappa Fraternity of the University of Pcnn­sylvania and held the Harrison Fellow­ship at the University of Pennsylvania from 1936 to 1938. At Chestnut Hill Academy he was coach for junior baseball, basketball, and football; sponsor of "the Science Club; and a member of the administra­tive committee on school survcy at Chestnut Hill Academy. Mr. Oppeiliander is married and has two SOilS, ages 8 and 1 L He wiII bring to the Swarthmore schools a back­ground of rich tcaching experience and thorough academic preparation. I I • Boy Scout News Troops I and 3 will hold their com­bincd meeting tonight at 7 :30 in the primary room at the Presbyterian Church. 'fhe boys who were awarded mcrit hadges last Saturday night. August 6, were Richard Bell, whose badges wcre for wood carving, basketry, astronomy and athletics and Jcff Kirk, Sam Gary aile..: Henry Saulnier, who each reccived one for athletics. Rohert Gemmill was advanced in rank to a second class scout and the following hoys received their training certificates in the leader­ship courses: H(,IlO' Saulnier, for ac­th'ilics; J efT- 'Kirk, for activities; Roy Delaplainc, for nature; Sam Gary, for riflery; Richard Bell, for patrol; Rob­ert Gelllmill, fo, aquatics and Neal \"yncoo·p, for SCOliters training. Last night the anllual Staff Show, always a fcature of closing week, was given. Among the "stars" who partici­patcd were \Vayne &(oseley and Joe Gary, both junior staff members. L.o\,ST CHANCE TO REGISTER LOCALLY All Swarthmore citizells of vot­ing age, who have 110t hit,berto complied with the recent person­al registration requirement and are thercfore ineligible to vote, arc urged to stop at Borough Hall next Monday, Augu.t IS, when registrars from Mcdia will sit from 2 to 5 and from 6 until 10 P. M. Those who fail to regis­ter at this time must go to Mc­dia and register before October 8 if thcy wish to have their votes recorded in next November's election. GUIDANCE GROUP OPENS IN BORO Strathmore Vocational Bureau of New York and Philadel­phia Branch Here Last fall, the Strathmore Guidance Uureau of New York extended its serv­ices to Philadelphia, selecting a Swarth. more man, WHlard P. Tomlinscn, of Swarthmore avenue, to dircct its activ­ities through offices in the Cunard Building. In the past nine months, so many men, women and students havc decided to plan their careers that the facilities of the Bureal'l. have been over­taxed at certain times of the weck. An­other factor of interest is that Swarth­more clients have outnumbcred those from any other comIllunity except Philadelphia itself. "For these reasons," said Mr. 'ronl·· linsol1, u we have decided to open an office ill Swarthmore. It will give def­inite relief to' the smaller (lUarters in the city and will, I hope, be an added cOllvenience to those living in Dela­ware and Chestcr Counties." '1'he new offices are located at Rus­tOllc, 200 South Chester road, the resi­dence of the former headmastcr of the Swarthmore Preparatory School, who was Mr. Tomlinson's father. \Vhile Mr. Tomlinson has made COIl­tacts that resultcd in jobs for a ma­jority of his unemplo,yed clients in the past year, nevcrtheless he wishes to make clear that he is not running an employment agcncy. The Strathmore Guidance Bureau is a psychological lahomtory wherc personality is anal­yzed by means of iutcn'iews and psy­chometric tests. Specific \'ocational rec­ollUllcndations arc made, each for a definite reason. The Strathmore Guidallce Burean is the oldest in the United States, having' been inaugurated in 1920 at which time l{alph Strathmore was a psychologist in charge of personnel iu the nell Telc­phone Company of New York. Inter­ested Swarthmore residents and visit­ors arc invitcd to visit the Bureau at Rustone on \Vednesdays and in the Cunard Building at any time of the week, including evenings or Sah!rday afternoons by appointmcnt. NEWS NOTES ~Ir. Harry Miller relt,rn·ed to his ~ir. and Mrs. \ViUiam 1\. Vlachos, home on Thayer road Wed,llesda'y leav- and 'dat\ghtcr: of Park a\'cnue, arc lUg Mr:s.' ~filler laud their ·.s011, Peter. speilding six ,;,rceks in Beach Haven, for·a longer st;lY ;n· Wallingford, ·Vt:. N. J.' Ur:' Miller's lather, Dr. John ·A ..... MiIler, •.. * * . has retunied to his home in Waliing- llr. 3,nd Mrs~ John Howard Taylor, .. ford, . Bclaware OoUftry,' after:- v:isIHilg' of K"cn)-:oll· 'a~'cnue, ·'are sl;e;Hling the his son's family in Vermont. month of August in Ava10llr N. ]. • :+: • * •• Mrs. Scwel1 \V. Hodge, of Ogdcli 'fhe SUiU111Cl' bridge club met last avenuc, cl*teI'tained at luncheon and 'Vednesday afternoon at the home of bridge on Tuesday in houor of Miss Mrs. \Villiam B. Bullock, of Cedar lane. Ceres Myer, of Scarsdale, N. Y., who Mrs. \Villiam Allcn Brown, Jr., of Yale is the house guest of !Irs. i\gnes Haig a\'enue, was co-hostess. Shc:1don, of Ogden avenue. Miss Myer, :+: •• who arrh·cd Wednesday of last week Among the Swarthmore girls who and will remain uutil today, was the we lIt to Camp Chesal~eake, Northeast, gucst of honor at a dinner party given M(L, last Saturday, August 6, for two by Mrs. Sheldon last Thursday and a weeks wcre Ruth Servais, Louise Ser­IUllcheon given by ~Irs. Sheldon on vai:-;, :Margaret Sheppard. Shirley l(ac. l[onday. Millan and Margy MacMillan. Beverly * • * Doe, who had gone down two weeks ~frs. Jane Ayr~s with her liicces, earlier, planned to stay on with this ~Iiss Eleanor Ayres and Mi~s Dorothy group. Ayres, all of Vassar avenue, drove to Burlington, Vt. last· week·end to visit Mr. and Mrs. Richard Congdon. Miss Elcanor Ayres remained for a weck's visit and the others returned to Swarthmore Monday evening. bringing with ·them .Mrs. Congdon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George L. McCracken, of Vassar avenue, who had spent thr\!:e weeks with their son-in-Jaw and daugh­ter. * * • Mr~. 'rhomas W. Simpers and daugh~ ter, M iss Kathryn Simpers, of The Swarthmore, left Wednesday to visit Mrs. Silnper's sister, Mrs. E. Marshall Han'ey, of .. Media, at Cape May, N. 1. for a week or longer. Miss Mildred Simpers will leave Aug­ust 20 with AIrs. Paul Hess, of Read­ing. to spend two weeks at Sebasco Estates, lte. SEMI-FINALS NEAR PLAY-OFF Rhoad. or Naisby Will Play Jones For Men's Singles Champion8hip Due to rain the willner of the men's tcnnis tournament at the Swarthmore College girls' courts will not be known until next week. Ralph Rhoads and John Naisby arc now lJattling it out in order to see who will play Stuart Jones in the finals. That John and Rall)h arc very evenly matdled was shown Tuesday night whcn the much publicized match fin­ally began. Starting in the early even­ing the boys playcd excellent tennis. seeming to make cvery point last for hours. In the first set neiUw.r man could break through the other'S" serve until Ralph finally took the set 9-7. I John taking advantage of his oppon­ent's let·down (Iuickly ran the score up to 4·1 in the second set. Ralph successfully rallied to win the next three games but lost the set 4-6. Each game lasted so long that after two hours of play only two sets of tennis had becn completed therefore beca'Use of d:lrkness the third and final set was postponed uutil Thursday night. The douhles tOUf'13ment has started and is now entcring the (Juarter finals. Unfortunately the lack of funds threatens to elose the courts early this season unless contributions arc sent immediately to Charles 'rhatcher, Og· den avenue. MORE FLOWERS NEEDED All Swarthmore residents who pos­sibly can are urged to contribute bou­( IUcts to the Flowers for the Flower­les- s-. hi rs. Harold G. Griffin, who has charge of the local collections .for the Presbyterian Church during August says that the bunches arc neither so numerous lIor so large as in formcr years. It lUay be possible that that voracious and ever present pest, the llIos-(luito, has something to do with the ~ize and number of the donations, but even a discomfort such as· this shouldn't make us forget the flowerless. \Vhat arc a few bites one day a week? All flowers should ue left at Mrs. GriOin's home, 214 Rutgers avenue, Thursday night or Itriday morning. If you cannot get them to the house l)leasc call hi rs. Griffin and she will arrange to collect thel11. In Mrs. Griffin's ausence last week :\Irs. C. MacDonald Swan, of South Chester road, took charge of collecting and ~ullehillg thc flowers. I • Borough Buys New Fire Truck In Sl)ccial session Wednesday .. even­ing Borough Council awarded the bid for the Swarthmore Fire Company's new aerial ladder truck to Peter Persch and SOilS Company, Kenosha. \-Vis. Purchased by the Borough at a cost of slightly O\'cr $10,OOQ the new piece of apparatus should arrive about three months after the signing of the COll- I I I tract. PIRATES EAGT VS With a sixty-five foot ladder which , ~ call be raised and swung around by IN TIE GAME powe.r, onc man \\·?rkin~ at the levers can hx the ladder 111 honzontal or vcr. I tical positions or in any variation of Junior Leaguers Show More Life the two. From the street the ladder will l~llan Elders These Days reach' the upper stories of practically any house in Swarthmore. Last Friday evening the Pirates and HORNET NINE DOWNTRODDEN Locals Unable to Shake Peniat­ent Jinx Go Down Three More The Hornets dropped three games during the past week and are now safely imbedded jn last place, with a record of four games won and twenty­one lost. Leit)(:rvilIe, the hosts last Thursday, after the courtesy of an initial score­less innin8, went to work and prompt. Iy placed the game on ice. They scored one run in the second, one in the third, five in the fourth and another in the fifth. The Hornets rang up two count· crs in the fifth, F. Vitulli and Williams bringing them in. Leipcrville had clever, hits to fivc for the Hornets. Shel1y and Hcnderson had two each and Wil­liams one. one of Henderson's blows going for two bases. At Prospect Park, Friday, the hosts wasted no time in social amenities. They went to work at once and scored two rUIls ill the first inning. one in the second and three in the third for a total of six while the Hornets did not score at all. The visitors rapped out ten safe hits to four for the locals; Wagner, F. Vitulli, Cheney and Black were the Hornets who rapped out blows. Essington, visiting Swarthmore Col­lege field iruesday, refained from offen­sh" e gestures for one inning, then scored a run in each of the next three. Thc Hornets scored their lone taJIy in the sixth on W. Vitulli's triple and Henderson's out. Essington amassed fifteen hits to four for the Hornets. Other Hornet hitters were Shelly, F. Vitulli and \Vagner. Both tcams played errorless ball and Lawson, the visiting pitcher, fanned seven. 'rhe game scheduled for last even­ing with Prospect Park at home was the last on the official list for the sea-son. Eaglcs 1)layed a fine ball game ending F lel-' "P I· F· I " with the score 3·3. Sherman Vanters ran In s ennsy varnan lrep ace struck out five of tlw Eagles and walk- C . d Phil d I hi M ed .even. H. Tucker and Harry Rob· ople at a epa useum oinnsdo lla npdla ysehdo rfti ues tofipe.l dRinogh ignasmone s gaott stehce- Many V iail Shrine to B en F rank- before, and, as it were, froze behind," only extra base hit, a two bagger; TI Ie II· n t 0 Vl· ew H1' 8 FI' rS t I m- as hc expressed it. Pirates scorcd two rUlls in the first portanl Invention One of the principal advantages lies inning and OIlC in the third ending in the fact that the "Pennsylvanian their scoring for the evening. The hundreds of lleople who visit the Fireplacc" heats fresh outside air and Mellon struck out fivc Pirates and national shrine to Benjamin Franklin sends it out into the rooll1 instead of walked eight. Thc Eaglcs wcrc score· at The Franklin Institute ill Philadel- heating stale room air, while the latter less for live innings and then scored Ilhia are keenly interested in the many is used from combustion and passes two runs in the sixth and another in inventions of this great American. with the smoke up the chimney. Frank­the seventh. Costello, Scott and Des- After vicwing the heroic Statue of lin estimated that linear ten barrels of tafino making the scores. ifhis game' Franklin which is in a marble hall in fresh air are hourly introduced by the was to have been replayed on \V edn~s- I, the centrc of the lmilding, they ask; and by this means the air in day night but was pre\'clltcd by raUl. regarding Franklin's scicntific achieve- the room is continually changed, and On Monday night the I~agles and Iments, the 1110St popular of which seems kept, at the same time, sweet and J l~nior ~Iornct~ played. a .tlght game I to be the fireplace. warm." The heated air, prevented from With .n.el thcr IS ideI scohr·l lldg tlI II tHhe rnfiertsst n, \ repI I' ca 0 f a '"Pe nllsy Iva·llla n F'I re- going up the chimney by the closure twoor cI IIl lltlwtlgoS . run11 s t aIne dt thIre EaICg lcs 0 camc pIa ce,n ielll'J aml.l l Fi ran kl"I II s fi r5 t'u n- above the fireplace' is .forc.ed ou t. in s~ (. '1 d I portant invention is 'attracting wide at- front of the mantelpiece, where It rIses figh. t hack. wtilt h ffourl. "Eac h Sl( e Is corthe e I tcntlO• ll • I 'f' to the ceiling and spreads out over the 111 t Ie ..... useulll. . ofilflteh rinunni nIgI! twIoe woalukrst 1a 1sIlt1r1i1kl1eg . ount and 'l'1. li's.. I leartI . fl' I I room to be forced down by further l-"arn~er 0 C? OI1Ja (ays, '·f ,I _ d· TI th ' h which affords an mterestmg contrast streams 0 ne\\ y warme air. IUS e three more wIa lks gav-c the EII agd le.s tre. e W.i t 1I mo d ern· I'1 01110 Il ea t'I Ilg Ulll· t S a Iso· entire· room becoll1es warm ~ and there rUlls wh• cdn t 1('. Hornets ca e . It quits on d·I Sp Ia y· a t tl Ie I ns tI't u te, ilas ae sp - be. ing' no continual m. ove. ment of cold f~r thc ay. cial al)peal to students of the lifc of a~r (rom the room mto the fireplace, Burgess. John Ho:- Pitman has made -its famous inventor· It' did not bring strong drafts front cracks around doors arrangments -to take thc boys to Phija- to .Iiim as· I11Uch fa~ne as he received or windows are eliminated. delphia to see ~ bili Jeat. ... ue game. Cars from his lattr achievements in .the field In a panlllhiet entitled lOAn Acco,,!-nt will be necded t? t~ansport fifty boys of elcctricty'; but it was recognizcd as Il~ the N ~~v-ill~ented Pe.nnsylvaDl~n to sec the -:'-thletIc!t play. the New Yor~ .a revolutionary improvement in home Flrc ... Places, winch Franklin wrote I.n Yankees 011 Friday, August 1,9. heahng, and added substantially to his ~744 t? promote t~e d~m~nd for h!s If YQU cail arrat~?c t~ ~a~e a load Wilt prestige. It· might. have made a for- mvellllon, an~ which, II1cI~e?tally, IS );()U eXI)rCSS your ""'llImgness to· Mr. tune £Or him as the Governor of Penn- no mean specimen of advert,smg copy, Pitman as· soon as possible. The ~ate sylvania off~red him a patent to pre- ?e described fourteen·adv~~taJres which \\ ill be announced as soon as pOSSible. vcnt othcrs from selling it. He re- It possessed abo~e. the c,omm?l1 fire- Charles Thatcher, trcasurc.r of the fused tfle patent because of his belief plac~. ,!,he tecllll1q~e .of heatlllg and SUllllllcr Recreation Committee has l.that "as we enjoy great advantages ventda~l(;lIl, p~eventlOn of col~s, a~d been checking over the expenses. ~Ild from the inventions of others. we pro.te~tton aga.lIlst fi~e ,!ere subJ~cts 10 receipts al\d hopes to keep the SWlttl- should he glad of an opportunity to wlnclt Frankhn malllta!~ed a hfe10ng ming pool and tennis courts open until serve others by any invention of ours. scientific intcrest, an? t~ey are a~1 !n­the last Saturday 'in August. and this wc should do freely and gen- clud~d among the obJechves of thiS lR-I I • erously." . vention. "I love economy exceedingly." . The "Pcnnsylvanian Fireplacc" is in he once wrote; and, concerning his Hobnobs With Landon rcalih, a cast, iron stove designed to be fireplacc, he pointed out that "as very '[ ,. H 1 'I' I installed in an open fireplace. Its in- little of the heat is lost, when this fire- •) 'Ir. aIn d l~ rIs.' £'.a1r l owan 'lar,a·ayro,1r stallau.otl rc.tjlllr cs the constructi.o n f placc is us'd, much less wood "ill serve 0 a I etnrth.'( ttl t lell" lOme on r • • . you, which is a considerable advantage avenue July 29 after a three weeks', false back of bnckwork four 111ches or where wood is dear." motor trip to Yates Center, Kansas, !llore from the truc back and the dos- 'fhe replica on display in the base­where thcy visited Mr. Taylor's mothcr, 109 of the spaee over the fireplace be- ment of the Institute consists of a col­' frs. III. C. Custer. Ti,ey "ere accotn- tween t.he false back and the breas.t ~f In) anied by Mr. 'red Kesting, of Phoe- the cJumney. TI1 U~ tII e h eate d .alr IS ollial antel, fireplace and stove. It was . ·n a member of the art depart- l)rCvented from gomg up the chimney, construt:ted in. the shops of the Insti­:~:;:; :; the Cmm-Irs GclJI{cman of which while the smoke is conveyed thither tute from drawings made by W. F.. M Taylor is an associate editor. through a passage under the false back. Sparks, Philadelphia. It is authentic in ~'lhile in Kansas Mr. Taylor was Through this invention, Franklin ".ot size and design; the drawings having ·oined by Ex-Governor Alfred M. Lan· only kept smoke out of many c?lomal been made from photostats of Frank. J n for fishing at Lake Feagin and a eyes, but als~ added great!y !O mdo?r lin's original drawings, and' from one ~? r arty given by relatives of Mr. comfort, as hiS fireplace dlstnbuted ItS of the few existing fiPennsylvanian Tl~l~~r ~\"11O was manager of Mr. Lan- warmth more generally throughout the Freplaces," which is the property of the d y, campaign during the last presi· room, so that ~eopte were not f?crced to Bucks County Historical Society at deonnt l~B leI etc 'Io n. crowd around the fire and be scorcht Doylestown, Pa.

---------- Page 5 ----------

2 THE SWARTHMOREAN .UGUST 12, 1938 Swarthmore Couple To Wed August 1 Miss Isabelle Bronk, 01 North Ches- Mr. and Mrs; Charles G. Thatcher Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Dresden, of Mr. and Mrs. W, ·B. Keighton, Jr. ter road, entertained at dinner last Sun- daughter, Edith, of Ogden avenue, Elm avenue, are leaving Monday to and children, Charles. Bobby, June and day at the Ingteneuk Teahouse. Her Mrs.' Ellwood iH. Garrett and spend ten days in Gloucl'ster, Mass. Dr. Jimmy, removed yestcrday from S30 I:~~~;::iw::ere Mrs. Detlev W. Bronk, of daughter, Mary, of~ South Princeton Dresden just recently returned from Riverview road to the Paxson house Milts, Media, with her returned Friday after a week's Holland where he was visiting his at 311 Cedar lane. MiA EUzabeth S. Quinn Will be Master John Everton motor trip to Wallinglord, Vt., where lather • • • Bride of William E. Kurtzhalz Bronk and Master Adrian they visited Dr. and Mrs. E. LeRoy • • • Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbert and esd Bronk, Mr. J. fi.vertol1 Ramsey Mercer, of North Chester road, and Barbara and Susail Thatcher. daugh- daughters, Jessie and Harriet, of Park Nex.t Wedn oy Air. and Mrs, Herbert Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller, of ters of Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam .Thatcher'I:::;;,:l,';,C: are Icaving tomorrow for Rich- , S"'arlhmore, a'ld Dr. Norman Bassett Thayer road. of College avenue, arrived at Intcr- where they pla,11 to spend a The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Sara N k . I '{ G'lb ' '\ J * • • lakcn Cam)). Croyden, N. H., July 31 to wee WIt I no r. I crt s parents, no r. Quinn, daughter of Mrs. William H. of Ventnor, . .• • • Mr. and Mrs. Carol Everts R obb, 0 I spend the month of August. ,'nf r s. A . P • G'I lh crt. n~u in", of Girard avenue, and Mr. Wil- Miss Margaret Lei. per, 0 I A von d a Ie Cornell avenue, had as their guests over ., • ' • • • • Ham Ellis Kurtzhalz, son of Mr. road, is spending the summer traveling the week.end Mr. Robb's brother, Mr. The Misses Hannah Keltcr and Jean Mr, and Mrs. E. t:. Lappe and family, Mrs. Charles Kurtzhalz, of Park avc- and studying in Italy. Besides holding Kenneth Robb, of Radburn, N. j., with Blecher, of Danville, and Helen Hart- Yale avellue, ieft last Saturday, Aug-nue, will be performed at 11 o'clock two degrcl's from Swarthmore College, his wife and ,daughtc.:r, Carot. man, of Grovinia, arrived last ust 6, for Calle May, N. j., where they I~ext Wedt1esd~k,ll1orlling, August 17 Miss Leil)er has done graduate work at * • * day to spend the week-enJ(d~a;i:~~:~!~IWill sllcnd two weeks, in the rectory if the Church of the Intcrnational Guild in Paris, ;.J.t the Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Paxson, of I Miss Blecher's and Miss I Mrs. A. M. Bo~sl~ar~t and sons. Dick Lady of Peace, Mihnont. Middlebury, Vt.. summer 1anguaget.V'1"a,"n.·dair"gavenue, returcncd Sunday after uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.}. and Roy, left last Saturday, August 6, A few rc1ath'es and friends of the schools, and at Columbia Univ~.sitY.I' a week on ape Anll, Mass. Beagle, of Princeton and D;lrlm,)ullhl I k C G I . bride and bridegroom will be present. She has been now for several years d 'I' •I .;: IIIL *R '\ d avenues. Accompal'llC (I 1'Y M'IS S Po r a wee . at ...a m-p, ree, cy Itt the 'I' '\ d I' Q' I G' d D.r. an l' rs, J.'.. e oy II ,er.cer an ltlae Beagle a"d '1,'s, Alnla Trcvc- oconos, .I., ISS l' a e IIle U1l111, 0 Irar ave- head of the foreign language instruc- family returned Monday to their home t"I,', kID t t'" II I It • • • nue, witt be maid o( honor for her sis- tion _ Frcnch, German, Spanish, and I . C • (l ar 1I10U It avenue, ICY c Miss Lee Blundin, of Dartmouth ave-ter. Mr. Robert Kurtzhalz, of Ridley Lat,"l-,'n Ille W,'lliam Penn High North Chester road from t lCIf SUIll- Monday to ud the eek in Ocean nue, left Alo11day 10 s1)end a week ,'n Park, will be his. b~o~~er's best man. School. Philadelphia. home in \Va*l lin•g (*or'd , Vt. C·I ty. N J ,'rll·e '11 W d 1. • ICY WI return to spen Ocean City, N. J., with lfiss Lois Jack, Mr. and Mrs. George W. McKeag, of * • • The condition o( jOali Thatcher, of week-cnd with the Bcaglcs before of Wissahickoll. after which she will Mrs. Henry A. Peirsol, of Lafayette OgdC'l ave'lue, who has been in the going to their homes. visit her brother, Mr. Richard F. Blun- Parrish road. Swarthmore Crest, were wl.I I Ie ave tod ay to stay I. II SO'l,cr, Point l-Ios1)ital, Somers Point, • • • din, and Mrs, Blundin, of Millburn, entertained at dinner on Sunday by "'c,au. N . J. , untl'1 next T ues d ay. SI le N. J., ,vith bronchial pncumonia, is illl- Kcnt V.iehocvcT, 5011 of Dr. 'and hirs. N.). l\1iss lliundin is on v. acation from Mr. and Afrs. Richard MeSeelcy, of bY '.1.\f r . Pe'l rsoI f or t h e wee k - proving nicely. A rno Vlehocver, of Rutgers avenuc, her dutics in the local Family Society George School. Mr. McKeag and Mr. *' • • will leave tomorrow to spend during August. McSccley were classmates at Swarth- * * • Mr. and Mrs. Carol Everts Robb with weeks at Camll Nejecho. an Episcopal * • * more College, cla•s s •o f *'2 7. D r. an d '.I.f' rs. C . B . W otrh, 0 I W es t their SOil, Kent, of Cornell avenue, at- Choir boys' camp ncar Mantoloking, M.-5. J 01I 0 C • Moore lIas tre u rned Mr. and Mrs. Carl deMo II, of Park Elm avenue, who are spending the tended thc wedding of their niecc, Miss N.,]. from the Jeffcrson Hospital, Philadcl-avenue, have just returned from a two summer at Skytop, Pa" returned to Florence Harvey, of Rutherford, N. J., • • • following an operation performed weeks' vacation at Avaloll, N. J. Swarthmore for a brief stay Monday Mr. Warren Lattin, also of Ruther- .Dr. and Mrs .. Owen ,L. Shinn and th('re three weeks ago and is convalcs- * * • spending the night at The Harvard. last Saturday morning at 10 :30 daughter, Miss_ ElcauQLShillll. of La- ciug in her new home at 30 Amherst l\Ir. and l\frs. John Marshall and 1: * • in the chapel of the Little fayette avenue, will leave avenue, thc former Horace Johnson's son,' TI lomas, 0 f LU· lCOI n avenue, arc Mrs, E. Young, of Ocalo, Fla., is Church Around the Corner, Ncw York S,.p Cll d two wec k s at L a k e res,',lo'lCO . spending some time at Cape 1I.fay, N.}. spending a month visiting her brother- City. A reception followed at Hotel N. Y. 'fhe Moorcs moved july 29 from 407 • • • in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wit- Seville. * * • Vassar avenue which was recently pur- Mr. and l\frs. J. H. Gordon McCon- liam S. Hoffman, of Park avenue. *,' *' • Dr. and 1\lr5: """Fred- A. Patman chased by Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Mc-eehy, of Elm avenue and North Ches- The Hoffman's son, Mr. Walter L. Mr. and Mrs. N. \-Valter Suplce and turncd Saturday from Rock Hall, 11.1<1. Cowan, of Upland, from J. D. Durnatl, ter road. entertained a fcw friends at Hoffman, ~f Stonehurst, with his wife daughter, Marian. of Yale avenue. left where they had beell fishing of Cornell avenlle. The quotation was a birthday dinlter for Mr. McConechy's and threc-and-a-half-year-old son ex- Monday to spcnd the week in Ocean Tuesday of last week. Their daughter, $7,500. The l\IcCowans al"e cxpected to sister. ,Miss Etimar McConechy, who pect to move into their new home next City, N. J. Patty, who is spending the summer at mo\'e to the Borough August IS. Mr. came from England a year ago to make month. The house is nearing completion • *' * Camp Arewa, Fredericksburg, Pa., McCowan will boost thl! SUIl Oil Com-her home with her brother's family. at the corner of Haverford place and Mr. and Mrs: A. Robb Cochran" of spent several days the previous wcck at pany's representation in the local pop- • * • Drexel road. Kenyon avenue, cntertained at dinner Rock Hall with her parents. ulation. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Plumer. of • • • Saturdar evening in honor of Mr. * * • *' *' * Swarthmore a\"enuc, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Bauer and Cochran's uncle, M:-. E. Donald Robb, Miss Irma Keighton rcturncd to her Mr. and Mrs. Percy G. Gilbcrt, of Mrs. Plumer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. daughter, Gretchen, returned to their of Boston, Mass., who was the guest of home on Yale avenue Tuesday night Park avenue, entertained fourteen Chester Spencer, also of S\1Jarthmorc hOIlle 011 Kenyon avenue last Friday hift sister, Mrs. A. A. Cochran, of Ches- after a week's visit to her sister, MissISl,est' at a buffet supp~r and bridge avenue, at the Spencer summer place after having spcnt a week in Ocean ter. Other guests were Mr, Cochran's Martha Keighton, who is employed ill Saturday evening. August 6. I. II W atlingford, Vt. C,'tyJ N •J• • b tl d' t . I 'I d '\ C 'I N J I' • • • * • ro ler all SIS er-IO- aw, .I., r."an .1.\ rs. ape.l' ay. • . t 115 summer. Birth Mr. and AIrs. John Spencer, of South Donald Robb Cochran, of CYliwyd, and • * • Chester road, will leave the latter part Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Richmond Mr. Rohb's aunt, Miss 'Fannie Camp- Mr. and Mrs. Evcrett F. Smalley and of this week to visit Mr. Spencer's childrcn will return Sunday to thcir bell, of Chester. family, of Baltimore. Md., are spcnd- Mrs. Robert Cadigan and infant son, . V 'n,orule on South Princeton avenue after * * • ing two weeks with Mr. Smattey's Kevin, havc returncd to their home on paMrernst.s R1.1 1C heesrtmero nStp.e ncer recently rc- I' two-week stay at Atlantic Beach, Dr. Horace Hopkins, of Crcst lane, parents, Postmaster and Mrs. Allfr"d! Rutgers avenue from the Lying-In turned to Wallingford aft("r visiting her C. * * * returned last week-cnd after spending P. Smalley, of Yale avcnuc. Hospital, Philadelphia, where the baby two weeks at Spcculator Lake, N. Y. He •• * was horn July 14. ;:~l~~~:h, A~:=~s:Iarold Hutcheson, of Miss Barbara Bagby, of Plattsburg, left Mrs. Hopkins and the children. Mrs. Elizabeth G. Chew and , * • *' Y., formerly of North Princeton ave- Horace and Laura Lee, for a week's Graham, of Rutgers avenuc, left Mon- . Richard R. Haig, of Riverview road, Swarthmore, spent last week-end longer stay.' day AUbrust 8, to spend three weeks son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baig, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Jeffords * *.* in Se\vickley. Pa. with Mrs. Chew's returned yesterday froUl Cape M daughter, Miss Eliot Jeffords, Mq,. J. Howard Smith is recovering sister, Mrs. G. T. Mason. " - ... - N. J. where he had Slrent a' week Vassar avenue. from a break of the left leg just above * * • iug the John Marshalls, of Lincoln ave- * * • the ankle which she sustained on the Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dcnworth and nue, Swarthmore. ' Miss Dorothy Tunis, of Princeton third day of her vacation at Martha's daughter, Dorothy, of Elm avenue, arc *' _. * Lafayette avellues. is spending Vineyard, Mass., where she and hcr spending thc month of August jimmy Bowditch, of \Vhitticr place, wecks visiting licr aunt, Mrs. Charles children, Emily, Jim and Stephcn, had Pocono Pines, Pa, Do You Know The Sure Cure for an, Auto Trouble' Call 440 ' 'fire.tone Ba"en" RUSSELL'S SERVICE nr .. Dartmouth and Lafayelle Ayes. "We Don't Sell Cars- and Dick Brown, of \Valnut lane, left Stewart \Vurts, of Blue Bell, Pa., at a cottage for the month of July and * * .' We Service Them" last Saturday, August 6, to spcnd two Chester, Nova Scotia, She will return were" joined by Dr. Smith for the last Mrs. Amanda F. Gcyer, of Park avc-weeks with Robin \"illitts. of Ogden next \Vednesday. two weeks. lIue. returncd 'fuesday evening from I '--AN---O--T--H--E-R---LA---D--Y--' avenue, at the WilJitts sUlllmer home in * * * • * • Buck Hill Falls wherc she had visited North Jackson, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schumacher Miss Beulah Green and llIece, Miss Mr. and hlrs. Claude Smith, of Balti- • • ,.. and daughters. Barbara and Peggy,l Sally Mitchcll, returncd last week to more pike, Swarthmore, and her daugh-snid 10 Illt', "I think I won't haye il tlliled now. 11te l,iuno cnn wail." It dill wuil until the mice llrrivc(i, then it cosl her 812.00 10 have it repaired. Did it par? Mrs. Robert T. Bair, of Cornell ave- have returned to their home on their home on North Chester road ter, Mrs. Rusalie Rohcrts, also nue, left Monday for a tell day visit to il1sol1 aveliue after spending two weeks from, \Voods Hole, Mass., \'!Ihere they Swarthmurc, since last Friday. her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. hi'"the Avalon, N. J., cottage of Mr. had spent two weeks. Miss Mitchell • • • Mrs. Henry P. Boggis, of C1cve];tn,d,1 Schumacher's mother, Mrs. Hervey left again yesterday with her brother, Mr. Sterling \Villiamson, of H.utgers Ohio. * * • Schumacher, of Haverford avenue. The Billy, to spcnd the rest of the summer will join his wife and children A. L.PARKER latter, with her daughter, Mrs. Morris at Woods I-Iole. tomorrow for it week .at Newfound ":Mr. \Villard p, 'l'om1iuson, of Swarth- Hicks, is at the cottage this week. • * • Lake, N. I-l. where the lattl'r are spend- MEDIA, PA. morc avenue, will drive to Juniper * * * :Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose H. Van Aten ing a month or so. Phone 1063-W Point, \Voods Hole, Mass., Friday, ·Mrs. Harold Ogram and ftons, Har- and family, of Park avenue, left Thurs- August 19, to bring his wife and chit- old and Donald, returned Sunday from I. day to spend a few days in \Vyalusing, drcn home on the 2211d. Mrs. Tom 1l1- Hchoboth Beach, Del., to their home on son with l\iarjorie and Jack has been I E~iven,ipw road. Pa. spending the sUlllmer visiting her ------------------ mother, 1I.lrs. Edward Turner. jack has been attcnding Pingree Sailing Camp, Chapaquoit, on Buzzards Bay. i I NOW PLAYING SHIRLEY TEMPLE In ''LITTLE MISS BROADWAY" with George Murphy - Phyllis Brooks Jimmy Durante Chester Pa. STANLEY DoYon Need Help Pa. in planning a carecr that wi1l bring you Starls Friday success or in selecting the right school or college? Send for free booklet Hy; Mickey Rooney BG for students, \Villard Tomlinson, Lewis Stone ~o"S~c''i:I~S;~lr~a:~thmore Guidanee Bureau, In Judy c;m,lalmdll 2 Rd., Swarthmore. Tel on Wednesdays only. Philadel­Bureau, 220 S. 16 th St. ''LOVE FINDS ANDY HARDY" MEDIA . Friday - Saturday Sylvia Sidney - Georqa Raft "YOU AND ME" Extral Walt Disney's 'Lonesome Ghost' Sunday Only Richard Dix In ''BLIND ALIBI" with Whiloey Bouma Eduardo Ciannelli Monday and Tuesday 2 Blq F_es Galla Autry In ''PUBLIC COWBOY No. I" and Peter Lone In "MIl. MOTO TAKES A CHANCE' Wednes4ay COld Thursday .'WHITE BANNERS" with Claude Rains-Fay Bainter Jaclda Cooper-Bonita GranY1l1e LINEN SHOP "House of Distinctive Lmensu A.UGUST SA.LE Colorful Linen Print Luncheon Sets RUNNERS. BACH .....•...••.•••• 65e PLACE MATS •••••••••••••••••••• 25c NAPKINS .•..•.••••••••....•••••• 15c 17-PIECE LUNCHEON SETS $3.95 H. T. l1atterson 1318 Walnut St. Phlladelphla Charlotte M. MCCurdy In Charge Est. 1908 Ph. PEN. 0694 HARVARD TEA ROOM Harvard & Rutgers Avenue Dinner Breakfast - Luncheon For Reservations Phone Mr. ·Lippineott Swarthmore 149 ----- ~---------.-----~---- W);&"I'$Ntijfjiltd.!tdi&NtTmirfN@;,TI,f,'h1lft\,mm7\WiWf>1TU\Wl\iT[\i!Jti1:fI{i!ftiti!1'i1iu »,ml&RfilWliiNilS.itrrfli • You are invited behind the scenes AT the corner of Thayer and Guernsey Roads, in the Riverview Farms Section, a new home is being erected. You are invited now to see the HEAVY construction - the vital /,art of any house - that, later, will be covered by paper and paint. DeSign, specifications and superviSion by- WILLIAM E. WITHAM SWARTHMORE 1000 WISELY CHOSEN REAL ESTATE IS TODAY'S SOUNDEST INVESTMENT Do Your Banking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company Member Federal Depol!lit Insurance Corporation AUGUST 1938 THE SWARTBMOREAN PUJlLISIRD BVIIRY FIIlDAY AT 8WABTBMOBB, PA. TBB SWABTBMOBBAN, INC. . Publisher PETER E. TOLD Etlllor ROSALIE DRYDEN News BdUor Phone Swartbmore 900 Entered u Second Clus Matter • .lanuar, H, 1929, at tbe Post. Otllee at swarthmore, Pa., ==~u~n~de~r:ot~h:.~A~.~t~o~f lliueh 1. 111~"== .RIDAY. AUGUST 12,1938 Chri8tian Science Church "Soul" is the subject of the LCSSOJ1- Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 14. • I • . Pre8byterian Church Notes Sunday morning, August 14, at 11 o'clock the guest preacher at the Pres- THE 'SWARTHMOREAN CLASS SCENES AT THE SCHOOL IN ROSE VALLEY' byterian Church will be the Rev. Dr. Charles S. Davies who has been guest minister in the church for many years. .~ourlh Group Dr. Davies this year completed the Eloise Holmes leads the fourth grOUl) forty-second year of his first and only J conlp'>s<,d 01 eight and nine year aids pastorate in the Fairbury Presbyterian in private progressive school start- ChuTch, Fairbury, III. in 1929 by the Swarthmore Cotlcge , I • department of education and a grollp NEWS NOTES of cooperating parents and IIOW con- Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pearson, of tinued by the latter, on Vernon lane, Park avenue, havc taken a cottage at Rose Vallcy. In this group at the school Harvey Cedars, N, J., for this week which wilt open about the middle of and next. Their daughter, Frances, next Month history and geography joined them Sunday after she had vis- start simultaneously with the ncarest ited Patsy and Polly 'fold, also of Park and with the farthest in human exper­avenuc, at the shorc resort since last iencc, with Rose Valley now and with Thursday. primitive man, in prehistoric ages. "The * • • study of the immediate neighborhood Captain E. Grafton Carlisle, Jr., rc- results, the first year, in "'fhe Book turned Saturday to his home at Am- Rose Valley;" the study of the first herst and Muhlenberg avenues, Rut .. J iin~,;,"'I' of this continent. the second ledge, after a month's encampment with , results in a book called "The the I03rd Observation Aviation at In- First Civilizations of America." Maps diantown Gap, Pa. and globes supplemcnt books, and ~frs. Carlisle and two daughters re- books explain visits to museums and turncd recently after spending collections of specimens from the weeks at Stone Harbol". neighborhood. A systcmatic study of * * * thf'! solar systcm Icads to the arrallgc- Miss Martha Taylor. of Yale avenuc, m'.!nt of planets in their proper rcla-and Miss Mildred Herrick, of sizes in an arc a extending to scv- Swarthmore Collegc Library, will eral miles about the school. Newspa-t urn home tomorrow a £tel' a two weeks' cruise to Quebec and Bermuda. • •• pcrs arc called upon for accounts of Antarctic explorations. 31:."chcological expeditions and the discovery of a new planet. Meanwhile simple problems in arithmetic have demanded a know­ledge of the multiplication tables j read­ing has re(Juired spelling and has led to further adventures with stories and poetry. Nature study has become more involve<: and more scientifically accu­rate. Owls' pellets are examined, twigs and barks of trecs, birds' nests and varieties of rocks are identified and classified, guppi are watchcd until they spawn, a barometer is studied weather flags are hung out. E:<p'ori-, ments arc made to determine moisture in the air and the effect of the rate of evaporation 011 the size of salt crystals. Arts and crafts develop in similar fashion. Wood carving links t hc primitive art of the Incas and Az­tecs with I}resent observation and cx­" ericn~c. The building of an outdoor kiln increases his knowledge of mak­ing pottery. The shop work leads the construction of a new building of a "barn" for the school pets. • When- Mr. an'd' Mrs. Erik L. Sjos- 8a Bel forth ill Aald conlracl In reference to retur~l-.the end of this month from tho ('OlIve7i11., end dillChara1nc of ee_ace: tbe IGreen olW'ration. maintenance and repair of certala spend Hthielli,r \sVuemstm Cerhse, sttehre,y wwheilrle mthoevye 1~~~~'I~I~il~ne:;"~Iw;;'~t"u': ~1b"e~~ dic.oe:ntlsttUreuntc telidn:e thbeer erteoefoorne· from their" third floor alJartmellt at or Imlipnreoav; emtbeea t poaf.7 m8e&Dldt Kenyon aVl'nue to one of the Pow- Slatee Oonrnment lIa~1 houses' on SIJrotJl road. all heretofore ol(reet:1 upon under permit to tU8t'bal1re BCyon.tre illiu the Delaware River: .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I alld provldin.- for Ille pa)·ment of aum. due under the l'OlIlrad from fund. aYailable for the PUII'DIleIl Bet forth hi tbe con1r_", or from • ... u. _ , curren1 reVellue. or from eewer rentals im· posed all provided by law. or from both. A of the 88ld l.'Ontraet Is on file in the 1~~~~~t!:~'h;:C Clerk o.f the BorOUgh located at ELLIOTI' RICHARDSON, Beeretary . Pli. "11m lIDid tlunk Hne and ar;!" .hown 011 a plall prepared b, jo'uSil'r. Engineers, dated February 151h. ID:,H. a l'OJlY of which 18 on file In the Om('e of the Clf'rk of BoroUlirh Councll located _ at Swarthmore. l'ennlQ"lvsnia, The .aid PlaD and (.'onlraCI ale made a patt hereul 811 U !:let forth h(.· ..... ln. Seelluu 2.--c.;oundl Dla)" anUclpato any P87' OlentB DB may be ngJ"et.'tI upon between tbe AuthOl'lty alit! Ihe lJorou!lh • Section a,-The pa,ymenls to be made &0 the Anthoraty ullder the !laid coqlnk'l are either 10 be made from revenues •• ailable lor tbe IJU. (lOBeIl eel forth In the contract or from e.UJ rcn~ re\'cnUC8 or from IleW6 l'Elot- ORDINANCE NO •. no ala im,Io!:!ell ;.p~ IIruvided by Jawor from both AN OHDINANCE AUTHOIUZING THE PROP- as the Couu..,I.mell may t1elcnnine. • 1m OFFICERS OF THE DOROUGH OF Section -I.-There ill hereby appropriated SWARTHMORE TO ENTER INTO A CON. for the year 111~tf the Bum of 13,34.0.72 or 80 TIIACT WITH THE TOWNSHIPS OF much th(.'rcol 811 may be neoe&sar7. to be SPRINGFIELD AND NETHER I'ROVI'I::~~:':'O lIcnl No, :12 o( the budpl&. DENCE AND THE' BOROUGHS OF b.-All OnJinau(.tIi; or parta o{' Or- RUT~EOGE. MORTON. PROSPECT PARK nkullSltltellt berewHb. be and the same AND RIDLEY PARK AND THE CENTRAL hereby -repealed. DELAWARE COUNTY AUTHORITY. PRO. PalJOCd tbis 3rd. day of AUIUB' A. D. 1938. VIDING FOR THE CONVEYING AND DIS. T. E, HESSENBl\UCH. CHARGING OP' SEWAGE: THE OPERA· President 01 CoundJ. TION. MAINTENANCE AND REPAJR OF Attest: CERTAIN TRUNK LINE SEWERS. AND EFFLUENT LINE HERE'IOFORE CON. ELLIOTT RICHARDSON. STRUf.."'TED OR TO BE CONSTRUCTED: Skrelary of Council. THE RECONSTRUCTION, AUl'ERATION AUIJrol'l-d tltiB 11th d~ of August A. D •• OR IMPROVEMENT OF THE SAID TRUNK 1U31:t LINES AND EFFLUENT LINE: THE PAY-MENT OF MONIES TO THE, UN1TBD STATES GOVERNMENT AS HERETOFORB AGREED UPON, UNDER PERMIT TO DIS­CHAIIGE SE\VAGE INTO THE DELA· WARE mVER: PROVIDING FOB PAY· MENT FROM FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR THE PURPOSES SET FOURTH IN THE CONTRACT: OR FROM CURRENT REV· ENUES OR FROM SEWER RENTALS IMPOSED BY LAW OR FROM BOTH, FOR SEn VICES RENDERED BY THE AuTHORITY AND MAKING AN APPRO· I'RIATION THEREFOR. ~ ,WHEREAS tho Townships of Springfield. Rldll'Y and Nether Providenre on(1 the Dor· oughs of Swarthmore. RUtledge, Morton. Pru81)Cct Park and Ridley Park in conjunction wilh the Works PrO:;TI!SS AdminiBtratiol1. havo cOlistructed ('ertain trunk line sewers and an cmuent Une: AND WHEREAS the 8aid Townships and Dorollldt8 are CCllltinod by order of the Sani· tary Water Board to operate their 8CwerB 80 that t!ewage wllt Itow to the Delaware River und not bu discbarg~ Into the Cruw, Littlo Cruo. and SteneI' Creeks: AND WHEREAS under agreement wUh the Gem'ral Steel CastittgB Corporation. 'he l!nih,od Siaies of Amerit,'8 and tbe Commis­sIOners Qf Na,·i{mtion, the Sanitary Water Boartl and the Waler nnd Power Re80UrceS it hilS bcl'1I u):"n'CCl to extend 'hI.! saill JOHN H. PITltlAN, B",...... ANGEL FOOD CAKES So tender and light and Iluffy -with Ihat Indellneable qual· ity that imparls a sense of luxury and good living-Just Robin Hood Theatre Ihu,,";;" line Ir-;,m it~ l're);Cllt lo{atiun. nille und cl::hly·l'our feet morc or letIA 1 .1~'Ii:;"';i"!,,Del:''''''l're Rh'er lor the IIurllllsc of S(OW3JtC at a, point which wlll grand for summertime. each 29c "Boy Meets Girl," the current produc­tion of the Robin Hood Theatre ill ArdcII, Del.. is another riotous George Abhmt cOJm:dy·,\·hich''!'ilfows all signs of topping cvcn "Room Sen'ice" of a few weeks ago. It opens AUgdSt 9 to run for the rest of the week. Next wed.: thc Rohin Hood players will ofTer a thrilling" melodrama, "Post Road" oplnill~ Tucsday and continuing through Saturday, CHURCH NEWS SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHUROB Rev. David Braun. Minister SUNDAY 11:00 A. M. - Morning Worship. Rev. Charles S. Davies. Palrbury. Ill., Pres­byterian Church. w1l1 preach. TRINITY CHllBCB Protestant Ep:lacopal Chester Road and College Avenue !lev. J. Jorden Guenther. 8.T.M .• a.,e'or! SUNDAY 8:00 A. M. - Holy Communion. 11:00 A. M. - Holy Communton and man. Mr. Guenther w1ll preach. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Clarence F. Carter. A.B., B.D,. Minister • SUNDAY 10:00 A. M. - Cburch School. 11:00 A. M. - Morning Worship. THE RELIOIOUS SOCIlfi'Y OF F'BIENDS SUNDAY 11:00 A. M. - Meeting for Worship In the Meetlng House. WEDNESDAY qA9U:'3lll0tl ngA , 101. to 3:30 P. Y.-SeWiDG Bnd In Whittter House. Box lUDcheon. are cordially Invited. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST, OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard 11:00 A. M. - Sunday School 11:00 A. M. - Sunday Lesson:Sermon. Wednesday evening meeting eaCh p. m. Reading room open dally, Sunelays anel holidays 9:30 B. m. to p. Amltl. , aCreh urch edLftce. cordially In'Vited to attend. serv ces and use the Reading Iloom. UPHOLSTERING Furniture Restoring In All Its Branches A N Y W H E R A N Y T I M E E FRED J. HARLEY Call Swarthmore 1441 . ", ~ ... ', Pupils of the Fiflh (;roup "'ark on the "Time Line" Shirley Norman's Fiflh Grade Diseussion Group Man first learned through experience; I low each growing mind to learn again School in Rose Valley attempts to al- by thc same simple and logical process • huerfcre with the ..... ·aler intake of the' I Geucr,1I Steel Cnatings' Corlloration nor <Teate, a nu;s;lIWC, nur l·'Undit.lolI detrln;enlnl to hl'aUb: ' AND WHEHEAS, 'Ihe C"nlral Dclawurc Alii h,'rily hilS lwen duly incorporated purl'0>IC, inter nllll, of 1.'t1ll8lructing an extension ·o! the IIrf'!Wnt effiuent line as more IlDrticlilarly (le!lult)l'd In the ,lreceding II~am~le. and for the ll1trIIO~ of tuking' over the operal'otl. mAilltcllanle. I"CIlDlr. impruve. nlent allli rC~JII~lru<-Ii"1l of the trunk line §ewers. he:-etoforc l'Oluitrllcted. nR more liar· IIculurly de~. ribed: in Ihe fir'St Ilreamblc of thIs O.,lImlnL~: AND WHEIiEAS, In consideruliOIl of the Fen'le (,d 10 be rt'lldered bl· the Baid Cmillly Authurity to the llorol1l:h uf ::owarthmort' ill .hl' disposal of its sewlige. It, IS decmed fo:' the best inll'resls of said Bor-ough to l'!WIIIIl' a ("Ontrael with the said Authority. 8Iir!UI'Itln~ the !'Crvice8 tn be ren-dered by the saicl CPlltrnl Delaware County Authorily I:nc! IIrl"'iding fur tt.e IJayymenlll to be made by the sai(i Borough of Swarth­more rrom CUlltl:! u\'uIlable for the fJUrIJ08eS set fnrth In the l.'OntrAct or from the curnmt revenUe8 or said BoroUJ!'h or from such sewer renlals its may be imposed by lnw or from bOlh: •• THEREFORE be it Ordained by the Council of the DoroUl!'h of SWnrthmore- Section ,t.-That the IJrOllCr officers are here. by aulhorlll('d tn f'llIcr, inlo n ccrtain contract with the Towlt'lhiJls of Springficld and Netber Providell<-'e ami the Durouths of Rutledge Morton. ProS!Jel·t Park nnd Ridley Park and Ihe Ce,"!lral Dcla~Are COllllt)' Authority. a joint Authority 0: gam zed 811d existing under tbe laws, of the Comtnonwealth of Pennsylvania, prO\'ldlng' for the tendering of ccrtain serviccs Time to Have YOUR OIL CHANGED Long miles of summer driv­ing and overheated engine parts-a cruel test for any motor oil. Beller drive in for a ,·heck·up today-it's pmb· ably time to drain and reo 611 with best summer oil. HANNUM AND :WAITE Chry.ler - Ply,,",Ulh Yale Ave. & Chester Rd. Swarthmore 1250 The Cake Sensation of the, year---,BriIliant New Combination8 of Flavor8. Our Master Baker PRESENTS Orange Peppermint LAYER CAKE Here's a New Fresh-Fruit Cake That You Will Devour on Sighl 33c each Orange· Peppermint Cake looks so cool and refreshing -Its gay distinctive appear­ance will tempt the most jaded appetite-The cake Is 01 such delicacy that you will be proud 10 serve it. TURK HEAD CAKES Not iced-Dusted with pow­dered sugar - This Is not "just another piece of cake" but someUting willi a better texture. each 25c Iced Angel Food ~ch 35c Duteh Coffee Twists 15c HOIl'y Pecan Clusters 18c Bohemian Rye Bread 12c Fresh Apple Pie No matter where you go to dine-pie alWayS makes Its appetizing appearcmce-This becrusted dish shares des­sert honors with dear old Ice cream-Heat it before serv­ing and it will have that home-made flavor. 19c each • Martel's Belter Food For The Table Swarthmore 2100 ... . .. , :~6f:'

---------- Page 6 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 2 SW~ll'llllllOl'C t:Ollplc To W cd August 17th l\1i •• Eli~~II .. '11o S. Quinn Will he 8ri"e of William E. Kurlzh"l", Nt-xl \" t-dncMtluy Ih(' IlIITfll~e ~II :\I .... s I hZllllth S.IT.I {jUlIlII d IlIghtl T III ~I T" \\ III! IIll 11 UUIIIII nf(.lrlnl.l\IIlUl, Illd \IT \\11 It 1111 1111 ... I\.UTtzh.ll ... SOli tlf ~IT 111(1 ),Ir ... eh LTks l\..uTtzll liz pi P.lrk .IH IIU ... \\111 h(' pcrfollllul It II (It:1nck mxl \\ tt1m"d~l,) 1IIIIfllllig \Ugust 17 III Iltt rnttlf\ of tht. UUllc.:h of OUT I .lIh tlf I't III ).t Ihll(lllt \ fl\\ Tdltl\e.: .... 111(1 Irlelllls of tit ... IITlIll .11111 hrullgllllllll \\111 hc llrc,",ent :\Ih" ~1.Hhhlll UUII1I1 III (;ITI("(1 .I\t.' IIUt. "III hl IIlml of hll\l\lT 101 ht:T "IS Iu ~IT 1-:.(IIH.rt I....urtzhtlz of i{Hlll\ 1'lrk \\ 111 III hi" hTolln r S ht:::.1 Jlhtll * * • ~Ir lIul ~IT'" (.UJT14l \\ ~Id\..t: 19. of THE SW ARTHMOREAN AII(;UST 12, 1938 ~lls" Js,I,.:I1l' Bronk, of North Chcs- ~II IIHI :\Irs ('(Mrll", C 'J'h.lldlt.11 I)r Ilul 1\lr.. \rlHlld l)n,,(ill1 ofl :\Ir .Im( :\Ir .. \\ I~ Kl.:l~llton Jr I " .11111,1.111,,111'1,1',11[11, "r ()"dlll .1\llllH. 11111 .I'lllill .1'1 h .• I\III" )'Iolld.l\ to .11141 dllhhlll lh.lrlt ..... Bohln, JUl1e .mll tt. r I (I HI lllil rt.IIIH'" .It dlllnCf _1St 01111... '"' I ~ I I k 'I I II .111,1 'I" 111\\"0<1 II C.unt! .IIHI "lllllfl tlll d.I'", III (;lom:( ... I,f ~Il"" I)r j 1111111\ , TllJltl\ltl \ .... tlrd •• , fnllll 530 d,l\ It till.: ng l'Hl'U (:.1 JOUSl' H ., r B k 111111,,11[", '1.1'1 of S,outh PrllH.:doll I)n .. (hll 111,1 "1,"11, n:turlu.:cl frlllll 1{l\lr\ll'\\ ro •• «1 to tht; P.IXSlIlI hOll~t: gillsts ,\Cn Mrs Detlc, \\ rOll. 0 M .. , !-\\l.tlllun..' 1\ltll ... :\1t'dl.l. \\Itlt her h\o ,"CIIIIl: rdll1l1ul I'nd,n Ift ... r.I \Htk's 110ttliHI \\hnl' h ... ".IS \Isltlllg hb .It 311 (\d.IT I lilt II II I I \[, \\ ht Il' 1.1[111' * * * chllclnn ~I.lstl.'r )ohll I Hrtoll Rams('\ motof tnl' 11) .1 IJ1g tilt. ~Il lIHt ~Ir .. Ptll:\ G (;llhI.'TI .lIul Brollk ,111<1 ~l.lst"'T Adfl.lI1 !'o.htchdl tll ... \ \lslh:d Dr llHl ~II s I Ill~o • • • I II [ I I n.lrlJ.lT.1 IIHI SI1SlII Ihlhht.T (1llIgh, Il .... Ir" ,lIIe1 11.lfrilt. or PITk 1"''''lk ,'II ,\ J I'\"... rtoll H.IIIl ..... \ ,llId !\ItTCl'I, l)f i\lIrt I I ..... 1.'1 ~1l~Il,llICt,l , .11o1t f hT .. ()f~lf IlId~lr .. \\II1IlIll'lhlhhlr. IHllm .lIl Il l\lIIg.~11I10110\\ I 01,1I1' .::I1 ",\ II .11111 I~IIS It..:rhut B.lssl'tt, of ~Ir .lIld ~11" JllIl\ L of ('olllgl l\l1l11l .lfll\lfl It IIlhr 11,,)1)( I I .1 \\ I Illt.' tIl l\ pI. lIl to "1'11.:11( I .1 s\\.lIthIllOIt., .llId Dr :\:orlll.111 n.lssctt 11t.1\1I ro.HI * • * II .klll (.llIIp lrO\chll :\ II luh 31 to ,\t.'t k \\1 t1 I ~11 e,Il l} U t S 11.In:nh :\11 (If \ 1.'1111101, Z'\ ) I :\1 r \ P ( III".: rt * * * 1 ~II .1I1f1 :'.Ir ... (,lIll1 I \1'1t... I~(lhh, of l"IIU1I1 Ilil lII~llHh of \ugu",. ,Ill( .... ; * • ~11"'s ~llIgltl't I.clp ... r of A\OI1«.I.llt: lorndl.l\llltil hullsllllllgut .. tsmt.'T II ~I 11* *1*'_-11 II ~Il 1I1f1~1t ... It IIPP'" lIulfllll1h I I I [ I k 1 '1 I'll 111,1 'I, I ... ' ........ 11l1I111'\llTlllf lllli ••• Itl.If.I ...... pt:llll1tgtllSt1I11I11('1 T,l\t'lIIgthc\\t.'t-llll ,\1 ~O)IS HO l ,\ 11:1tthtr .. 11}tll\llh 1IICIlltltlllliTt tll'dt l'tlltlt,llltll ... IS.llunll\.\uJ,:: tlHI ... tllll\l1l~ III 1t,Ih Hlsh*t.s holttlllg: KUlIldh l~tJhh IIf h.1I11H1II1, ~ I, \\Ith I t ( I 1St lI ... t h fCIl (.Ipl ~Il\ :'\ ) \\hut: th('\ t\\O dlgTt:t.!-o 110111 ~\\.ITthllll)rC Col1t:gc, Ills \\Ift: uHI dlUgittl.'l, L Itol 1;1.111 [II .10\11111 11 IIIIHII I~t, \ur \\111 ... plllcil\\o \\llk: ' :\II!-o!-o I t.'lplT hi" d01l1.' gT.ulultt.' \\olk .It * * * 41\ II "')lllli til \\I.l -lill \1~llIIg * * * till InhTIIltU))J.d Gmltll11 P.ITlS •• It lhc ~II .11111 ~II" I \\.IIn'1l P.IX ... OII, 011 ).11 ..... 1~ltlllll .... 11111 ).11 ...... IIITlIlIolII'" :\11'" \ ~I 1." ...... h.lIclt .11If1 Stili" Du:k :\luldlt.IIlII\, \1 SlIlIIntt:r 1.1IIgllolgC \.1 ....... 11 ,l\t.:1Il11 lltuTnt.'ll ~tllul.1\ IttI.'I Ulltll IIHI ,11111 ~Ir .11\11 ~Ir ... 1 A .11If1 I~(I\ Ilft 11'.1 ~lttHCI.I\. Augu!-ot h ... thools tIId It lolumhl.1 L'Ul\ ... lslh ... ptndlllg.1 \H ... k till (.IJll' \1111 :\1., ...... \ Ih Igh (If PTlIlutll1l .IIHI 1)lfltllllllth fOI I \llll~ .11 t.tlllP (JTt.'cit.'\ III thc Silt: h.I'" h(,l:1l no\\ for snt.'T • .t )e.:lrs * * * I l\lllllt ... \notlll'l1l1td I" ~II"'''' 1111 POUIIIO ... IJI 11111 ),11'" I IlRo\ ~llTtt.1 1111 'I I' I I 'I 11,111 1'1\'- i1t.11I of Iht. fOTt:lgll 1.1IIgtllgl' IIIstrllc I I" 1(: .t.I14 t III( .\....... • f.lIlllh nllllmd ~IOl .. lt\ ttllht:1I Illllll IllItl, IIf I),ITIIIIIIIIIII l\lllm tlll\ hit llOlI-II ... llch Ct:IIIlIII. SPlllISli, .U1d ~ Ith 11Il ... 111 101(1110111 tht.1I ... 11111- :\ I ( 111111-111 the \\llh.111l l't:J1Il Iligh 011. tJ I 'I f I \1 1101111.1\ to ",pllld tht. \\tt ~ 111 h ... 11J IIIIl Ilil ~1~'wIL' ttl "'PlIIII l \\",k III 1llt:1 hOIll~ III \ 11I1Ig on, lll\ \: I Illl\ \\111 ntnTIl to "lllIIII 01.:(: 111 ttl\ ~ I \\HIt ~11"'s lOIs SdWlll Il*lh l *I * * * * 'lht: l(lllIhtltJII of Jo.1Il Ih.lhilt.1 oilllll" \\ttl. .. llld \\Ith till l:l\1.. : ;k-. "lforc (If \\ ....... t1mkoll Iftt:T \\Imll .. hI.' \\111 :\11'" 111I1f\ \ 1't:ITsol, or L,lf.ncUe.: Ogdlll .l\tIlJll \\110 h.IS !llln 111 thc'J .. olIIg ttl tlHIT hollll..... \1"'11 hll I"uliltl )'IT Ihch.ttd I I~IIIII III I II I * * * ,1'1, .llId ~II" 11111'1,11'1, (If ~lllIhllrll, 1\1..11111.', \\1 t..L\C to<.1\ 10 ~t,n III ,1\ SOIIH:I!-o p(11II1 IhhPllti ~OIll\I'" 1'01llt,I II, "I ,- I [ I I ~I II 1'1"1 I ,II, \, 'I' III I h 11111 :\11'" \1\ J ~I ....... Blttl"II" , ... 011 \ H .111011 fnllll ,,\ UIII1 IIt.'X lII.'S(.I\~" IC \\1 :\ J \\lth 11111.'1111101111 IS IIll \" lit t "I I" IOIllt:d In ~It Pe.:lrsul fur the \\ce.:k \rllll \ l\hlll\lT (If HIIIgl:rs .I\llllil 'I 111.'1 tilltlls III tht: 1m: d 1-.lIllI" ~ut.:ld) pTm IIIg IIllt:h t:lltl * * * \\11I Ie.: l\t. IUllllllrn\\ til sptllCl I\\Olol1u.::t.' dllllllg \ugust * * * ~II"" It( 1,IIIlldlll of J) tTIlllOlIlh .IH * * * ~IT .111C1~II"l.tnlll\t.:Jt:;Rohh\\llh \\\lh" ,I t'.l1l1l' :\qt.(11O III II)lS,ol'lll * *. 1II01t: t(lllq.~l tl."'!-O;I!.2i Ih .lIul ~ITs C B \\olth, of \\cst IIt ... IT SOil hl:ut lit (011lt:1I 1\t:1II1 .... Lt ~ .. I1tIlT 111'\'" l tllll' 1Il,IT ~llIItoltlkJIIJ.!, fn~~:"t1I:o~I:~ll~SOI~I~;)l\~PI~ltlt rl~ltl~I::II:ld I I 'I II I I' k Illl l\tl1l1 .... \\110 .1Tt: sp ... lHhl1g thc ["",1"11 [h, \\Ulcltl!" of tht:lI IIIt:t:C ~l1 ... s ,,\ f IJlrn .. h 11,1(1 s\\ Irlhllllirc Cnst \.t.'Tt: c.:IIIlTt IlIIlll It dl1llllr till SlIud t) In ~Ir 11Ic! 'Ir... 1~ldllrcl ~r( Stdn of ('llllgl.: S(:h(l(ll ~IT ).!l!....l.lg- .1I1d ~Ir ~ll~lI:l\\ "trt: dl ..... tIl11t.:" .It ~\\.lIth ~Ir 11111 \Ir ... (1.\ (I II IT SlIlIIlII(' I It ~k\hIP, 1'.1, nturncd to 1'1' II ""1 I'uillt.'fforl i\ J * * * phl.1 follll\\lI1g 111 OPt:llttOIl lit:! OTIlIt:d l\t:lltll hl\l Just ntllTIlt:d frolll 11\\0 • tlJt:lIlt: .I[\l\" \. I, J. '1 I I tlnlt.' tltnt: ,\uk .. Igo .llIlllS COIn.tlls S"lrtlllllUl ... lol I hndstl\ 1\lolld.1\ [,,"I, 11'lllllll'lttlll"II!-'iOOfRltlht:I-1 Ih .tllIl )'IT'" (h\tll SIIIlII.Il\( \\It:k ... \.Il:ll1ol1 It \\Iitlll:\) £ * * * I SI II llll~lIIhtTm\\ hOIll ... It 30 Alllht.l ... t "'Pt:IHIIIl).! th ... IIIglil It Ihe II.ln.ulI fllnl 1.lst ..... Itmdn Itltlllllll).! ,It to HI Illtlghllr :\1' ...... I t..IIHlr 111111 II ,I • • • 11 I [",11\ I"~ .I\llltlt tht: fllflllt:1 111l1.ICt: )ohnsull S ~lT Uld ~Ir,; Ipllll ~llr ... hdl dlld oclmk III tht: dl.lpt:! \If the Iltllclll\tttt: 1\t.IIUl \\1 ~I\l "'011 Iltollll" of 1.111(11111 HCIlI1t: ITC ~lls \ (ltllig', of Ot.tlo. 1·1.1, IS thlllt:h \Illtllul Iltl lOlllt:l, XC\\ \OIk "'l'll1ll 1\\0 \\uk ... It I..lld ~lohtlI11~·IIt."ldllllt "'1,"'II(hng I 1II0llth \lsltlllg' Iler IHotluT- , .. \ I ht: ~14 llil" IlIm ... c1 Juh !.t) flOIll ~07 'lllllclllJU... :")01llt: tl•ll ll * It* l ll)t: ~Il\, ~ 1 III I.l\\ .11111 "Istt:f, ~II Ind l\ITs \\ 11- 1\..' 1[\ I I'C'IIUlIlI follo\\t.'d •1 1 1I0tdl"' * * * 1\ 1. .... I \1 oI\lllllt: \\llIth \\,IS 1e.:t:t.JlI \ pur :\IT II If I ~lls J JI (,llnlplI :\Ic(oll- h.11II S IlolfJIIlll,ll II' IT k l\entte.: ~t:\11l... * * * 1 I)r .11111 ).IT" I ncl \ I' It III III Tl c.: I1 .I"'l! II n .',I I .IlH I ',\I I" I 1.111 k II .'\I c~ nll\ III 11m Hlllllt: .lI1d :\oTth thlS lht: lIoffllllllS ~Oll ~IT \V.tltCt ~II .11111 ~IT'" :\ \\.dtci Supkt: 1111' Il1rllul SlllInll\ lrolll I\.tllk 11111 :\Ill lll\\oIlI 01 Lplilld flOIll I U 1>11111.111 Ilr foul IlItlrII1ll ... c1.1 fl\\ fflUHIs .It Ilotfulclll tlf ~toJlehllrst, \\Itlt IllS \\Ift: cllIIghllT ~1111111 01 \.lk l\l.'llllt 1c1L11"hlfl Illl\ hul hllll II hlllg- "'lI!lC of lOllHII I\llllil Iht: (1lIotltloll \lIS Illlrlhdl\ cllllillT ItlT ~Ir ~llCtlJlccll\!-o md llnt:t: 11Ic! lh.llf \t:.IT-ol«l son ... x ~llIlIcll\ ttl ",pl:llcl thc \\I..t:k 111 OCt:lIl1Im .. d,\ III 11 ... 1 \\tt.k IhllT dmghtt:r. :;;i,1l0 Iltl ~ttlll\\ 111 .... 111 t.xl' ... ctt:d to ,,1 ... lll ~II"'''' I hllln ~lcC(lnt:\h\, \\ho Pl:(:t 101110\(' mto thclI 1It.'\\ home lIt:xt CIt\. X jll.lll\ \\IICI I'" "IHlldlllg tIll "'l11l1l11lT It IIlll\l 10 th(' l~tll~lllgh \lIgllst 15 Mr I I I I' [ k .. 1II1111th 'lh ... lwu"c IS 1It:.1TlIIgc.::omptt.'lloli * * * llllIll \f('\\ L I ndlrhk ... hllrg P.l, ~lt:tll\\ \II \\111 hoost Ihl SUIl ()II C01ll I \tilt: Inlill IIg 111( {\.... {go 0 nlot "- I I{ 11 ' I h":T hnllll \\ II h hl T hrolhlf S (111111) lilt the.: 1 cOII1 I ... r of 11 1\ t.'rfUTd lltlCC .lIltl ,\11 Utd ~I r~ () )) \.. (lC IT.UI til I "I't 111 "l \ l T II 111\ ... t hl: pn \ lOllS \\ t: d" .It }Ill" ... It I"l ... t: III It Hill III tht: IOI.::.tI pop * * * )r~xe fOl' K ... II\{lII l\Ultll t:lIlt:ltUIlt:ci .It dlllIHIII{Otk 11111 \\Ith 11\1 p.lnllts ulltloll \ 1'1 * * * s, .1111'11 ,\ "\1'"11" III h01l01 01 ~II * * * • * * ~If IlIcl ~Ir .. II,hll III11t.'r 01 ... ,.., I ~II tlld ~II" t '1IHIIII,IS n ItiCI ,111<1 CI1llu.llI ... 1I11t:lt. ~tl I Iltm.lhl 1-:.111.111 'Ih'" Ifill I I,ughtllll Tl tUlllul 10 ht:r 1\11 111(1 ~lt ... ('1.'1t\ (. (,llhut of S",lrthllll'll l'ttlill hnl ~II'" PllIlIIlI S 1'1It:llh ~II IlIl.I.lJ1( I\~lIsIlSl tnlg{ ' I { d.lIIghhl (.It:illltll rdtITlIt.d to tllll1 01 Bo .. ltlll ~I.I"'" \\ho\\,,~thcgt1t:Stollhllllll nil \lll 1\t.lIIll 111 ...... 1\1\ IIIght P.lrI. I\tHIll t:lltt.'llull<"'( ourlct.'H hOI lit: tln Kl:II'OIl 1\t:I1IlC 1.lst l·nd.n IllS sl-;Iu ~il'" \ \ Luclllill 01 lht: ... Illtr 1 \\llk ... \hlt ttl ht:r "1~lll ~ll'is gllt:"h It I hlllYl..t SUIlIHI .11Id hlldgc (hl ... t(:r SlltHlll tl~11 01 ~\\ ITthmore I I' .lhcT hl\lI1" "Ill: lit .1 \\ct.'k III 01.:: .... 111 tt.! {)tllll utH ... ts \\lrt: ~II lo hr.lII'" ~lllthl I'llg-htoll \\ho I" llllpll\cli III 11 .. 1 SIIIlII l\ C\e.:I,I,"g,' J ugnst lJ I\llllll It tht :--PlllllT "'UlIIlIltr pl.lcc"""" _.- (,h. :-..: J hTothl:1 111·1 ~I .. tt.l III 11\\ :\IT lIItl ~II'" t III ~II\ :'\ 1 tillS ... 1II11111t:T BI'rlll III \\ 1 IIlIIg fOT II, \ I * * * Il(lilolid l{ohh l ncill 111, 01 t, 11\\' d, lIul * * * ~Ir .11U1 ~II'" /ohll ~plmlr,tlf ~lluth ~II ,11111.\11" l\oh('rt ~t Richmond ~II I~llhhs IlIlIt '\II"'~ l.lIIlIIC lUll!, .'I\1 11111'.1,1 ... I \lnlt I - S 1111 II l\ IIH I :\IT .. I~I lItlt ('.lfllg,11I lIId IIIf.lllt ~Oll "l \ 111 h.l\t I l 1m lit cl ttl thtlT hom ... fill 1,"I,..ll'" 1\(1111( tllllll lilt: 1\llIg11 1111" .. 11 Ii 1'lllllCldpll1l \\ht:lt till; h"n "I'" III 111 Jllh 11 Cht ... 1t 1 TO III \\ III It l\ l tIl(. Iltt\l II ITt lIId chlldl l II ,,111 rt:lllrn ~lIl1d L\ 10 tht.IT hdl 01 llll~tt:r I 11111 I \ 01 I', I I t 1II1111l ',\I ( I LTC s\I( IH I - lit till'" \Hlh III \1 ... 1t ~Ir SlllllllfS 1111111t: lill Suuth PflllCt:toll ,l\lllllC .11t~1 * * * IIJg t"tI \\U k ... \\11 II '.\1 1 S1 11\ II Ie\ S PIHllts 111 \tflllol11 I t\\O "t.'l:k ~t,\ .It \ttllllit.:: ec.lch Ilr IloT.let.' Ihlpkll1'" (II lll"t lUll Iplltllts l·o"IIIII ... I\T lIHI ~lls \itrul ~Ir I~ lhl"ltl S(ltmll rll(lIlh Tl- N C Idllllll.'«1 Itst \\uk ... Iul .Iftll !-oJll:IHltllg I' Sill tilt \ (II \ III 1\ I 1II1l: tllfllUllti \\ 1IIIIIgioHI Ilitl \hl1l11g heT * * * 1\\11 \\uk .... It SpUlIl.I{tn IlkI.' :\ , III * * * dlll!!;hltT ~ITs 11.lruld IIlItdll ... llll. of :\I .... s I'lIhlT' 1:lgll\ til PI.ltlshmg 1t.:11 ).11'" II"pkllls lIHI Ihle c1111c1llll'l ~II'" I hZllHlil (. llH" !lid "Oil, SI\Uh\llh ~l I...... :'\ , ftlllllt:lh til ~olth I'lllltt.' IltIIlU 11)(1 1..IUlI let:, 101 .1 \\ld~~ {,llhlll! I I I\ulglr ... l\tlltH IlH ~llln * * • Do You Know 1\ II.: h 1111 R Illig (1\ h.l\lf\IC\\ TOllt "'llll ill \1 r lilt! ~t r... I~tt h Inl 11 tlg ntllllllli \l"llltil\ Iltlill lll'l ~II\, :\ I \\hlll hl hid ... ptlll I \\It.k \ISII IIlg Ihl I"lm :\1 Ir,,1! ill ... {II I 111 t: 0111 .1\1.:­IItll ~\\ Ir.hllll III * • * I !III III \ I .".tllth ,I \\llIttlll pillt III.! Ihlk 110\\11 01 \\.tlllllt IIIH Illt 11 ... 1 Slllllc!" \lIgU"t II III "Jlllld 1\\11 \\((h \\Ith Rllhlll \\llhlh of ()l.!lclI l\t:lIllt, It thc \\ IlIllts "11111111l1 III IIIC 111 :\olth J.Hboll. N II * • • ~II'" I~clalt I I III .. llllllll I\e I1I1t It I I \1 tlllIll \ I n I I, II ~II\ \ bll to hel Inothu III 1 t\\ Inc[ ... hlu ~It 1Il11 ~II'" IlllII\ II I'o!-!gl" 01 llc\c.:lllHI, ()lllll 111111 l 1'1 1111 \\llIlld • , * I' 11l1ll11II~Oll 01 \\111 .\ll\l tl II, ,II :\1 I ...... ~\\.tI tli 1 lIlIIpt I 1 1141 l\ mil S\\ II tlltllOTl spellt I,lst \\ct:k-t:u(1 longe.:r st.l) \ (11\ \1I,..tIl ... t X til slIllHI tluu \\c.:t:k~ * * * ,lslllllg :\11 lI1il ~II'" John I J ... lfoTlb 111 Sl\\ullt\ 1'1 \\1111 ~Ir ... lht:\\ ~ IIIcl 1II1II!hh I ~I....... I 1t(lt Il trill «I" of ~lls 1111\\ tnl Sllulh .... It:l(I\t:llllg ~hhT ).Ir ... (, I ~IISOII ITUIl1 I hn Ik ~II IIIl It ft Iq.{ JII .. t Ihtl'l' * * * \ I ...... IT l\ t:IIIIC * ~ * Inn .L1Ikll \\Imh ... ht: SIJ!-otllllld Ull thc \11 IItci ).11~ Iltwl! Ihl\\\lllh Iwl ~II"'''' I)OItltll\ IUIII'" 01 PllIICltOllllhncl ell\ 01 itl.'l \ll.lthlll It \llIthISI(llughtli l)"lotll\ lit 11m IHUlIt:, .111; wd 1 II 1\ I Itt .1\ t:1II1l s IS sl'llltilng I\\ll I \ lilt. \ .Inl, :\1 I"'S \\ ht: rl ~ht .iII{1 lill ",pllllIlIIg Ihl 1111111111 til \ugl .... t lit. Ir I \\tlk ... \1"'ltlllg ht:1 .HlIIl ~hs (hntt:s dllldltll 111111\ )1111 lIId Sllplllll hl<iIJlolllllti 1'1Ilt: 1'1 ~It\\ ul \\l1Its ur nlut: Bdl 1'1 ,II I ((ltt,lgl hit Iht: lIIonlh III Inl, Ill" I • • • t lu ... hT :'\0\ I Scollol ~ht \\111 IdUln \\llt: JOlllu111\ UI SllIlth fOI th ... I.tst :\II'" \IIIIIHII I ('t\tr ,II 11111 .l\l Illxl \\t:IIJle~dl\ t\\() \\cck... ,1111 1{IWllt" I IIl ... d 1\ l\llllll,.., II I III I The Sure Cure tor any Auto Trouble? Can ,140 iJre$tone B."ed .. IWSSELL'S SERVICE H.lrlmuuth ami Laf,n cUe Aves. '\\ e lJon t Sell Cars-- \\ c Service Them" * * * * * * IHlIlh 11111 1'111 ... "hilt: ... 111 hl(l \1"'llul ANOTHER LADY ~II .llId ~II'" Jnllll \ Sthlllllililt.r ~lls!-o Ihlllill (,Illli lIlci IIlnt, ~11"''i ~IT 11111 ~II CI.HICk Slllllh III nlltl I .... lit I I4 1 1111" '"1 II 1111I , I "un' I I1 .1'1' I I IIld ciLllglltn!-o n.lrhlll 11111 I'tgg\, ~tlh ~lltdll:l1 Itt1tllllll II"t \\(l:k til 1III11l pdt S\\lIthliurl UUlltlt fllt1gli- IUlutl 1111\\, 1I11 lu.llln ',In \\.111." It hl\l TdlllllUI to thl.'l1 itollll till 1}ltk Ilitlll hOllll till :'\ollh tlH!-olt1 10111 I~I ~II I" Iill Hohl I I ... II-.u 01 1'111, 1 ~ 11111111111 111111 .HI'I\("~ 11111111 111"'(111 l\tIlU ... lilt.! S\lllHltl1~ 1\\11 \\t:t:ks 110111 \\lIocl ... 11011 \11 ..... \\hUl th\\ 1 .... \\ It 11,' I( "lIlIt 11,,1 111111\ ;41"'( fUI :';J201.) III h.1\1 It rlll.llrt.'ll. til lht: ".dull. N ) colt Ig ... 01 ~II h.1(1 "')1(,111 t\\n \\tcl~ ... ~\a ...... ~llllht:ll * * * l)u1111l·n ~ ~II SI~lllIt, \\11111111"(11 1,1 1\1I1~11" SdltlHlldlt:rs lIIothu ~II ... lIuH\ left 19'11II \lstt.:rc!l\ \\lt11 hl! l)\olht:1 ~dll1ll1ldlll ot 11.I\lIIOl«1 l\tllllt: Ih~ ItJlh 10 "'PllHl till 1t.:~1 01 tht: StlllIlllt:rll\lllllt. "III JOIII IllS \\lIl 11111 dllltht:1t Iithl \\lth IHI d.mghl ... I, )'IT'" ~IOIII~ .It \\uods llok !ttlill 0\\ 1')1 I \\tlk II \:\\\111111111 111t.:k~,ls .It thc cottlge II\ls \\tlk • * * II tit \: II "Iall the 1111t1 III I'llld A. I .. PAUKEU IUhIJlA, PA. * * * :\IT 111(1 "T ... \mllltl"l II \.\11 \lllIllllJ..:. L 111011111 tlr"'lI .)hont, J O("i-'" :\Jt... 1IIIoM Ogr.1I1l lilt! ",ou", II Lr ,lIlfl f 111111\. \11 I'lrk 1\ l\lllt: It It I hili s \ u;": 11"1 I) to 1>1111"':- hi" \\lIl tIlll dill old \lid Ihmdd It:illlllul SUIlc!l\ ITnmldn 10 ",PlUt! ,I h\\ 11.1\-.11\ \\\.tlu"III"{ :whwu.Uu..U'l~it1LU;,ii:~UL~J11t.! •• \.'llll'LltJO;Ul:'lHUHLjmo!J'~1.J{\11i'iflll:Jht.ii::llrdildl"iBi[r\lit"iiJ cilll] IlIllll 1\\1 Ihl 22nc! ~ll'" 1111111111- Hlhoilulh nt..ld, 1Jt:1 tllth ... n hOllleOIl P.I ---- --- ... tlil \\ lth ~I II JOlll Inc! 1 It k 11 IS hcclI 1,1\ tI \ Il \\ ro 1<1 ~ ... tllll 1111- til( "'111l1111{ I \ .... Itllig Itt:' 1",,==================;1 \.:", __., ...------r IlIl1thu ~II" I d\\ II II I !II lit I ) ld~ D ,r N 1 II 1 ~ ... '< t ~~'!<'~ :[ "". "',.'m, "","", '.'m, ,',m,'. S TAN LEY 0>_ 0 .011 ce. e I' ~'" ll1l\1l'1l1l1l1 till BlIZZIIc!S 1.,1\ Pa. III plllllllllg I l.::.lIl.1.1 Ihll \\111 hi Ill!..: \1..111 '" .:!.> "'IICl:l!-o!-o or III ...... Iutlllg- till: light .. thool - 1" ,."" Starls Fnday 01 colll:gt St 1111 Itll It II 11I1I)kld 1I~, \.,L I~'~ jJI; Mickey Rooney 01 n(. lOT studlllts \\ IlIlIci lomhnso!l ~ • LeWIS Stone I )l1ll lor Strathmore GUidance Bureau, 't..-i l' - - - Judy Garland 2011 S lilt "It: I I~cl S\\ 1l1h1lHllt: I cI ~P"<-'~:t You arc invited behind the scenes I 5hi \\ 011 \\t.:c1I1t ... c1l\s (lllh Philldcl -- ------ NOW 1'1 AYING SHIRLEY TEMPLE m "LITTLE MISS BROADWAY'· (~cor~c ,,,ith l\Iur}lh) - Plnlhs Jlmm) Durante Wnshington Brooks (11I"'ttr 1'.1. !-i1 .. 1I~'1'::"~~~~:'l:"""_ In "LOVE FINDS ANDY HARDY'· MEDIA Friday - Saturday SylVIa SIdney - George Rail "YOU AND ME" Exlral Walt Disney s 'Lonesome Ghost" Sunday Only Richard Dix In "BLIND ALIBI" With Whitney Bourne Eduardo Ciannelli MOll t(IY (Iud Tuesday 2 Big Features Gene Autry m "PUBLIC COWBOY No.1" and Peler Lorre In 'MR. MOTO TAKES A CHANCE· Wednesday and Thursday "WHITE BANNERS·' WIth Claude Rains - Fay Bainler Jackie Cooper-Bornla Granville plll.1 HIITt.llI 220 S III th Sl 'lIlt LINEN SHOP "Uollse of DistinctiVe Lmens" ,1/I1,II~T ~ lI.f. Lolorful Lin __ ~11 P. int LUIl,·.won Scl~ RUNNE KS E ACII PI.ACE l\I\TS N.\PKINS 65e 25e 150 17-PIECE LUNCIU< ON SEl S 83.95 H. T. I'allerson 1318 \\ .llnul :;1. Ch \rloUc 1908 Philadelphia l\J l\lcClIrdy III Ch ,rJ.;c Ph PEN 0691 HARVAHD TEA nOOM lIurh,rd & Rutger~ A,t.-nlle DillllPr Urf't,I; /<1$1- I.lI/leI ... ,,,, ."or Reservations Phone l\lr. Lil'l,incott Swarlhmore 149 --- Al the COlnel uf Th,,) er ,lIld Uuelllsc) Ru,llls, in the H..i\'cn ic\\ Fatlus ~CCtlOI1, ~t nc\\ hOUle IS being erected. Yon arc Invlteu nOll' to !ICC the - th" t'ltal t><llt of "''' IlOu,e em Cl cd b) p,lper and paint, H . .L A V Y COllsti uctlon - that, I.lter, "Ill be J)(·H~n, SI)f.:U/H.':(l(WIIS (lud SIII)l" lISJ(}1I In - WILLIAM E. WITHAM SWARTHMORE 1000 \VISI I \ eliOsl N HI \1 lSIAl! IS Jon \ \ 'S SOUNlli S L IN\lsIMI Nr Ilo YOIl r /Jull/,illg IV it" SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank ;uul Trnst Company l\1 .. lllh.-r 1",h·r •• 1 Dt.I.oslt Immr.lnce COrlJOralioll 1938 ·nm SW ARTIIl\IOREAN I-VOLISIIED EVERY FRIDAY AT SWARTIIMORE. Pt\., TilE SWARTIIMOREAN. INC Publisher l'En:1l .:. TOLD editor IlUSAUE OilY DEN News Editor phone Swarthmore 900 tntercd as Second Class MaUer, January Z". J9'l9. at the I'ost Office at swarthmore, Pa. IInder the Act of Mar«:b 3.. 1819. 1IIWA\, AU(.lJSl 12, I9:~8 Chrisliun Sl'ienee Church ~Ollt' IS till sl1l)jut of Iht.' .... t:11I101\ 111 .111 t hunhl.'s of ...... ll ... ntl!-ot. em ~1I11(11\. \lIgllst • I • 1.(' s ... oll LIITlst, I~ I're.hyleriun Chureh Notes ~IIIHIl\ IIlorlllllg Augnst 1.. ,It 11 II dtll:k thc gu ... sl prt..lcht:T .It tht.' 1'11.. .. - 11\1l:f1.1Il 1Il11rc.:h \\111 h ... Ihc Re.:\ DT lh II ks ~ J) l\ll.'S \\ho h,IS hee.:11 gut.' ... t IIIl11lstt.'r III thc dll1rt h it)1 1110111\ ) t.',lrs I}T 1)1\11.'0.; tillS \ lomplctt:d thl.' fort\ se.:l.::onti 'l.'.tT of Ills larst mel onh p l ... lUl.lte.: III th~ F.1I1 hun 1'1 csln te.:rt,lII llmTch 1·.IITlIlIT\, III II I • NEWS NOTES ~11 ,llId ~lls Illlll1 ~I I'C.ITS(lIl, or P.lrk 1\t:I1Ul, h l\t: t.lkt:1I .1 tnU.Ig'c .It 11.lnn l ... dlr" 1\ J fOT thl ... \\t.'ck 111(1 ne.:xl I ht:1I cI.lIIghtt:r, l·T.lIICI.'~. JOllltd the.:m ~l1nd l\ ,lftt.'T 'ihc h.1(1 \ IS Ilul l\lIs\ .oHI Polh I old •• lls(l of l'.ITk i\ lIlU.... It Ihc shOTt.' TcsOft S\IICl' 1.lst I hurst! 1\ * * • t Ipt.1I11 (.I.tftnll (IThslc, ) r, Ie tltlllld ~.Itm d.n to IllS homc .11 Am h ... lst .IIHI ~llIhllllht:Tg l\e.:lIl1CS, Rut Ildgt.: ,ltt ... 1 .1 IIHmth S ~1Il:.I1I1IHH"'lIt \\Ilh tht. W3nl Ohsl:n.thOIl A\ 1,ItiOll .It In III 11110\\ II ("11) Pa ~II'" t tI hslt. .llId h\o It.ltIghtcrs rc IlJIlIlri nunth .lftt.'T SIlt.'IHilllg" sc\cr.d \\u.:ks .It ~ItIIlC IllriloT • * • ~llss ~I.trth I 1,1\ lOT 01 \ .ilc l\ CIIU'" Illd ~llss :\IIIIITul II('rrl\.::k. of tht: S" Ir111l1H1Tt.' IlhT.IT\, \\111 re tUTn htJlIll lumornl\\ .ltt('T.1 1\\0 \\t.'t.'ks CTUISC 10 <jllt:hel: IIHI II('TIIII1<1" • • Rohin 110.... Theatre 1;0\ 11l:t:h (.ITI thcc.:Ulle.:l1tllroduc 111111 III till I{ohlll Ilood 'I ht:.ltTC 111 \nllll I>d IS .1IHlthlT rlolous Gcorg \hb II lClIlU(h \\Illlh .. lul\\-. III !-olgn ... (I' I, \lPIll~ 1\ n 1\(10111 S('T\ It.:e of , It\\ \\It.l~,, 1.(1 II t1\1lll" \u"'t ..... 9 to TUIl fill thl rt sl 01 Illl \\ttk :\lXI \\lll lilt. I\ohlll 11011(1 pl.l\u" \\ 111 olft r I thrtllili' IIH:loc!r.III1.1 Posl I~\lld 0ilt 11111 r 1m "cll\ Ilid (ollt 11I\1111g Ihrough S Ilnnll\ -==-~=--=~== CHURCH NEWS S\\~A~R~T~H~.~tORE PRESBYTERIANCHURCH Rev David Braun Minister SUNDAY II IJO A 1\1 - Motlling WOfshlp Rc\ Charles S Oa\ies Fnhbury III Pres­byl( 2rian Church will preach TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Episcopal Chesler Road and College Avenue Re\ J Jarden Guenther S T M. Reetor SUNDAY a co 1\ M - noly Communion 11 00 A 11.1 - HolY Communion and Scr man Mr Guenther will prench METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Clarence F Carter A B B D Mln1ster SUNDAY 10 00 A 11.1 - Church School 11 00 A 11.1 - Morning Worship THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 11 00 A 1\1 - Meeting for Worship In the Meeting House WEDNESDAY 930 A M to 330 P 11.1 -SewIDS: and quilting In Whittier House Box luncheon All are cordially InvIted FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. OF SWARTHMORE Park Avenue below Harvard 1100 A M - Sunday School 1100 A M - Sunday Lesson Sermon Wednesday e\elllllg meeting: each week 8 II m Reading room open dally. except Sunday:; and holidays 9 30 a m to 12 30 p m ChUrch edifice All arc cordially invited to attend the ~en ices and use the Reading Room UPHOLSTERING Furniture Restoring III All lis Branches A N Y W H E R A N Y T I M E E FRED J. HARLEY Call Swarthmore 1441 THE SW ARTHMOREAN CLASS St:ENJo:S A'I 'I'lIE St:1I00L IN nOSE VALLEY fourlh (,ruuII I 101st.' Ilohne.:" ll.ld ... th( Itlurlil grol1p \It T ... Ir ... t. Illul upon lOT 1Ct.II\Jllts (If ltllllPIISld of t.lghl I lit I nUll \l Ir Illcb \Ilt Inlll lxp1, r.lllon... ITcht:ologlt..11 III thc pTI\ Itl Jlf(lgn ...... l\l ... d\lllll "t ITt tXPUlttIOIJ<; .III1L Iht.' dl"c.:OHf\ (If I td III ICJ.!CJ 1)\ tht. S\\ IlthmllTl: (pJllg( lit \\ pl11lt. t ~I l 111\\ hilt !-oIIllPIc.: pTnh1 ... lIb dlllclTtllllllt of CdUl.ltlllll Illd I ~TOIIP 111 lfllhllllllt: ! c1t:malHlul I klw\\­oi UIO])t:rltlllg' IMTt.'nh 111(1 IlO" lOll Itllgt 01 tht: lIIulll\lIlc.:.ltIOIl t .hle" rt:.HI II11t1t:d In thl.: Iltttr PII \t:TIJ(1l IlIll 1l1~ ilh nqltlTul "lllllllll-! uHI hiS 1t:(1 [{""l \ .dln III Ih .... gltltlp It tIll sdlO(11 I I lurtlH T llhl..lllur ... " \\Ith s(ortes lIId \\Imh \\lil (Il)lll .lllout lilt: 1I1111t11(' l)1 IIClltl\ :\ II tin "Iuel, h.IS hnollll mon IIlxt 1II01lih 111,,1(1(\ ,111<1 14 ..." 111\01\\" 11111 IJIIlIC SlIl.'nltllcalh .ICI.::U sl.lrt Sl1I1I1111llt:ou ... l\ \\Itll tht: lit ITe"t till (h\! .. ptllll ... Irt.' lX.IIIIIIIl:d t\\lgs 11)(1 \\llh Ihe r.lrtillst III h1l1ll111 lXl'lT- tllcl hlr1~ ... (If tnt. .. lurds nests .lIul Illltt. \\lIh R(l'il: \.IIIt:\ Iltl\\ .11111 \\Ith \ Iflltll" Ilf 1(llk ... <Irt. Ulllltlhtd Illd prlllutl\e.: 111111 III Pllll1stllrl\.:: q . .{lS Ihl.: (11 .... lh,d J.!:IIPJlI.Ift. \\ It(:h('tillllill tltl\ sHuh of Ih(' III1I1Htllllt: 1It1!!:'hl,. rhood "'1'.1\\11 I h IrOllldt r Is stuclted 111<1 TI.''''Ults the.: Ilist \c.tI III Ih ... Book \\lllh\r Illg ... If(' hUllg put I XPt:TI~ of Ho~c: \.Iill' Ihe sltuh III till IIT"tIIlHtlt ... III 1II1dl 10 (ktt:TIIIIlI'" the mh.IIHt.lIIl" Ilf thl!-o c.:Cllltmcllt tilt.' "'l(:~IIICIIII\lII ... tlln III Ih(' .IIT .1I1d Ihe lffe.:d (If \llT Tt.':.ults 111 I Iwok ctlkll IhCjthl rill ot l\lpOrlllon 011 the SIZe.: of 1'lr,,1 ('l\lhz.11IOIIS 01 \llllrlC.1 ~llp" "'Ilt If\ til ... \rh and cTlit ... dl\t.lop IIUI gloh('s "1I11111t:lJIlltl 1lIlllk" .I!HI III "11111111 fl ... hltlll \Von.! (1f\lIIg ll11ks hook ... lXpl.1I11 \Islts 10 IlIU"e.:tJIIIS .UlIlllh( prlllllll\l ITI lit tht: IIII.::.lS mel ~z (:(lllnIIlUh (It "i'II..lIlUII ... Irllm the]hl ... \\llh If( .. tlll "h .. t:f\11IOII 111,1 tX-IIllghhoThullf1 \ !-o\ ... tt:lllltH.: ... tud) lit llfllll(t Ihl I.lIIldlllg nf.m ont<i(l(lT till sol IT .. , ... hlll Illil-. ttl Ihe IrTIlIgc- 1.:1111 III(n I .. t. ... III~ kllO\\lulgc ot lilt 111 ot plllll .... 111 thllr pr(lp ... r nll- IIIg l!1ttlT\ IIIl "I1Op \\(lrl .. 111<1 .. to Inl "'IZ'" 11\ III Iflt t.:Xtllllllllg to S('\- tht (1I1I ... lllIlllOlI l)j .1 Ill" htllldlllJ.,::" OT er II mIlt" .Lhout IIIl ... c1l1ltll :\"''''''1),1 of I II ITII lOT Ihl "c\lOtll P(''''' Pupil ... ul Ilu I dlh (,11111}1 \'\ork 011 Ihe "Tune I~mc" Shlrlc~ Nurm 111\' Ilflh Gr.tell' DIM'U .. !;lOR Group Man first Ical ncd tIll ol1g'h t:xp ... n ... ncc.:, I It I" l at h !!;rtm Ing 1lI111f1 10 Icarn agam '---________________ J! School III Ro~c \ ellIc\ att('lIlpb to al In th(' ... aUlC :.>Itnille and loglc.ll process \\hl.'l1 ~Ir .Hut ~IT" I'rlk L ~JIl~ IltnTn Iht t.llrI of tIllS 1II0llth frolll 11111 \\l!-ol Clu ... lt:r \\ht.n Ihl' "'\llIIlIIlr .. tht. \ \\111 1II0ll Ihlnl 1I1111T .111.ITtllllllt .It l\lIlUl: 10 Olll of Ihl PO\\- 11 •• 11 hOU"l s 011 ~I'To\l1 nl HI ELLIOTT RICHARDSON Secretary 01 III:'>: \:'>:(1' ~o 11ft \~ 01111:-':\:-':(1- \1 IIIO"IZI~I, Illf. I'HOP f." ( .... !If" ... 0" III .. IIOH01(.1l 01' ~\\ \h 11!'lOln 10 f N II- It I:'>: 10 \ CO~ IH\t.:1 \\1111 III~ 10\\ N"'II I I's Oio sIIU:-':(,HfIU \NI) ~I'IIII'H I'ItO\J "I'N(I' \:"I:U IIII' 1I01l01«1I' OF HI fl tlJ( I' 'IOHION PHosI'H":1 I'\HI, \:"I:U I(lhll''\ I \HI\ ,:"1:]) lin CI'NIH\IJ 1))0:1\\\\1(1' COlXl\ \tlliOlUJ\ plW 'WI:"I:{, i«)J{ IIII' CO::-':\ h\ IN(, \NU UlS t::I1\1{t,I~(, Of. SI'\\ \(,¥. UH OI'f.H\ IIOS '1\I:"I:1JoS\:\:(r \~Il H~'I'\11t 01' (I'I(I\IX 1tU:\:I, flXI' sf"f.H~ AN)) HI'IIf.:"I:f IINI' III-Hl'lOI'Uln CO~ "lUI (11'1l Olt 10 HI' (;OXSIItI ell'.11 IIII' HHOSS I HI C PI(OX \1,].1' It \ 110:"1: Olt DlIIW\Jo'\lhNI Of. IIII' S\Il> lIU NK I lSI'''' \~J) 1- .. 111 1'.l'\1 II~I'~ Till-' 1'\\ 'II'SI Or 'IONlf" 10 IIII' tNlrt.U "I \II'''' 1,0' ioJt~'\H.XI \S III'.Jt¥.TOf.UlU. \4 1t1'I<11 11'0:"1: 1 :\:J)JoH I rlc\llr TO DIS (11\1(( I' loOr\\ \(ofi 1~1() IIH. ]),,'1 \ "\I,," unl'lt I'HO\IUIN(, fOR I'A\ '11':"1:1 I<HO\l f.1 ~IJS \\ \1I~\1Il1'. 1'01{ IIII' I'lltlWHS loOfl f.OlltlJl IN fill'. (0:"1:11(\11 Olt f.HO'\1 CIJIUU'Nr ltF.\ f:"l:l f" on fICO'1 Sf:\\rl{ I{I':"I:I \IS 1'\110"1'11 11\ I ,,\ HI{ .I'HO'\I HOfll I'olt ")-H'It:ts HI'NIH'I{I'.U HI lin. \1 111010 I \ \S() '\1 \1\1:"1:(, \X \l'l'HO I'IU\lIO:"I: IlIrHI'f.OH \\111''')-\'' lh r.\\II .... IJlP ... nf SI,llIIfuld hllll \ 1111 ~'Ihll 1111\111111'1 Ind IIIl 1101 tlu~h~ HllllltI_l ,II 11 II ~I.I IUIII 111,11 1_ll{III~1l1 \\JlII e" II I 11 !-OI, (I I: 1 .. 1111_>; t::, t lIul 111"1 IlIl t IIIIt I SI II " fI[ \nll III I mol till Clllllml" "'IUI'II" "r :"1:\\1_11" .. 1111 SIIIIIII\ "Ihl 11011'1 1111 til \\ 1\(1 \1\,1 l'l>\\11 H, "II'~­lIoaloJ II h, .. 1,," '~I II I ... xIIIII til "'111 IlIhulIl lUll f 1111 It ... I'll llli 1_.111,,11 hlllllhl.1 1111 I hl\ ['UI1 fIll m,)I' 01 I11to II, J) I ,\\ I 1{1l11 rill Ih 111111'''', IIf it I p'lIll \\111011 \\111 III( \\ It. I 1111 II" .. r III I 11,111 11111 II nul .. 11 , nit lit III 1 I II .. III 111111 "r 1111 .... \\1 I" III' I .r". "II 1111 I, I I" JIlII' I'll 11,ulnl\ d 111,11 111 II. III I 11,"uloh or II .. " 0, ,1111 til \:"I:J) \\1111 I \S III 'U" ,1111,"" "f lit, 111111111 11\1' .. 1, I. III d ,. I 11\ III .. tI.1 (1111111 (1111111\ \lIlhulll\ III II !I'I' II 'f S"lItiIlHI 11111 ""1, .. 1 or II ... \\1. II I" tillllUti III Ihl ,,, I IIlHI' t ... "I 111 HI 3 I" )00(1 r"lllI III .... ,I .onlf.l<1 III r('lf.'r(,III..'{'J 10 1111 1"1'11\1.)111_ lUI _1I ... hlr_llI~ of t'C''' ha tllf.' 111M f liltoll III HI,t. n .... , III 1 n Ilalf of l,( rl UII Irunk lUll >'l\\lr .. 11111111111(111 11m II ... tor"n C 111'<lru Iitl III til ht .~III .. trUtt(,1 Ihl f(IIIII ,,1111011"" 1IIllitlIH ur 1Il1llro\lnUIiI IIi .... 1U1 tlunk 111Il .. IIItI III1U1I1I 1111' .. lilt 111.)0110111 IIr 11111111 .. '" 1111 1 1111I~1 loOllhlll (.v\{rnnlCut I,. hi f' I"r II ,_n'l.1 1111"11 \llIdl r 1)( rmH In dl .. ,hlr~1 \\1_1 IIItu tlu J),Il\\:lfl Itlltr 11111 I.r ,\ 1111 _ fnr 1111 1,1\ nil III III IHlnl .. tlUt~ Ulld~r lilt tllntl lit (rill" 1111111 .. nall,bh (ur til "1111"'~"''' t f"rtll III till ... mlr I~I IIf frum I 111ft lit fl\'"III" 'I rrllln ~\\Ir rlnlalK 1111 I"'''' " I" I'"' "" ,I II) II.... IIr 'fllfU butll A I "I Ihl "ull I I1l1lr II I .,. nn IlII III till 'I nf till (h I k III 1111 "lrulI_h 1m lIed .11 loO .... IIlhru,m I I 1111 "lid II link hm allli 11111.11111111 II .. liu\\11 f.J1I I 111m l'nllln,1 b.) 1'"111111 11,1 1 .... lr ¥.1I~1II'"lr .. dllill fliJruar.) 1,111 ] I S 1.11" flf ,,!III h I" Oil IIlcc III till (I k f 11.1<111 II COli II! II lu! Hr.1 111111"'\ h 1111 I Tho 83.ld plan l I III Inntll I~ II ~L, 11111 II III 1\ !IIllIlllltl III.) IllY III n h I 11'1."11 1111011 iJt'h\I'(211 the UI I I III II ,ruu;.lll,n ~-Ilu 11.)111'111" to 1", JIIallt) to \ullim II III II I th ~ uti t.'lIl1liat.1 ar' Ilth~1 It> hI IIIlllt fllllll it\tllll~!oI niIJllblc for Ihl lUll"!"" >«1 furlh III till l'llllirid Uf fllll1l II I 11 11\111111 .... UI 'rum ~"(r nllt d!ol 11111 ... I "I ,\ lilt II I" 11\\ IIr limn bolh I" Ilu ":"1111 I lilt I) III" lit Il rUlIII!' 81<.;11 II I-IHUI I" lunh~ 11'/Irflllrllt~J.I (lir III \ " I I IS Ih, .... 11111 01 !' I Jill,,' or "'lI mwh 1111/ I I" 1111\ hl 1I'('lC,,"If\ 10 be .hlr~lll I'I.HI :'\;0 ,. IIf Ihl bUtI.,.cI Slllllll .-\11 eh.11II11) (~ UI Ilul .. "r Or ,hllil 1-0 '11- hUI hUl"lIhbe mci Iht! "11IIt! "' h I I \ II III 11(211 I I 1 I this lid d 1\ o[ AII.II"1 \ U }'I;)6 1 f. II~SS~NBHUCII l'r(2t;II(2111 o( (;OIlIlCII \ 11(' I EI I 101"1 IUCIlAltlJSON S€>{ret Ir) .. f Cllllllni \"1 re \ ,11111 11th ell); 01 \1I_U .... t. A V I'II~ JOII:"l: 1I J>Jf:'\IAN !'IN(.EL )o'OOD (AKES llurl;CSfi So tendeT uud h<Jht and fluffy -With thot mdchneable qual Ity thC1t nnpurts a sense of luxUl y cmd 'Jood hvmg-Just qrulld for summerhme each 29c ') he Cake SCIlHo.,tiOI1 of II ... )""r- Brilliant Ne" ( oluhin.llionl!' of 1."la\ors. 0111 M.,.I" .. B"kel' PRESENTS Ch .lnge PCI'pcrnlinl LAYER t:AKE Here s CI C Ike 1 hut New Fresh frUlt You WIll Devour on Sight ou~h I 4 I III I 01111101 \\1111 III 11'11 \lItllo .. \ "lIlIlIII! III 11", .... 111111 Ih'll 1\ II "11,1 CIIIIII HII\\III ,:,;,11111\ \lI1hll,1\ ,I 1'''\11111 r, 110 11'\\lIIII .. III It 1I1,,1t 11\ III ... 11.1 I ,I' II II "r S\\ 11111 I 1111 I flOIll hUH I "III II,lt f01 1 !II 111111 .~)',)) C each OIClW]C Peppermmt Cake looks so cool and re£reshmg -Its gay dlshnctlve appear (mee Will tempt the most JClded oppohle--The cake IS of suc.h dehcclcy that you .. , I 1"1111 III Ih, ."nll It" flllill til 1111 III I I\IIHII fli ""I J. lOll II 1(('1111 "1I,h \\11 II lit II I'" Inn I, 11II11"'1t! It, II" 1 11'111 Imlll fIll' 1.1' Hllt"" II .. (hoi 11111 II 10\ till CII\III II fir lilt II ... \1 'I IIr !'\\ (I I hllllli I - Stllll1l1 J -Ihll till III II I ,Ih I" II( h.1i iI\ UII 1101 I I I I .. III II 1111 .. I ,,111111 • 11111 I \\1111 lilt I II hl]'''' ,I Spill! III 1,1 III I N'lh I 1'1,,, .. 1 )I ~ 11111 III Hili '11_"11 .. IIf Itlull I, I \10111111 1'''1' I I II Ii 11111 HIIII\ 1'1I1~ 111,,1 till C,ulllll) \\ II Cm\lll\ \lIlhull\\ I Jlmll \mhOl/l\ 11_1111.111 11 I 'XI I 1Il_ IlIlhl Ill, ].\\ ... of 1111 t.:"1I11l1 ,I)\\l 11111 uf 1'1111".;\1\ 11111 11'\lillI_ I I Ihl IIII,hllll_ of .'tlllill _II\"~'" YOUR OIL t:IIANGED LOII~ III1It ~ of ~HII1Il1CI (111\ Ill;.! ~IIHI 0\ CI hCdlcd cngillc IMlls-.1 «lllPl It'st rOI ~1Il) mulOi 011 Bclll'F cit I\'~ III £01 .1 «lll't k lip todd, lis 1"01, .11th 111111' 10 (II ,1111 ~llld It' hll "Ith 1)(~'4 .... lI111I1H I 011 HANNUM AND WAITE Cllrysler - Plymolllh Y"le Ave. & Chester Rd. Sworlhmorc 1250 Will be proud to serve It 111UK HEAD ( \KES Not iCed-Dusted WIth pow dOTed sugar - ThiS IS not JUst cmolher pIece o[ cake oul .::.omcthmq With a better texture each 25c )t cil Angcl Food co.,clt 35c I)ult'll Coff"e T"isl. 15c 11011') P","all Cluslel·. 18c Bohcnliun Rvc Brend 12c ll'l'esh Apple Pie No molter where you go to dme--ple always makes lis appetlzmg appearance-This be.....rusted dISh shares des sort honors With dear old Ice cream-Heat It before serv m" and It Will have that home made flavof 19c each • Martel's Beller Foo(l For The Table Swarthmore 2100

---------- Page 7 ----------

THE SW Box Lae~ Renvu READING AUGUST 1938 Avenue 626 (eel .aulbeall& from tbe IIOUlheut Iddl! of Oreenblll Road, Towmhlp of Upper Du.rbl'. 50 leet on ConpeN AVenue by 126 ,,.,..r.o reel deep, beiDl" No. 311 Col181'eQ Avenue. T1I> Lindbergh, We'; ~i>IIl, Prom ~minllfant nering and. Kenilworth; ~1dnner, And~ to Inventor; Skinner, Foothghts and Brea~s Tralt; St~kton, Ru~cr Grange, SpotligblJ' T ... in Life on the M~lisa- Tarkmgton, Mons,eur BeaucaIFe and Sev- An opening exhibition game bet,ween I ippi and' =hi~. It; Sapdburg, enteen; Thompson, Alice 01 Old Vincen-the Swarthmore Indians and an Ab';"'m L" Po nes; Verne, Michael Strogoft'; slar team composed 01 members 01 'I1me to Get Some Good Po,'ry' Jeremy; White, Snake Gold; .~'np!..,,,,,,"'~~"._~wD81111 01 t.wo .1.017 36x36 fee&. poreh front.: addition 12s:8 feet.; frame feel. Chester Comets, Philadelphia Lac,,>ss,e!ljUU 'l'hD Benti John Brown', Body; Virginian; Wadehouse, Meet Mr, Club and Baltimore Orioles was rained Reading Done Spc>Ol1 luver Anthology. , Wren, Beau Sabreur and K. RIIODES. Attorne,. out Wednesday evening at the Rutgers Sommer 11"/0"6 by Trail; Lincoln, J" Captain Erie; avenue box. Since it is getting started Conley, shall, A" Honor of the .clintons; Levari Fada. 50.238 so late in the season it is planned to Continued from last week's issue of She ood. WAC 1 B 'II The Swarthmorean the (onowing list Heyward, rw· 'J ourt 0 Oyvl e. June Term, 1938 play daylight games only, each Wed· nesday night at 6 :45. books available in the Swarthmore GratIe 1. Grade. 7 aacI 8 All that oortaln 101 or piece of ground wUh ================= II~ul.lic Libra.rv, is recommended by the Alexander, Oncoef a "G-r'Iaannd d Aabnbdo tRt, La'rBkspIu r j Alcodt tO, lEdi gFh t h' ed &thletu atme eNonu atrhee o"r'e att. enaeidmee not f tWheerlelionng toenr edroeadd, Board of Education for general derson, Mary .xvi, ose In oom, an as Ion nt thEl,. tlletanoo 01' two hundred and ,"VentT' CLASSIFIED grade reading. It is suggested that Nights; Barri~ Admi"ble Crichton, Girl; Bachelor, Man for the Ages; Ben': Rve fool northward from the north eido of those who have been allowing their Little Mim'st"r, wad Peter Pan; Bennett, nett, Master Skylark; Blackmore, Lorna Walnut etreet, in the Township of Upper Y Dnrby. County 01 Delaware, and Stato of reading to slip choose one or more Master Skylark; Byrnne, Ates&er Marco Doone; Bolton, Girls Who Bccam"e:'::;~~~:.IPeIlIlI'YlVaIlIB. Containing in fron&. or breadth ;~~Ii~i~i~~~;;~ books now from the list and withdraw Polo,' Brittain, Testamen,,~_ of1 _Y _ o• uth; ous; Buntett, Secret Gha'rlld eCn ; • .( uamll i tbeex tesaniddi ngW eollfb nrtthoant rwoaidd tht .wIenn \.Yle·lnlvget h feeolr. them from the Library when it reopens rad, Rovefi Cowar4. '-'4va UfUej of the Iliad; Churc I, rlSIS dellth westward between I.arallel lines a~ right. on Monday, August 22. There's no John Halifax, Gentleman j Di(:kens, Book of Stars; Dana. Two angles to the (laId Wellington road. sevenl:v feet ,~r 10~;a;;~;:;~~ way to forget abo'Ut the heat Expectation.: D umas, Cou n t 0 1 B e 1o re t h eaMs t: DI'C ki' nS, orI ver ,t.o-a tet hed rhm'eiwddalye 0e1x' teal ldclenrgta inn ortethnw faeredt Iwntidoe Bparn!.. mosquitoes than to lose one's self Cristo and Three Muske~s; Child's History of England; som 8ln-et. alld BOuthward Into Walnut. street. London's "Call of the Wild," "Gren- Cross' 01 Peace", Kingsley, CoWlt of Monte Cristo; Hughes, Tonl Under aud eubject, however. t.o certain fell, Labrador Doctor'~ (biography) or Ho I; Kipling, J.,ight That Failed; Brown's School Days; Jackson, R~mona: building retltrleUoll8 as therein mentioned. others 01 the var,'ed and educational lof, G'e'n'e-'' Ring and },farb'l~;I James, Smoky, and SanWd; h' KmFg sley, TO~l·ther with the free Uac, right. IibertJ' fiction, biography, poetry and plays ar- Iceland Fisherman; M~.terllpk. U Ue Westward HoI; London, Ite ang; und I,rivilege 01' the aforesaid private drive-ray started in last week's paper and Bird' Major, When Knighthood Was in Looker, White House Gang; Malot, No- tI3 aud lor a I,assageway and drivewlQ' below. Flow'e r' Mar,'e, Grand duch*ess, Boy, and Nobody's Girl; Martin, all times hereafter forever, in common ii~i§i~~~;' wUh the oWllel'd. teliMb and occuplen of tho T I of a Princess: Marryat, Mr. Mid- Lou; Masefield, Jim Davis; Mead .. olber lots 01' groUlKi bounding thereon and ,aBvyerd,, 'LI' tt Ie Amen'e a, and Sky ward sh,'p...-..'. n "-sY', Remarque.. AI.I.Quiet LumberJ·ack, and Away, to Sea; Mel. . h8\'III" the Ulle thereof, or to any other prop· J::,O& to the weet thereof to which the use of Franck, Vagabond journey Around. the Western Front; SabatiDl, Typee. and Moby Dick; driveway may be extended by tho eal.d World; Halliburton, Royal Road to mouche; Scott, Kenilworth; ery, Anne of Green Gables; John H. McClatch7. i~~~~~lmance; Lindbergh, North to the Orient; Journey's End; Skariatina, First to Go Boy's Life of Lincoln; Page, Red Being' No. 100 Wellington road. Roosevelt. African Game Trails; Wells,! Back' ', Connecticut Yankee in Porter, Freckles, and Laddie; Pyte, Kapool, K',ng'Arthur's Court, and Prince and the 01 Iron', Roosevelt, Letters to His Chil.1 conImcrperteo vbemlocekn tsa ncdo nsstuisctc o0 1h otuwsoe , s2tO1lrt:y3 9 stfoeneet:, Pia": Pauper; Wells, Kapoot; Canfield, D." dren; Salten, B,arubi; Scott, ~vanh~~ Iramo addition, 12x3 feet: one IItOrT , F' 'F Co d J N S J 11th Ca P lrame addition. OxO feet; garage aUached, ~~~;~~~~;:::;,!:::; Sheriff, Journey's End, Home Ires In rance; nra"1 Ig- earnan, acque me 0 e rner Ig.. 10x20 feet. Poetry: ger of the Narcissus; Kipling, R., Puck conj Stevenson, Treasure Island; Tark .. "WANTED Kipl,'ng, Barrack Room B a II ads. 01 Pook's Hill', Moliere, Comedies; Ros- ington, Penrod', Terhune, LadS,' l Further andS olEd lizaasb etthbe Lpurco*kpeelr,l y moofr tlrKBga"tohresr inane d LKucakLehl· WANTED-RelLable mald, full tlme, famllY land, E., VAiglon; Stevenson, R. Adventures of Lad, Treve, I vershecn Luckel, real (lWDer. of tour. Bleep out. Reply Box N, The Grado 12 Milster of Ballantrae. and Bruce; Twain, Tom Sawyer and WM. K. RHODES. Attorney. Swarthmorean. ! Fi'ct;,,,,, Grade • Huckleberry Finn i Verne, Twenty Thou. BOARDING Austen, Pride and Prejudice, and Em- Barrie, Little Minister; Bennett, Mas. !:land Leagues Under the S~ and Michael Anna M. Price. mtKl".. and Stratford Eo- ;~~~i~~I~~~~~~~jf~~~~..:~ ~l:~_,~"."': ~_ ~-: ILrnoao, kianngd BNaock rwthaanrd g;e r Abbey; BeLlloamrnya, tBeor dS kyDlraurk~'s 'B laBckumlleonre,' CLrourinsea Dofo one' bSetcroc~o fof if WSua.l,mlaycber, oBoke nF Harumr;, Wyss, ""7R1eS-1;tTdoerwmm eHntl 3D8-. --&d; cLb.t A$1lI1s·.n0. 0L0.e0v0. . Fa. No. 73 June '-===== I Do'ohne ; BCrontde, RJane EyreC. ' S eaYhe'l ot • Bun'y an P, 'gI"nm s Family Robmson; Burroughs, E., Camp. . Houre and lot Nether Providenl.'O Twp., Del. - Helg ts i onra, over: ronlD, tar, C c , D Q' . t ing and Tramping With Roosevelt; Co., Pa,. un S, ed. of Pine Ridge Road 111:4.28' :-:::= "'=-=='"'- I Look Down i Dickens, Old Curiosit~ s',se~,vaCnletesm'ens,onCon~ec'xti~Ceu;t Y--kee', Hawkes, C. Silver Sheen. measured N. alld E. along the S, Line of Pine Shop, and Pickwick Papers, and Oliver '''I'' CUI Ridge Rd. from its intersection with t.he PhUa- Old J d P • t, Cooper Deerslayer &: GarrctUord St. Rwy. Co., thence extending ~~~~F~~~~~ I Tw,'sl', Ell,'ott, M,'II on the Floss', Gals- u ge nes, , along line oC 10' N~. 129 S. 7° 1'0' 20" E. worthy, Forsyte Saga. etc. i Gaskell, Craik, Jobn Halifax, Gentleman; Crane, SHERIFF SALF~ 170.55': tbell<."C N. 70· 2' 60" CaRt 67.62' Cranford', Hardy, Tess, and Return of the Red Badge of Courage; Davis, Captain Shcrlff's Office, Cotirt. nouse, MedIa, Penna, '0 a point in line of lot No. 127 thence ex- "'i~~~~~ I I Who C D lerulillg along said line oC lot. No. 127 on sald I~ Native; Hilton, Lost Horizon; Macklin; Doye, lte ompany; um- Friday, August 26. 1938 I)lall N. ·ID :17' west 167.07' to the S. ad. of ley, Westward Hoi; Lewis, It as, Count of ~onte Cristo and Three B',30 A, M, Eastcrn Standard Time Pille Ridge Rd. S. 80- 23' west. 42,0': thence WANTED Furnlsbed house 0 .. apt.: 4 or 5 rms., from Sept. 1. Also three 3-bedrm. houses. $50 ,a6n0d $60. Two 5-rm. apts., unlumtshed, to $65, Notary WM. S. BITfLE Slr.artluDlore Il1~ PubUc-Insurance-Beal Estate J. D. DURNALL REAL ESTATE om.." no Cornell Ave. Telephone Sw. 13 Sates, Rentals and Property M>m~.!~ Thirty-five years in Swarthmore 1Iea1 Estate We solicit your business and conHdence SALE OR RENT r~N.~~FIn. ROBERT T. BAIR Bonded Realtor Phone Sw. 211 211 CORNELL AVI. JUST RECEIVED Another Ust of Delaware County houses tor sale at foreclosure prices from an in­surancc company, 10% down is M k F C C W. along eun.-ed line of Pine Ridge Rd. 32.1' Happen Here', Mansfield, Ga....".l en Party, us' eFteers; d mJg er', oMuera gde,o'tuhs' Goolmd~ COllditlons, $250.00 cash or certified cllecli- to beginning, Delng lot No. 128 011 plan 01' etc. j Scott, Kenilworth; Thaclceray, Van- pamons; or, atuce re, - at time oC sale (unless otherwIse slated if} Pine Rldgc. ImprO\'emcnIS consist of: two and ity Fair, and Henry Esmond', Walpole, smith, Vicar of Wakefield; adverUsem*nt). balance in ten days. Other con. one·half story s'uCC'O honse, 25x34 feet: porch , • H diU d of sale 1'rollt: OtiC story addition. 20:1:20 feet.; duch*ess of Wrex, and Rogue Herries, King Solomon s Mmes; arte, onll on ay. I!tUCl."O garal>tJ. 10:123 fce'. and Wintersmoon'; Webb, Precious Bane, Roaring Campi Hawes, Dark Joseph Poshkll. mortltigor, and Dorothy H'II R.... P' , T - y' Wh.rers, real OWnf'f. Levari Facias No. 129 JUDO Eo LEUOY ,-an RODEN, Attorney. Wells, Joan and Peter; Wells Shape of I. ..... nor s ~gac , Term 1938: debt. '7497.82. houllO and 10' Things to Come; Woolcott, Reader ~ ere4 Wagon; Hutchinson, Once situate on the nortbeasterlJ' side of Congress WILLIAM W. McKIM, SherIff. Trollope, A" Barchester Towers; TOlD" a ; Jackson, Ramona; fF~""'''''''''''''''''''''==='''''''''''''''=='''''===='''''''''''''''''''''''''===='''''===''ii linson, R., Sea and the Jungle; Johnson, To Have and to A .. R as ..I a s, of VUno and Tn.m.1 Biog,aph~, peler of C{aCOw; Klp~ing, Kim and Brittain, Testament 01 Youth; nay, Tal... from the HilI.;, K~ c..ppy I .. ife with Father; DeKruif,· Hunger Ricks; La~erlof, Gene~l s Ring; Fighters and Microbe Hunters' Mau- Charles 0 Malley; LII)encrantz, rois, Ariel i Pepys, Diary; Sheea;", Per- of Lie~ the Lucky: ~velace •. _ .. , sOlla1 History; Steffans, Autobiography; Candlehght; Mast;field, J,m DavIS Strachey Emminent Victorians and Martin Hyde; Major, When Queen Victoria; Sullivan, Twenty' Years "Vas in Flower; Mea~er, Black Buccan· Agrowing; Zweig, Mary Quetn of Scots. eer; Nordhoff, Derelict; Orczy, FOR SALE 530 RIVERVIEW AVE. Choice loeation for a home. Four bedrooms, bath, two· car garage, Large lot, Price $12,500. EDWARD L. NOYES 13 South Chester Road Mallory Morte d'Arthur' Untermyer Pimpernel; Page. Red Rock; Modern B'ritish Poetry; Bo;well, J., Lif~ Jinx Ship: Pyle, Men of Ir?l!; R~:~~~ Telephone Swarthmore 114 of Jonson; Ford, H., My Life and Work; Washington, B" Up From Slavery. IBHl~ooed: alnmd; Sec:atra:moo~ufc~heN;~ Sac:ovtt :Gau~yr ~r~e~;~S~aba~t~I~1U~':(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= Travel: Linghergh, North to the Orient, to buy. Let the tenant payoff the mort­gage for you. Look over this ltst for Invest­ment properttes - $2300 to $6500. Blame it on Ihe BEAT or M.PARKER the BUMIDITY • • • Iud 23 South Chester Road MEDIA SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Baltimore and South Aves. Summer C'aue8....- Enroll No." Day and E"ening Ca •• on Request Call Media 1936 the fact remains that many times during these hot daya you. feel sticky . . . downright uncomfortable. You. want relief. And one of the best ways to get it ill-a refreshing warm bath or shower. For a trouble­MARY EYRE MaeELREE free, never-ending supply of clean, hot water- Teacher of Piano-Pipe Orga .. Theory In Swarthmore Every Wednesday 609 S. HIGH ST, WEST CIlESTER Tel. Weat Cheater 90:;" W MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON ,JOSEPH B. qUINBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS CALL ELECTRICAL PETER E. TOLD General Imurance 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. Swarthmore 1833 1896 .... oae MI.' In3 Book's Employment Agency Bonded and UeeJUed by State 17 MIIdllOn Ave. LANSDOWNE, PA. Sel"" ....... 1aI,,, and colere<I 1aelp '" .110 .. _ Gel an Iluiolludic Gas Water Healer Drop into any of our suburban showrooms or phone for a home service man to visit you and ex­plain full details on a modern Automatic Gas Water Heater. Briefly, you. can rent a heater for less than 25c per week. Or, you can buy one on our new Trial-Purchase plan. Either way is easy on your budget. Don't delay! Investigate this care­free, economical method of keeping comfortablel PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY At ~14 B""'""IJa" Btote4 cK Bee ~014 .2>ea/e, DRIVE DAREFULLY • VOL. X, No. 33 SCHOOL OPENS SEPTEMBER 8th Office Now Open For RefPstra­& ion Which Closes Sep- . tember 2 Swarthmore public school classes will begin tfhursday morning, September 8, 1938, for all classes from the kinder­garten through senior high school. Dur­ing the first few days the elementary grades will have morning sessions only, to accustom the children gradually-to the routine and confinement of school work. Registration for admission to school must be completed in the school office in the high school building on College aveliue prior to September 2. The office is now open from 8 :30 A. 11.{. to 4 1>: M, daily for this purpose, All chil­dren entering Swart1lmore schools for the first time, including those in kin­dergarten, must he registered by their )larents during the above hours. It is not necessary for children who were prev)ously ill the Swarthmore grades and who are now entering Junior High School to register. All P4pils registering should bring with them vaccination and birth certifi­cates, and if entering from another school their transcript papers. New high school pupils should complete their roster of subjects by September 7. School children should be taken to the family physician and family dentist for a thorough health check· up before entering school, according to recent an­nouncement of school health officials in fhe city papers. Such examinations are urged for Swarthmore children so that <tny remedial defects may be corrected before thc children resume dairy classes at school. M any children are eager to join the Dcntal Honor Roll by having their teeth examined and filled now, if needed. . The dividing line for grade pupils \Viti ocgin at the railroad station, ilowii Park avenue to Harvard, on Harvard to Cresson lane and Swarthmore ave­nuc. Pupils living south of this line will attcnd the Rutgers Avenue School and those living 110rth of this line witl attend the College A venue School. Be­cause of hC8\'y enrollment it may be necessary to reassign some of the pu­pils living near the linc. Children who will be six years of age by Februray I, 1938, are eligible for admission to first gradc, those chil­dren one year younger arc eligible to kindergarten. Each child must, of course. be properly vaccinated. Miss Margaret L. Pricc will be in charge of both kindergartens, the one at Rutgcrs avenue being in session lrom 9:00 to 11 :30 A, M. and at Col­lege avcnue from 1:00 to 3:00 P. M. daily. For the spring semcster hcgin­lIi~ Ig Fcbruary I, there will be a change, with the College kindergarten in the 11lOrning and the Rutgers in the after­noon. It is Miss Price's plan to conduct as much of the kindergarten work as Jlossible out-of~doors during the pleas­ant autumn days. The hours of the daily !-ichool ses­sions are as follows: High school, morning, 8:30 to 12:00; afternoon 12:50 to 2 :45; elementary grades, mornings beginning at 8 :50 and afternoons al 12 :50. Dismissal in the grades will be staggered, the smaller children who are inclined to loiter along the way being excused first, the older ones tater. The dismissal time in the elementary grades has been set for the mornings at 11 :35 to 11 :45; and in the afternoons frOID 2 :30 to 2 :40, Any cluestions parents may have about schools may be answered at the school office- by calling Swarthmore 67 any weel$, : ,da, y. • • With Civic Symphnny on Radio Donata Colafemina. of Han'anl ave­Hilt'. wclI known Dclaware County ten­or, will he heard as soloist \vith the Philadelphia Civic Symphony Orches­tra, major unit of the Philacie1phia Fed­eral Music Project .of the Works Pro­gress Administration, at a radio can. cert to be broadcast over Station KY\V. Monday evening, August 29, at 10:30 o'clock, with J. W. F. Leman as conductor. 'Afr. Colafemilla's contribu­tion to the program will be the aria HUna furtiva lag-rima" from DonizeUi's opera "L'Elisir. d'Amore." Orchestral numbers by Chabrier and Saint-Sa ens make up the surrounding bill. 'lUG 2 v,'l,, , > E ... OY YOUR VACATIOI SWARTHMORE, PA:, AUGUST 19, 1938 f2.50 PER YEAR New 6th Grade Teacher Night in Bachelor Hall .' -, . Annouucement has Just been made They've gone awtJY. It 'Seems a Yellr, of the .selection o~ M.iss Jean Dorothy Aye, weeks 0/ years, m.ct! they wert! here; McCreight of B1Blrsvtlle, Pennsylvania, And yet il was but y,~rday to hc teacher of second grade in the I kis5ed them, when 'lier went away, College avenue building. She succeeds Away from all the scorching heat 1\1 iss. j aile Hoffman who has just heen That grips this brick-walled cit,. street. al)pomted to the faculty of the State And it was I who baJe them go Teachers .CoJlege at Shippensburg, Though she-dear heart!-pro;t!s;ed so Pelll!sylvallIa. , . And vowed I'd find no peace at all h~lss M~cCrelght IS a graduate of the Nor any joy in Bachelor Hall. Ind13na State T;achers College, Indi- I laughed at that, but she was right· ~l1a, !,ennsylv~1Ua, where she special- I've never known a sadder night Ized. 111 the kmdergarten and primary Than this, while thus I tread alon.e cur!Icul~m. She .has also studied at the These :silent halls I call my own. Ulllvcrsity of Plt.tsbUrg!l an~ Teachers I never thought this place could change Conege, Columbia U~uverslty. For a So utterly and seem so .strange. number of yea~s she has ~aught ill the The night is hot, anJ' yet a chill second grade JIl the pubhc schools at Pervades the house' it is so still. COllnellsville, Pennsylvania. I miss the living a;mosphere • • • Thtlt comforts me when they are here- NAISBY WINS The sol. s"'Be ol .• he Bentle bre .. t 01 weary motherhood at rest; MEN'S SINGLES -Ind in the unaccustomed Bloom That shrouds the small adjoining room -------.. 1 ",iM the moans, the muffled screams Stuart Jones Defeated 10 FmalB; 01 childhood t,oubled in it& dream>l-­Mp. n's Double8 Tournament Anti is this all? No! /nore I miss Now in Progress The strong, heart.thrilling joy, the bliss, , 0/ warding with "orncllng arm 'John "Mouse" Naishy, after defeat- Bettveen those precious hearts and. harm. ing Ralph Rhoads in a uip and tuck Oh, sing your song, all ye who roam­three sct match, eliminated Stuart Your wistful song of UHome Sweet Jones in the final by the score of 7-S, Home"- ' 6-1 to win the men's singles tourna- BUI. though unhappy is your lot, mcnt on the Swarthmore College girls' You will not find a sadder spot courts. In all the world than. home, when they A number of matches have been Who make it home halle gone away. played in lhe men's doubles tourna~ WritteH by TOM DALY. m~nt ~esulting ill the following scores: Courtesy 0/ Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, Bill Fawcctt and Ralph Rhoads de-featcd John and WiIJ Craemer 6-4, 6-8, • I • 6-4. Ted Saulnier and Lauer Jones de- Former leated Bob and Jack Young 5-7, 6,2, Local Stars In other Theatres 6-4. A. P. Harrington and C. Gardiner deleated J, W, Myers and R, B. Little 8-6, 6-1. If the weather remains clear the win­ning doubles team will be announced in the next issue of The Swarthlllorean. Tenuis enthusiasts are being advised to use the courts at every opportunity for unless more contributions are re­ceived the courts will he closed the latter 11art of next week. • • LOCAL INTEREST IN THE ADVOCATE New Delaware County Picture Magazine Published by Resi­dents and Depicts Bor­ough Event 'fhe first issue of a picture magazine exclusively for Dclaware County, edited and publishcd by residents of Swarth­more, allpeared on ncwstands and was Robcr\ W. ShaEkleton, of Springfield, who appeared in 41Lady of Letters" last M arch on the stage of the Players Club of Swarthmore and again in "Litdc Women" in April, will have the juvenile lead in George M. Conan's comedy "I'd Ratlfcr Be Right,'· sched­uled to opcn in Philadelphia October 23 with but two substitutions in the cast which has played it in New York for over a year. Shackleton is a former member of the Hedgerow Theatre, Rose Valley. Tony ~ickley, also a resident of Springfield and a former Hedgerovian, a Players Club favorite of past seasons, who spent the last few winters all Broadway, is playing in stock this suru­mer \\.'ith thc Ogunquit Players, Ogun­quit, Me .• whcre Cornclia Otis Skinner and other well-known actresses and actors are members of !he company. • I • mailed to subscrihers this week. Pub- s· . P 'R f lished by John Spencer, Inc., 01 Ches- wlmmmg 001 Ontlook ope ul ter, the Ach'ocate is edited by Mr. and Mrs. )olui F. Spcncer, of 223 South Chester road. and Mrs. Mary Ryan O~nrien. of Palmers Corner, well­known to Swarthmoreans through h~r work in the Players Club. The small group of citizcns who re­cently got together to discuss a swim­ming pool for Swar;-thOlore has been encouraged at the interest shown by comments and Questions. Opportunity will shortly be given to all residents to express their attitudes toward this project. As details are worked out they will be announced. • I • Until this month the Delaware Coun­ty Advocate was a weekly newspaper, the oldest in the coltnty, having been founded hy John Spencer, grandfather of the present publisher, in 1868. Now published as a monthly, the magazine plans to he a picture record of the illl- Swarthmore Cub Pack Vacation portant events, institutions and per-sonalitics of this vicinity. ·Due to the fact that a majority of Dell Chiefs and Cubs are away from Of special interest to Swartlunorcans Swarthmore at this time, it has been in this issue are pictures of the Allnual d ·d d It' I I S tl C '" k ' , I d eel e t 1a no meetmg 0 t Ie war t-Io untry hn ee f EPI CIllC, and se ecte3 2 more C u b P ac k 'II b I Id d' Ih p lotograp s WI e IC urmg e 0 'rnest R. Laws, Month of Augu t College avenue, published as the first s . . . edition of the Advocate's "Photo-. The next Pack meetmg wdl be held graphic Salon." The magazine also COll- JD September, and sh?rtly after Labor taills a survey of swimming facilities Day .announcement wll~ be m~de as to (and the lack of them) in this county; the hme and place of thiS meetmg. a picture story of the Finnish Ter- • I • MrB. Thom88 Andrew Dies Suddenly -~- centenary celebration in Chester, the rcstoratioh of John Morton's birth­place, and misccl1ancous subjccts. Al­though the editors have had difficulty . As we go to prelk the sad news of 1t1 ohtaining suitable photographs, they have used thclll all to good advantage. the death of hlrs. Thomas \V. Andrew The..' captions and explanatory material reaches 11S. ~frs. Andrew, whose home are especially amusing alld interesting. was at 62-1 North Chester road, had The Advocate especially wants to de~ gone to Ocean City, N. J. for six vote some I)ages to an "Open Picture weeks while her husband took a cruise Forum" in which pictures by local ama- to England for his health. It is re­teur photographers will be published. ported she became ill Sunday night and Its position as a magazine exclusively wa~ taken to the -4tosp!tal at Somers of county affairs wilt make it a good P.omt, N. J. where s~e died Wednesday clearing house for those who have :tp- mght. ,t .... propriatc material which ·cannot be Mrs, Andrew s acl'f1Ie partlcipatlon III shown in any other medium. The Ad- ~ Borough organizations and affairs in vocate will welcome contributions, spite of her advan~ed years, a marv~1 which can be mailed or taken to its I to her host of friends, was symbohc llublication office, 8th and Sproul Sts., of her charactf:ristie service to human- Chester. ity. Library Reopens Next Monday BRYAN SINGERS The Swarthm&e' Public Library will AT BLUE CHURCH reopen next Monday afternoon, Aug­ust 22, after a two-week recess. Books withdrawn during the week prior to Tennessee University Ladies' Library's closing will not be marked Qnartet to Offer EnterlJ!inment overdue until after Friday, the 26th, For Those of This SeeUon Members are reminded that the Library is not open Satprr;;lay afternoons this month. • I • Police Station Renovaied The Swarthmore Police station has undergone a traqsfQrmation within the last week. Following the application of new wall paper W. P. A. workers var­nished the railing, baseboards and other woodwork. Enhanced by the im­prm'ed appearance of the walls the lin­oleulu which was laid o\"er a year ago, has taken on an attractiveness almost like lIew. luto Ihis setting on Wednesday were brought se\'en ruodern metal lockers and matching double supply closet re­placing the old worn lockers and UI1- sightly wooden closet which had been in use. The new lockers not only look well but provide double the space of the former ones. • I • IN UTMOST PRAISE OF UTMOST SILENCE or BUSES 'AT LAST! Once upon a time we started an im~ partial survey of the number of per­SOilS 011 Yale ayenuc' who have been kept awake or disturbed by the trolley cars. This survey was soon stopped. Un­lc." s we were to hire· an office full of statisticians, we c'ould ilOt have handled the great lIumber of positive answers which came to our attention. "In sun's bright rays, or moon-lit night" ,the trolleys seemed to fUllction mainly, as a pUblic nuisance. According to the residents of Yale avenue, the tro1leJ':s ··made- the street nearly fifty per cent 'Iess pleasant than it might be. Attempting to talk on a lawn or porch with a troll~y going past, trying to get to sleep when one of the "Toon­erviJIe" relics drifted by. or trying anything which requires normal quiet and peace never failed to present a reminder of the blight this part of the Borough had to endure. Aside from the noise of the trolleys, there was the factor of attractiveness. 'rhe trolley lines and the trolley tracks, to say nothing of the trol1eys them­selves, were far from an asset to the avenue. Yale aVClllJe could be onc of the prettiest thoroughfares in Swarth­more and 1I0W that buses have at last replaced the "dinky'" this end should no longer be frustrated. An abundance of lovely homes line both sides. The avenue is amply broad. Everything is ready to make it an in­creased community asset. The Bryan University Ladies quar" tet, now 011 a tour through several nQrthern states, will sing at the Blue Church, on Baltimore pike, next w~ek. The service will be at 8 P. M. Thurs-day, August 25 .. These singers have at­tracted large audiences in nlany cities and it is expected that a capacity house will greet them. An unusual feature of the program will be the showing of several hundred feet of moving picture film depicting life on the campus of Bryan University in Dayton, Tenn. Part of the film, showing scenery near the University. is in color. Particularly appreciated by many audiences arc the color pictures of the famed Laurel Falls. Bryan University, founded as a mem .. orial to the "Great Commoner" shortly after his death, has been in operation as a liberal art~ college for the past eight years, Although the school is lo­cated in the Tennessee Valley, famed for its beautiful scenery and TVA elec­tricity, many of the students come from Pennsylvania and other northern states. Dean D. \V. Ryther, Jr. and Assis­tant Professor of Music. Miss Julia Yancey, travel with the singers. Dean Ryther will speak, • • HORNETS LOSE LAST GAME At Least the Boys Can't Lose Any More Games in This Season's League Which ·-End~ on 11th The Hornets passed out with the cur­rent Delco League season and lost the final game, a pitchers' battle to Pros­pect Perk, by the score of 2-1, tast Thursday, The visitors hopped off to a one run lead in the first but Dotts slammed a home run in the second to even the count. Prospect Park came back in the third to score the finat run of the game and give them a chance to enter the league play·off. Wagner pitched a fine game, strik­ing out five and holdillg the opposition to five hits. Foreaker, the visiting pit­cher, struck out five Hornets and held the home team to four blows. Dotts had his home run for the only tally and a sacrifice hit in addition. Henderson had a hit and !otole a base. The other hits were garnered by Wagner and W. Vitulli. · , The trolleys held it back for who could avoid thinking of Yale avenue as a sort of line of transportation in­stead of as a charming sman~town street, The presence of the trolley line JUNIOR HORNETS changed the street's character from its LEARN TO TAKE IT potential high point of beauty to a lower (if, some m'ight think, necessary) The Wilson \Vhite Sox of Chester point of utility, are feeling "Chesty" today. The reason Only when the tracks have bccn re- for this ·elated feeling is that they came moved will the street hecome its best. to Swarthmore on Tuesday and de­Thcn, and only then, wiII the residents feated the Junior Hornets 7~O. obtain thc full pleasure of their prop- The junior Hornets did not get go­ertics and homes although the jolly ing in their usual manner and were held party of young folks in gay ninety cos- to five hits. Sweeney, Renshaw and tumc:s riding the last trolley Saturday McMillan had one each and Jennings night ushered to oblivion old "Annie had two. Moore:' the ancient trolley, which «(to quote one Yale avenue mother this week) "was something you just couldn't get sufficiently used to-so that you didn't mind it-no Inalter how long you lived on the line." The visionary hopes of far-sighted residents of years gone by and the promises voiced periodically for at least one year past .are now fulfilled and buses connect Swarthmore with Media and Folsom. • I , l\lanata V. F. W. Delegate A delegate of the Military Order of the Cootie of Gr~qter Chester, Pup Tenl No, 35. and the Private John A, :McDevitt Post No. 3448, Chester, Pa., Charles Manata, of Fairview road, will attend the thirty-ninth national en­campment of the V~terans of Foreign Wars at Columbus -Ohio, August 21 to 26, Patrolman Afanata begins his two weeks' vacation from the Swarthmore Police Department tomorrow. • • Box ~crosse For the second successive week, rain prevented the opening of the box la­crosse season by the Swarthmore In­dians,. on Wednesday evening. How­ever, if the weather permits, Porter 'Vaile's men will open their season ncxt "/cdncsday evening at the Rut­gers A venuc field. The schedule of the games follows but negotiations are under way fo; inter-city games with teams from New York and Baltimore. Wednesday. Aug, 2-l--Cbester Comets vs Swart.hmore Indians. . Wednesday. AUg. 31-PhilsdelphiB L. C. ve • Chester Comels. Wedne8d8JT, Sept. 7-Swarthmore Indians vs. Philadelphia L. C. Friday, SePt.. 9--Che!ter Comets vs, Phil.­df'lpbla L. C. Wednesday" Sept.. 14-SwBrthmore Indiana VS. Chester COmetll. Saturday. Sept. 17-AU·Stars 'U_ Original Indiana. Wednesday and FridlQ' games at. 6;45; Sat­urday at. 3 P. M.

---------- Page 8 ----------

z Elizabeth Quinn A~0U8t Bride Beeame Wife of William E. Kurtahalz in Ceremony al MH· monl Reetory Wednet!day Morning Miss Elizabeth S. Quinn, daughter of Mrs. William H. Quinn, of Girard ave­nue, and Mr. William E. Kurtzhalz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kurtz­halz, of Park avenue, were married in the rectory of the Church of Our Lady of Peace, Milmont, by the Rev. I. Nail, parish priest, Wednesday morning of this week at 11 o'clock. The bride wore a white crepe dress, street length, with iacket. The pockets and neck were trimmed with fa*goted spirals and the narrow belt was of navy blue patent leather. Her white hat had a navy blue veil and she wore white pumps with patent leather trim. Her corsage was of orchids. Miss Madeline Quinn, of Girard ave· nue, as maid of honor for her sister wore a dress of white crepe with dark green figures, white shoes and hat and a corsage of African daisies and white rose buds. The men wore white linen suits with cornflower bouttoniers. Mr.' Robert Kurt.hal., of Ridley Park, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Mrs. Quinn wore a gown of navy blue crepe with dusty pink panet. Her accessories were navy blue and she wore gardenias. Mrs. Kurtzhalz was dressed in pale gray brocaded lace with a pale pink hat' and gray shoes. Her flowers were sweetheart roses. A reception at the Ingleneuk Tea Room, Swarthmore, followed the cere­mony. 'After a two weeks' honeymoon mo­toring in New England the young couple wilt be at home in their third floor apartment at 114 Park avenue. The bride graduated from Media High School and business college. Mr. Kurtzhalz graduated from Swarthmore High School, Friends" Central and from Dickinson College, dass of '36. He is a member of Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity. Among the friends and relatives at the wedding were' Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Effing and children, of La1,1caster; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tipping and daughter, B~rbara, of Buffalo: the Misses Helen arid Marian Vallance, of Swarthmore; Mr. and Mrs. William Quinn, of Rid· ley Park; and Miss' Ruth Kurtzhaljl;, of Philadelphia, • * • Miss Leanore Perkins. of Cedar lane, visited her grandmother, Mrs. J. Will Perkins. of Elkton, Md., la.!o.t week and then spent the week-end on the Elk River with her aunt. Mrs. David L. Sloan, of Narberth. ••• Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Cooley and son, Edward. will return to their home 011 Columbia avenue this week-end after spending lfr. Cooley's two-week vaca­tion at Harvey Cedars, N. J. * • * Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. E. Ullman and daughter, June, of Harvard ave- STANLEY Stcnis Friday Chester Pa. ThIs Is a $250,000.00 -"MoVie Quiz" COntest Pietnret Washington Slarl8 Now SBIlILEY TBMPLI! III Chester Pa. "LITTLE MISS BROADWAY THE SlV ABTHMOBE,uI AUGUST 19. 1938 I nue, leave this morning to motor in Mrs. Guenther Froe~1. Mrs. Charles turned M~nday to the Ramsey home New 'England 'for a week or ten days. Israel, Mrs. J.' H. Ha'rlow, Mr •. Ben- 0" North Chester road after attending * * * jamin W. Collins, Mr •. C. MacDonald the Fifty-Ninth Northfield General J ohnso~. pf ElizJbeth" N .. J., Saturady, August 13, in the,Qrange Homeo­pathic Hospital. The' littl. boy i. a Miss Virginia Perkins, of Cedar lane, Swan, Mrs. E. LeRoy Mercer and Mrs. Conferen(l~ for Christian workers at grandson of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. spent last we~k-end in Port Deposit, Francis Warren. . ' East Northfield, Mass. since July 29. .. , Johnson. of Amherst avenue,' . Md. after which she continued to Balti- It!" • Miss Alexander will remain with the * * • more for a ten-day visit with Mr. and Joan Thatcheri-has returned from Ramseys until September 15 when she Mrs. Arthur Beavens. Somers Point Hospital, Somers Point, will return to her home in Atlantic Mrs. JO'1O G. Moxey,' Jr. and infant daughter, Bonnie Lamond Moxey, re­Dr. and Mrs. J*. H• . •B ruun, of River- N. J. to her han:' ~n.0 g d en avenue. City, N. J. turned last week to their home on Elm view road, returned Saturday aboard Margy and Shirley MacMillan will • * • avenue from the_Hospital of- the Wo-the Oslofjord after motoring in Europe I return to their home on Vassar avenue and visiting Dr. Bruun's parents in tomorrow after spending. two weeks at Norway since the middle of June. Camp Chespeake, Northeast, Md. • • • * • • Mrs. Louis C. ~rooks is visiting her Mrs. John J. ~issegger, of Vassar SOil and daughter .. tn-law, .!'Ir: and Mrs. avenue. is spending this week and next Charles H. Brooks, of Dlckmson ave.. on Lake Meguhtlcook, Camden, Me. nue, having just completed a trip in- after which she will go to Boston, eluding visits to relatives in Toronto, Mass. for a week. Canada; Oneida, Amsterdam and * • * Schenectady, N. Y.; and Groton, Mass. Mrs. LCJuis C. Emmons, of Meadow * • • la:te, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Mr. Wallace M, McCurdy and Frank Lemon, Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop and daughter, Emily, of Ogden avenue, left Mrs. Harold Calvert, both of Harvard Wednesday for Twin Lake Villa on avenue, returned late last week from Lake Sunapee, N. H. where they will a ten-day motor trip to Canada. They remain until afteor •L a•b or Day. visited Dr. and Mrs. William T. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Chaffee, of formerly of Swarthmore, .t the Ellis Swarthmore avenue. are spending this sum'mer home at Delta, Ontario. • • • month at Twin Lake Villa, Lake Sun- Mr. and Mrs. James Dougherty and apee, N. H. • * • family, of Dickinson avenue, have re- Miss Anne Perkins, of Cedar Jane, turned from a ten-day visit to relatives is recovering from a streptococci in- in Charlottesvi1l~ a~d .Portsmouth, Va. feet ion with which she has been ill at Mr. and Mrs. George Fox Corse and Mrs. Detlev W. Bronk and SOil, men's Medical College, Germantown, Ramsey, of Sycamore Mills, formerly where Bonnie was born July ?:l. of Swarthmore, left August 11 to spend * * • five days visiting at the Woods Hole, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Green, of Mass. summer home of Mrs. Irving Rutledge, are being felicitated upon the Laurence. of Elm* a*ve n•u e. I birth of a nine pound, six ounce son, Miss Jane L. Smalley, or Yale ave- Tho~as Fost~rJ in. the Osteopathic nue, Swarthmore, has been attending Hospital, Philadelphia. on Monday, the Allegany School of Natural His- August 8. Mrs. Green has many friends tory at Quaker Bridge, N. Y., which in Swarthmore particularly among aud­offers instruction in cooperation with iences of the Players Club where her the six-week summer session of the maiden name, Carol Esther Cleaver, University of Buffalo which closed to- appeared opposite leading roles on day. many programs. * • • • .•• Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Henderson and A baby daughter, Kathryn Howe son, Rudd, of Garrett avenue, leave to- Wilson, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wi!· day to visit Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wight, liam A. WilSall, of Park and Michigan of Albany, N. Y., until Monday. avenues, on July 13 in the Fitzgerald * • • Mercy Hospital. Darby. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Hannum, • • * of Oberlin avenue. arc vacationing in A SOil, Donald Townsend Little. was Ocean City, N. ]. this week. born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vinton • I Little, Jr., of Kirklyn, on Monday, Aug- Births her home. famity arc expected home Sunday from A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. • • • a motor trip to Quebec, Canada. Dr. Leslie Widdowson, of Riverview road, ust 15, in the Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia. The baby is a grandchild of Dr. and Ml"S. Arthur E. Bassett, of North Chester road, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Little, Sr., of Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daley and fam- Robert Corse, of Baltimore, Md., an last Saturday morning, August 13, in iiy. of Cedar lane and Elm avenue, with uncle of Mr., has been staying the J. Lewis Crozer Hospital, Chester. their guests, Mrs. Daley's parents, Dr. in their Yale avenue home since the * * * and Mrs. John T. McGill, of Nashville, Corses left August 8 on their trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Graham Bishop, Tenn .• left Tuesday for Mantoloking, * • • of Cranford, N. J., are receiving eon- Do You KDow N. j., where they wilt remain until just Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth and gratulations upon the birt~ 'of a SOil, before the opening of school. son, Mills, of Cornett avenue, will join Robert Campbell, in the Presbyterian Call 440 The Sure Cure for aDJ" &11&0 2'ftnl"'" * • • a party of friends from Philadelphia Hospital, New York, Thursday, August e Mr. and Mrs. Alben T. Eavenson, of for deep sea fishing off Stone Harbor, 11. The baby is a grandchild of Mr. Ttr.. ,.,,,,.f •• t Bott.d_ Strath Haven avenue, left Saturday to N. J. tomorrow. and Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, of Harvard RUSSEU'S SERVICE spend two weeks• in• O*ce an City, N. J. On September 1 the Hedgepeths wI'11 avenue. Dartmouth aDd Lafayette A. .. Mr. and Mrs. S. Milton Bryant and move into their new home on Twycken- * • • family, of Dickinson avenue, left last h am road, Bo wl hih g Gr een, w h' h h A SOil, Eric Wayne Johnson, was "We Don'& SeD Can- IC t ey We SenIee TIIem" week-end for a two weeks' motor trip have purchaseR' through Alice M·I;.b~o:rn:"~t~o~M:;,;r~.,,,;;a~n~d~M~r:s.~H;;;o:w~a~r:d~W~.J.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ to Quebec and the Gaspe Pen nisula. Baird from Mrs. Joseph B. Blakiston. • * • Mrs. Blakiston and two daughters Mr. and Mrs. George H. Troxell and moved this week into the DeArmond daughter, Marian, of Dartmouth ave- apartment at 401 Park avenue. nue, spent last Friday and Saturday in The house the Hedgepeths wilt va- Ocean City, N. J. cate at 331 Cornen avenue wi11 be QC- • • • cupied October 1 by Mr. and Mrs. L. The summer bridge club will meet C. Hastings and son, who are now next Wednesday afternoon, August 24, living at 537 Westdale avenue. at the home of Mrs. Robert T. Bair, of * * * Cornell avenue. Mrs. John H. Fawcett, Miss ~ettie L. Alexander and her of South Chester road, will be co .. sister, Mrs. J. Everton Ramsey, re­hostess. • • • \ Dr. atid··Mrs. }. Albright Jones and ~; daughter will return to their home on Swarthmore Crest next Tuesday from Owl's Head Harbor, Vergennes, Vt., where they have been spending their vacation. * * * Mrs. Harold G. Griffin, of Rutgers avenue, entertained at luncheon and bridge last Tuesday, August 16, when her guests were Mrs. Edward Bassett, -MANOR-THEATRE Chelt.r Pilee Prospect Pule Friday COld Saturday Dcmlelle Darrlenx Douqlas Fairbanks, Jr. In "THE RAGE OF PABIS" Monday COld Tuesday 1936-"Magn1licent Obsession" 1937-"Green Llqht" , Now- ''WHITE BANNERS·' with Claude Rains - Fay BaInter Jackie Cooper Bollila Granville MEDIA IJllllllllllJlJI1111" DON'T let unex· pected losses inci. dent to home ownership snatch your money. JETNA-IZE A CombiDatio~ R.esideace Polq written through The AJtDa c..u.Itv uuI SUN." Company of Hartfood. Conn.,covereBurgIaty, Water Dam­_. Public Liability. G .... n",.bp aitd othel' ever·praent buarda of hume ownenhip. PETER E. TOLD Insurance "1l111 1IIIII A NUMBER OF CHOICE APARTMENTS AND HOUSES FOR RENT ALICE M. B~ Real Estllte Notary Public General Insurance SWARTHMORE 108 OLD BANK BUILDING .. " ... ,. " . ~®~IP£@~ •... but.. C,omplete FH* A 1 •• uaID ptllAllCl.' * NEW. LIBERAL FHA TERMS I • SWARTHMORE NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. Friday - Saturday Member of Federal Deposit Ifl8urance Corporation DanIell. Darrlenx Douqlaa Fairbanks. Jr. III "THE RAGE OF PABIS'" With IIRaTICT THEIR HEIILTH Mischa Auer - louis Hayward Helen Broderick Sunday Only "CONDEMNED WOMEN" With Sally Eilers - Louis Hayward Anne Shirley Monday COld Tuesday Barbara Stanwyck Herbert Manohall III "ALWAYS GOODBYE" Wednesday and Thursday GlnlJ8f R098rS DouQicm Falrbcmh Jr. III "HAVING WONDERFUL TDIE" .... AUGUST 19; 1938 THE SWARTBMOREAN Plllll.J8BIID IIVIIltY PBmAY AT SWAa'1'BllO", P", TUB, 8WAaPTaDIMoO_IIR &N, Die. ROSAUE DRYDEN NewaUltor PhOllO BWIIUuIlon ... BDte:ed as 8eeon4 Clul Matter, JAIlUUJ' 24, 19%9. at the P05t Ollce a& 8wart.bJDore, Pa., . UDder the Act of Mareh 3. 1.,1. FRIDAY. AUGUST 19. 1938 'Taxpayer' Hm NeuJ Complaint To the Editor: In common with aU residents of Del­aware County I find it impossible to remain outdoors in comfort after dark and sometimes near ~ hedges or shrub· bery in the daytime due to mosquitoes. In· common with a majority of the voters of the county three years ago I voted for the creation of a "mosquito commission" to try to rid us of these pests which had been particularly bad the preceding summer. What it has done with our tax money we can now only wonder for the mosquitoes are the worst yet. They say they have been draining and spraying swamps but the mosquitoes which are annoying us now are mostly bred in our immediate vicinity in roof gutters or any place where a quantity of water can lay for a: time, in fields, ditches, etc.-and afterward the pests can hide in shrub· hery' or· high grass for an indefinite time, and spoil life for us alt. I read in the public press that they are NOW" going' to send inspectors to the various householders to ~dvise ways of eli~i~;:lting. breedi~~ pla.ces. Why wasn't something like this done a couple of years ago? At this stage of the game there arc enough mosquitoes already bred to make life miserable for us the rest of this summer no mat· ter what we do. One can not help wondering whether we are not wasting our money 011 so called "extermination" which does not exterminate and one wonders what these "inspectors" are going to cf>st us. Had the~e men been carrying on an educational campaign for the past three years to show people how. to eliminate breeding places we "might" be in bet­ter shape this year in spite of the ad­ditional moisture. However, as this condition seems to be gel~cral allover this section perhaps there is nothing that this "commission'" CAN do to rid us of mosquitoes so our tax money is wasted anyway. A couple of weeks ago I attended an operetta in the oufdoor theatre on Mr. duPont's estate "Longwood" and was not bothered with mosquitoes. I wonder why? ~ We would all do well to canvass this situation thoroughly and see what we are getting for our tax dollars. TAXPAyltR. ---....,. ..- -- Christian Scienc~ Church "M'II I d'" IS t h e su bJ' ect t0 f the I .. eSSOll- Sermon in all Churches of Christ. Sci­entist, on Sunday, August 21. The Golden Text is: uBehold. God is mighty, and despiseth not any; he is mighty in strength and wisdom" (J ob 36 :5). • • Preshyterian Church, Note. Sunday morning, Augiist 21. at II o'clock the guest preacher will be the Rev. Dr. Harry F. Cost, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Newport, CHURCH NEWS SWARTHMORE PRJ!EBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. David Braun, MInister SUNDAY 11:00 A. M. - Morning worshlp. Rev. Dr. Harry F. Cost. FIrst Presby­terian Church, Newport. R. -I. wl1lp~ .. TRINITY CHURCH Protestant Eplscopal Chester Road and COllege Avenue Rev. J. JBrden Guenther, 8..T.M., BectoI' SUNDAY 11:00 A. M. - Morning Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther wlll preach. ME'l'HODIST I!PISCOPAL CHURCH Clarence Yo carter. A.B .• B.D., MInister , SUNDAY 10:00 A. M. - Church School. 11:00 A. M. - Morning Worship. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 11:00 A. M. -7 Meetlns for Worship Ip the • . MeetlD8 Bouse. 9:30 A. ~-:,::~.r-8ewl1lg and ltlUUng in Whittier ltoQse. BOx luncheon. are COnl1a1ly Invited. . PlBsT CBtmcH OP CBbiT. s~'1 OP SWARTBIIIORB . 1 Park Avenue below Barva.rd .I'J!!! t, .. · - Sunday ScbooL .- n .... -Sun<IaY ~D-Bermon. THE SlV ABTHMOBEAN R. I. Dr: Cost is Moderator of the Providence Presbytery' and Perma­ment Clcc~ of the Synod of New Eng. land. He IS a graduate of Washington and. Jeffersoh .College and Princeton Semmary and IS completing his ninth year as pastor ~f the .. Newport Church. . " RobIn Hood' Theatre .. '--- The Robin Hood players current of­fering which they will close tomorrow evening is a thri11inK lIlelodrama, "Post Road," starring Donit ·Kelton for the first time sillce ... "~,igb.t Must FaU." "Ways and Means" another comedy tion spent tn Chieago, Bermuda *ad at presents an impoverished nobleman and the home .of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, hi. wife, .Iiteralry Im!irisoned in a host- Warren F.' Faragher, of South Chelter ess's home because they haven't the road. money to leave. The outcome is amus- * • • • I SAFETY RULES FOR BICYCUSTS ''''--'--- Miss Kelton plays 'the role of Emily Madison, a lovable old maid who keeps a boarding hpuse 011 the Boston "Post Road." Sheltering an unmarried mother on ~ stormy night, she . finds, after they tell her that the child is born, that she Polnlere 10 Obllerve in fori 10 ShrlDk Rising Accidenl Toll Ef is invol~ed in a kidn~pping case. When ing and true Coward style. This play The home of Mr. and Mrs. Alben'I'. is directed by Maurice Burke with Ed· Eavenson and family, of 626 Strath win Ross and }.tat:)'" ~oane as the poor Haven avenue, who will remove to rich people who play practically all Norristown September 6 to be nearer their scenes in bed. Assisting in this Mr. Eavenson's business has been cast are .. Charles ~endick, Francis rented to'Mr. and Mrs. Ha;ty S. TooJe. Mann, V!vlan MacGdl, Laura Barrett of Buffalo, N. J. Mr. Toole is connected a~~ Do~nt Kelton. '. . . . with the experimental rayon department TO-Dlght at 8,:30 IS an IUterestmg of the duPont Company. With their c.hange from any of ~he other presenta· son, who will enter Swarthmore High lions at Arden and IS one of the plays Schonl, the Tonles will move here Sep· • the police almost dis5!lyer the secret of the young girl,. ·Emil", claims the child as her own. 1. .. . However, her suspicions are arouse" Ten safety rules for bicycle riders when the girl mother, or someone ans­have been compiled by the Public Safe- we ring to her description is found mUr­ty Department of the Keystone Auto- dered on the road. Keeping her brother mobile Club in response to demand for and sister ignoran~ of her ~ecrett she regulated "bike" operation. The Club watches the moves ~~of her boarders, stresses the importance of traffic law but can find nothing on which to base observance by cyclists, pointing out her suspicions until accident1y she dis­that the rules apply with equal force covers that the' baby cries she first to a1l vehicles, whether motor-driven heard were produced by a doll and or self propelled, that the real child. has just been req~ested by tile ,balloting among the tember 7. audiences. * •• • I • A Word 10 the Wille William Faragher, of South Chester road, left yesterday for Chicago where he will spend ten days. The p ictu re ,.," DOQtor Cli tt erhouse" ~""!'''''!'''''!'''''!'''''!'''''!'''''!'~''''!'''''!'''''!'''''!'''''!'''''!'~ starting Friday at the Stanley Theatre is important in the $250,000 National Movie Quiz Contest, $50,000 first prize. Watch this newspaper for details to be an!lounced September lst. 1. Obey all traffic signals, signs and brought in. Her solution of the crime rules. Observance of "stop" signs is will surprise even the cleverest sleuths important, because motorists on in the audience. "through" streets are unprepared for In support of Miss Kelton are Laura • I I NEWS NOTES sudden appearance of bicycles from Barr~tt and Charles Mendick as Miss Dr. and Mrs. Roy W. Harkness and side streets or highways. . M.adlson's sister and brother, and Ed- daughter. Clara Lynn, of Rutgers ave- 2. Ride in single file. There is grave Will Ross as the sanctimonious old nue, returned "Stnlday after a two danger when groups of cyclists ride preacher who lives with them. The weeks' vacation spent visiting Dr. three or four abreast on heavily trav. three mysterious strangers are played Harkness' parents, Mr. and VI'S. eled roads. by Maurice Burke, Lucille Anderson George Harkness, of Yorkville, lit., 3. Keep out of car tracks and ruts, al~d. Vincent Copeland, and the girl is and other relatives in the west. Numerous accidents are due to riders VIVian MacGilI. <)', • • • being thrown from bikes in front of . In addition the cast" includes Fran- Mr. and Mrs. George W. McKeag, of on~o~illg traffic. CIS M~nn, Edith Counahan. Ruth Kelly Swarthmore Crest, spent last week-end 4. Don't do Ustunts" or "race" in and Victor Clark. "Post Road" opened visiting Miss Louise Brendley and traffic. Tuesday. August 16, .to run for the family, of Philadelphia, at their sum· S. Don't carry a "passenger" or per- rest of t.he week. Edwin Ross directs mer .home in Ocean City. N. }. mit children on lolier skates to hang and. Bayard Berndt and Milford Lee ~* '* .• on for a ride. ar:, III c?arge .of scenic design. Guenther and Billy Froebel have"re- 6. Always signal intention to make To~mght at 8 :30," .. Noel Coward's covered from the grippe with which right or left turns. collection of one-act pm,ys will be the they have been ill at their home on 7. Make repairs off the traveled por- next bitt a~ Robin HQ91t'1heatre in Ar- Swarthmore avenUe. tion of the roadway. den, openmg Tuesday, August 23, to • • • 8. i<Walk" the bike across heavy traf- run for the rest of the week. The three .Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lawrence will . lic unless it is controlled by officer or plays selected b~ the Robin Hood remove September· .. 1 from the Sindair traffic light. players from the. original nine are apartment, 410 Harvard avenue, to the 9. Don't "hitch" rides on trucks or "Hands Across the ~Sea." "Fumed Oak" second floor front Garrett apartment other vehicles. and "Ways and Means." at ~J9 Rutgers avenue, which is being 10. Always keep brakes and front "Hands Across the Sea," a farce vacated by Mr. and Mrs. F. H. ho*rig and rear lights in good operating con- abou.t a w~man ... w~~h .. a propensity for 'who are moving to Chicago. dition. ma~lDg frle?ds and then forgetting • * * their faces. IS a short snappy riot of Robert Faragher returned to New • 1 • Hedgerow Theatre mistaken identity. Edwin Ross directs York on Monday after a month's vaca­th. is play, and the ever popular Mary I ii==;;;;;;;;;;;=:;=';';;~;:';~=;~;=~=== L?a~e r~turos from.New York to play T'HE LINEN SHOP Next week brings back to the Hedge· ·Elgl{l~\ !l'J'-'3itl.·PJqC!~ ~Il.l~t:; ta.! :'"'' "1I:onse of·llt.4IDdt •• Lba01ll" . row Theatre in Rose VaHey four of \...hatles .Men~JcK, ltdwJIl Ross, Francis . AUC'UST SALE the six Shavian plays performed dur- Mann. A-faunce Burke. !ohn Walms- . BLANKETS ing its recent Shaw Festival. UBeyond ley. Laura Barrett, Edith Counahan Double Bed Size 75% wool the Horizon" by Eugene O'Neill and a~~ Ruth Kelly. Colors-Bose, Blue, Guen, Ferenc Molner's uLitiom" share honors Fumed O~k," the dramatic offering Rust. Peach-Winter weight . with the Irishman on the week's bill for the evenmg, concerns itself with a yU)" FiDe N~S:t!!.UT '10:50 Monday Hedgerow's newest play' hen-pecked husband who asserts him- 'Blankets ...... ,........... ea. Shaw's mrhe Simpleton of the Unex~ self. C~arles Mendick makes his bow ~~:r,: :1~~. b~!COlors. p~cted Isles," includes Michael Stuart a~ a director. ~t Robin .Hood, and in H. ·T. Patterson in the title role, Miriam Phillips, Peter hiS ca~t are VIVian -MacGIlI as the wi!e, 1318 Walnut St, Engle and John \Val1ace. Maunce Burke as the husband, Edith Tuesday "Too True To Be Good" b Counahan as the daughter and Dorritt Charlotte :.~= in Cbarle ~haw appcars with CeIe :McLaUghtil~ KeItO_~n-=a=s~th=e=-m=o=t~h.:e~r_~i;n=~I:a~w~. _____ !.::=Bs=t.:l:908:::::::::::::=Ph.==P::I!N=:.::06=lK::: Ferd Nofer, Mary Esherick and Harry ~ 1 Sheppard. Wednesday Eugenc O'NeiWs "Be_ yond ·the Horizon" with Dudley Vaughan, Fcrd Nofer and Maurice Minnick. Thursday in Shaw's "Saint Joan" Cathfrine Rieser plays Joan. ."'nday "Liliom" by Ferenc Molner, ends its present rUIl in the repertory. Saturday Shaw's "Arms and the Mun" with J~erd Nofer, Mary Esherick and· Frank Kelty closes the week. SPEAKIN' OF PEP! A bright. fat spark in every cylinder - at the right time -will put more pep in your . car than any gas, oil or sp .. :' ,cia! jadget. Let us test the . ignit10n and timing on your car. HANNm;l ~D WAITE Chrysler - Plymouth Yale Ave. & Cheeler Rd. Swarthmore 1250 SDPPI.EE JIOBSUMMBB .BaT. YoUR own children will snap their fingers at hot weather too ••• if you dress them as coolly as the futnre president shown here, and make sure they drink plenty of milk. In summer·time"milk is an espe· cially important part of your older childre,,'s dieL For milk conl8in. important mineral. mid vitnmins that might be dangerously lacking in other warm·weather foods. You can depend on the richness and purity of Supplee Premier A Milk.. As a member company of the SI!ALTEST SYSTEM OF l.ABoRATORY PROTECTION, Supplee benefits by the research disCOveries of more than 100 dairy laboratories. Ir. Too Warm ·To Bake at Home-You Can Sldp Your Saturday I!cdr(nq When You Can Buy Cakes of ThIs CaIIh .... CHOCOLATE MALTED .MIIJ[ LAYER CAKE . A cake you will be glad to serve COld .have folks JhInk: you baked It. And only- 33e each Sweel without being rich­Easy to serve. Delicious chocolate malted milk Icing - Altogether a baker's mas­terpIece and so Inexpen.lve. TUlIl[ HEAD CAKES A light cake for summer time - Without tclng. each 25e DUTCH TWISTS each 15e. FRESH GRAPE PIE A popular hot weather de&­sert - Due to Its cool, fresh appearance. Made with fresh seedless grapes. each 25e ANGEL FOOD CAKES The kind of cake to serve In the summer - Ught, fluffy COld not rich. 2ge each The summer cake deluxe to serve with Ice cream. sllcee peaches COld such like -It's I1ght· with fresh egg whites COld every bit as good as you can bake: so why both"r? Iced Anqal Food Squares Each 35c Fresh Apple PIe Each 19<: Pecan Cinnamon Cluate .. Each lac DaInty Butter Tea Cooldn Lb. 49c Oatmeal Cookies 24 for 35c Bohemian Rye Bread Loaf 12c • Martel"sn .. Be.rer Food For .,."" .,../J/e Swarthmore 2100 • p W~~~fn-..nlnil IDeetIDll each .. ee>:, 8 8Uu.t __ - -_R room. open da1lJ. ezcap" p --'Ch" and hol1d&J8 9:30. a. m.. to 12:30 . ....... urcb edI1loe • ....~ _-~ bloUed to attend the I.:-_____________~ I and _. the BoadIDll Boom. . Order Supplee Premier A Milk today. lust telephone Chesler 205m for courteous. dependable Supplee delivery •. '1M _lfIIIII " I ., .......... no _c·._ n_ .. _. 410 "

---------- Page 9 ----------

NEWS NOTES THE SWABTHMOREAft AUGUST 1938 his wife three days I •• t week while Mr. Paul Feakin. left Sunday for Ne.. "Charity Circus" on July 23 and i. the house at present, will remove Sep· Bogardus was on business in Baltimore. York to assume his new position with gjving her Indian dance and several tember 1 to Three Springs Farm, which 8HBBIPP BALES • • • the Grace Lin~. His mother, Mrs.l~t~~':d in "Skyracketg," a review being they have purchased at Birchrunville. Lieutenant Frederick J, B~~:,~~:~; I Carla Wilson, daughter of Mr. and W. Feakins. will remove from II August 18 and 19, for which she Pa. and Mrs. Bogardus, returned Mrs. W, A. Wilson, of Park and Mich· her apartmerit'.aI· 401 North Swarth- the older girls among the sum- . -----'------------- to, their home on Michigan avenue. igan avenues, ce1ebrated her third 11T10r'e avenue September 1 and they will mer guests who participated in the Lieutenant Bogardus had spent birthday with a party on Tuesday of have an apartment in New York City. program. h E · Olli' R last week. .. • • • • $ Sheriff's OtHce, Court H01He, Media, Penna. weeks at t e 'ngmeers cers e- * • • Lieutenant Harry Andrews and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Breenawalt have Friday. August 26. 1938 serve Camp at Fort Belvoir, Va. being Ted Dingle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrews returned last Saturday returned from a wedding trip in the 8:30 A. M. Eaetern Standard Time joined by Mrs. Bogardus in Washing- Howard J. Dingle, Jr., of Park avenue, their home on North Chester road a f ter west and are living on Thirteenth ave. . tOil, D. C. for the .week-end. Conditions. $2&0.00 cub or certified check. at time of lIale (uulelltl otherwlee elated in advertl8ement). balance In ten dQ'8. Other con­ditione on day or BRte. Lieutenant Bogardus' brother and returned home last Monday after Lieutenant Alldrews had spent nue, Prospect Park. Before her recent spending ten days in Sodus Point, N. weeks with the Reserve Corps at Fort marriage Mrs. Greenawalt was Miss sBiostgearr-dinu-sl.a wof, CMorn.n earsnvdi lleM, rIsn. d.F, rvainskitleidn Y. where he was the guest of Mr. and George Meade, Md. and Mrs. Andrews Grace Schaefer, of Morton, a former Mrs. George R. Van Duser, of had visited her:..larents, Mr. and Mrs. Swarthmore High School student. Joaepb Pomka. mort_or. and Doro~b)' Wige .... real owner. Lenri Fadae No. 129 Juno Term 1938: debt $7497.82. boulO and lot sit uate all the northell8terl,. eide of Congress A venue 626 feet soutbpa"t from the 8ou&heas&. IIld~ of Greenhill Road. Towll8hlp of Upper Darb,.. &0 feet on ConlfJ"e'es Avenue by 126 feet deep. bemg No. 317 COtlP'(!U Avenue. Haven avenue. The Van Dusers E. D. Camero~of Allentown. * * • CLASSIFIED spending the summer at Sodus Point, I • • Mr. and Mrs. Clayton M. Albright. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kimmel and of Avonbrook road, Wallingford Hills, -~~~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~i I geMrs r.a vaenndu eM, rrse.t uEr.n eDd. BSuranudnasy., oAf 'URguuts-t daugwhteeerks .,. enodf aHt aSveernfworicdk ' pIlsalcaen,d ,s pMedn.t from tah etirri ps oton, LEadkwe aLrdo,u ihsaev ae nrde tBuarnneffd. 14. from York~s Twin Pine Camp, fishing and crabbing in their fourteen Their son, Monroe, who graduated Daicey Pond, Me., where they had foot sea skiff "K, 1st/' which Mr. Kim- from Cornell University last spring and :~~~~~~ I been for two we*e k•s. • mel had just com•p l•e te•d. will return there for post-graduate work this fall, is spending the summer Mrs. J. Wheeler Allison and daugh. Borough Secretary Elliott Richard· ill Europe. r.~n~~~~~~ru~ I ter, Barbara, of Rutgers avenue. to- son, of Lafayette avenue, left last Fri- * • • Improvement II consiHt of two story IIlone and stU('l'Q hOUBC. 30x36 feet porc!ll fron1.: two story IItucco addition 12x8 feet: frame garage. 12x21 feet. WM. K. RHODES. AttorneY. Levari Facias No.238 gether with Mrs. Allison's sister, Mrs. day to spend his two weeks vac.ation Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Hook and chil-l ~~~~~~~ }. S. McCay, of Prospect Park, are at Sunset, Me. accompanied by his son. dren, Dick and Mary Ann, o( Westdale leaving Monday for Long Island, N. Y. Elliott. Jr. * • • avenue, returned this week from Camp where they will be the guests of their Mrs. Christian N. Fries and son, Elizabeth, Newport, Vt., where they Sister, Mrs. Bert Tinkham. They plan f· . d I k had had a cottage since August 1. Juno Term. 1938 All that certaln lot or piece of ground wUh the meuuage or lenement thereon erected. sUuate on tbe wcst IIlde of Wellington road at the distance of two hundred and seventy· five feet horthward from the north lIide of Walnut street. in the Townahip of Upper DarbI'. County of Delaware, and St.a.te of Pennsylvania. Containing in front. or· breadth 011 'he lIald Wellln(1on road twenty·Bve leet and extendlnl:' of that width In length or depth we.llhnrd between I)arallel linell at. riCht angl(>s to the said Welllng1.on road seventy feet to the middle of a certain ten feet wide pri. vote drivew&)" extending northward Int<' San- 110m slreet and southward into Walnu," Btree1.. Fritz, 0 ChIcago, arrive ast wee to to return home the day before Labor visit Mrs. Fries' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Piper and Day. Mr. Allison left last :Monday, Frank H. ho*rig, of Rutgers avenue. family, of Yale avenue, left Wednes- IS, for a three weeks' busl'ness Sunday with M rs. L . C . H astings, of to spend two weeks at Camp Eliz-trip to Bluefield, W. Va. and vicinity. Westdale avenue, they drove to Ocean ,31,eln. • •• • • • Mr. and Mrs. Frederic B. Calvert, N. J. where they left Fritz to re- Mrs. William Taylor, of Yale ave-of Park and Michigan avenues, had as until Thursday as the guest of nue, and her son, J. Stanley Taylor, their guests at dinner on Wednesday ohnny Rassweiler, son of Dr. and Mrs. and daughter, Miss Martha Taylor, left ~===== I Mr. Eugene Burns, of Ridley Town- C. F. Rassweiler, of Riverview road, Saturday for the White Mountains, :!R~~;~F~O~R~~S~ALR~~'~~~~~!lshiP' and Miss E. Buchanan, of Phila- who are spending the month! of Aug· N. H. Under and subject. however. 1.0 certain bUlldmg' relltrlctlon8 as therein mentioned. delphia. ust at the shore resort. Be ore going * • • Together with the free U80. right. llberw :Mr. and Mrs. Frederic B. Calvert, to the shore the Rassweilers took a Brooks Sanford returned last week; Hnd Inlvilege of the aforesaid private drive· I k ' ,. t.h t dlurin!1 I' . . , way all aud (or a p888ag6Way and driveway Jr .• of Ridley Township, will return severa wee s rip 0 ewes to hiS home on Dlckmson a.venue~after. at all limes bere~Uer forever. In c:ottlmon this week-end from a two weeks' vaca- which Mrs. Fries joined them for sev- completing his junior yeti"r and some' with the owne~8. tenants and occupiers 01 tho I h t t .' . . I k h U·· other lots of ground bowullng thereon end tion spent at Cr•y st•a l *L ake, N. Y. era 5 or rips. addttlona summer wor at t e n1-. having the use thereof. or to any other prop· Mrs. Fries was the guest of Mr. and versity of Wisconsin. His parents, Mr. erty to the west thereof to which the use of Mr. and Mrs. Percy C. Belfield, Sr., Mrs. L. L. Hedgepeth, of Cornell ave- and Mrs. Herbert B • Sanford , recently' sJaoihdn dHriv. ewMacyC lam.tcaty.y . be extended by the aa.ld of Michigan avenue. will leave next nue, with their children, Betty Jane visited Mr. Sanford~s mother, Mrs. !sa week to bring their Ir.;~t~:hi~~~:~n~ I and Mills, at dinner in Philadelphia and Sanford, of Bunker Hill, 111. BeinG" No. 160 Wellington road. Kathryn and Edward the theatre la~ Friday evening. • *. . Improvements consillt at two stOry stonc. from Camp InifJree, West Mrs. Fries ad\t Fritz will leave next Professor and Mrs. J. S. Livingston £Oucrctc block and IItuccO house. 21x30 fee'; T d .. f' . P ·tl thel· t on d d ght of (rnnlc addition, 12x3 feet: one st.o- N. H. where they have spent the sum- ues ay to VISit rlends In ittsburgh. WI 1 r wo s s an au er, (rame IIddltiOIi. o...U feet; garage attached. ,.rUUnon; I mer. They wil1 be joined Friday by Mr. and Bostoll. Mass., will move into 339 Park 10x20 feet. ;~~~ii~~~I~~~~~~~ · · · Mrs. ·ho*rig who will accompany them avenue on September 6. Professor Liv- Sold as the prOI)(;rty of KatherIne Luckel Mrs. Charles Israel, of Princeton and to Chicago to mak,e their home. illgstOIl comes (rom the Harvard Uni- Dlld Elizabeth Lucke). mortgagors and Kath· College avenues, is entertaining a num- * • * versity department of biology to critIC Lucke), real owner. ber of friends at luncheon today. Mrs. Henry D. Mock, of Cornell ave- Swarthmore College. WM. K. RHODES, Attorney. • • • nue, entertained informally at luncheon Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Davies, of on Wednesday. and three daughters. Barbara Anne, I Anna M. Prico. mtgr .. alld Stratford En· Hillborn avenue, who returned Mon- * • • M th d S d I . dowment B. &; L. Ass n. Lev. Fa. No. 73 JUlie Mrs. A. Prescott WI·II,·s and daugh- ar a an y ney, w 10 are occupymg Term ID38-deht $11,000.00. day, August 15, from a two weeks' va- :?:i~;~tf.i. :~::~~~f.1 cation at Lake George. N. Y., are ter. Mary. of Columbia avetlu'!, left spending this week in Carlisle, Pa. Wednesday to visit Mrs. Peter E. Told. where they are the guests of Dr. and of Park avenue, in Harvey Cedars, N. PVBLIO BEARING Tbe Board of Adjustment wtll hold a public hearing on the appeal of Robert W. Ktnsley In the CouncU Chamber. BOrough Hall. Swarthmore, Pa •• on September 2nd. 1938 at 8 o'clock P. M. D. S. T. The lot In question Is located on the' East 81de of Cornell Avenue approxl.mately 389 feet South of Yale Avenue. being the Southeast comer of Cornell Avenue and an unopened street known as stratford. Avenue. Per­m1eelon 18 requested to locate a s1Dgle­famUy frame dweWng approxImately 20 feet South of the Southerly line of said Stratford Avenue (unopened), leaving a 10 foot yarcl between aald dwelling and the Southerly line of sald lot whIch is approx­Imately 52.15 feet in width. The set-:-back from Cornell Avenue is not involved In HoullC and lot Nether Providence Twp .• Del. Co .. Pa, un S. ad. o( Pine Ridge Road 1144.28' measured N. and E. along tho S. Line of Pine Ridge Rd. from Ita intenecUon with tho PhUa· &: Garrettford St. Rwy. Co .• 'honce extending along line of lot ND. 129 S. 7° 19' 20· E. 170 (ir)'; thence N. 75° 2' 60" east 67.02' to n J)oillt in line of 10L No. 127 thenw ex· temllng- along said line l'l lot No. 127 on aaid J)lan N. 4° 37' weat 167.07' to the S. lid. of Pino Rid;" Rd S 86· 23' west. 42.0': thence W. alollt;" curved line of Pine Rldge Rd.. 39.1' to bf'Jdnnlng. BemS" lot No. 128 on plan of Pine Rldl'c. Imurovemenls (,OIlSilli of: two and one·hall story stucco house. 26x34 feol: poreh (ront: one story addition. 20x20 lee'; Mtlle('" garage. 10x23 fee&.. WM. S. BITl'LE Swarthmore 111-" Notary Publlo-Insurance-Beal Estate BAIR-BONDED REALTOR Swarthmore Ph. 211 211 Cornell Avenue J. D. DURNALL REAL ESTATE Office: llO Cornell Ave. Telephf)ne Sw. 13 ~'i'i:.:'-en.:: We soIJcJt FOR SALE Mrs. Paul Doney, ' until Sunday. • • • • •• Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W. Collins, and three sons. of Swarthmore avenue, wilt leave today for a cruise to An­napolis and St. Michaels, Md. aboard their boat, lIBeneda." They expect to be gone a week or so. • •• Mrs. Shelby Shanklin, of Fort Myers, Fla., stopped Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Shanklin, of Amherst ave­nue, 'Until Wedne~day night while en route to Kentucky. She was the guest of honr at a tea given by Mrs. Shank-lin Wednesday afternoon. • •• Mr. arid Mrs. A. P. Shanklin and John Longwell has been ill since Sunday at his horne 011 Lafayette ave-nue. ••• Marji Schaefer, of Morton, Swarth­more High School student, is spending the summer at Skytop, Pa. as the guest of Dorthy Waldo Phillips who is host· ess at The Lodge, there. M arji made a hit in the Skytop this appeal. ELLIOTr RICHARDSON, secretary. E. LEROY van nODEN. Attorney. WILLIAM w. McKIM. Sheriff. 3 bedrms.. 2 baths. 10% cash. Priced $10,000. 5% mortgage. Well located. In SWarthmore. famity \vilt remove from 40 A,rn~,erst I avenue to Syracuse, N. Y. September Mr. Shanklin has been transferred to the home office of his company, the Carrier Corporation. ROBERT T. BAIR, Bonded Real.or 2ll Cornen Ave. Tel. Sw. 211 Phone Madison 1113 Beck's Employment Agency Bonded and Lieensed by State 17 Madison Ave. LANSDOWNE, PA. Selected ..,hi'e and colored help at .hort notice MARY EYRE MacELREE Teacher 0/ Pia_Pipe Organ Theory In Swarthmore Every Wednesday 609 S. WGH ST, WEST CHESTER Tel. West Chester 905· W MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON IOSBPH B. QUINBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS BBLL PRONE • CALL ELECTRICAL REPAIRS RADIO Tubes-Washing Machines-Cleaners -INSTALLATIONS-SW ARTIlMORE ELECTRIC SHOP Park and Dartmouth Aves. YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER S".rtlunnre 19 PETER E. TOLD General Imurance 417 DARTMOUTH AVE. S ........... ore 183S The Shanklins have been guests of honor at several parties given in Swarthmore and out of town. The Walter C. Giles, of Rutgers avenue entertained them at dinner recently and Mrs. H, Lindley Peel, of Columbia avenue, gave a luncheon for Mrs. Shanklin. Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Gil­lespie, of South Chester road and Har­vard avenue, will entertain at dinner and bridge for them this Saturday evening. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Crosby and daughter, Mardy Jean, of North Princeton avenue, left Wednesday for a two weeks' visit to Mrs. Crosby's sister, Miss Ruth Peebles of Ashland K y. " • • • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Laws and children, Charles and Betty, of Col­lege avenue, will leave tomor;row on a two weeks' motor trip to M'Uskoka Beach, Ontario, Canada. • • • Miss Elaine Bradford, of Rutgers avelllle, left Monday with two class­mates (rom Connecticut College to spend a week in Shelby, Ohio, visiting anoth~r classmate, Miss J aile Skiles. • • • ~trs. Emilie G. Pollard, formerly of S~~!arthmore, who spent May and June With her daughter, Mrs. Frank Fetter and family in Jordans, England, re: cently returned to her home on Thom­SOil, road, Springfield. Dr. Frank Fetter economist, has been following a line of research in English universities 1511"." • receiving a Guggenheim Fellow­~ hlp III June 1937. The Fetters reside III lJerwyn and wm return irom Eng-­land on the Queen Mary, sailing Sept­tember 14. • Like hidden expenses of all kinds, your house wiring is out of sillht. Is it out of mind, too? If it is, you may be daily cheated of a full-measure of current. You get full volt­age into your meter. If your wiring facilities choke your supply beyond it, you are missing full comfort, conve­nience, safety, economy and efficiency of electrical usage. FIRST, copper wiring must be adequate in size (large enough core 01 copper) to care for every conceivable use of electricity ••• to supply full-measure current. SECOND, lighting and du­plex convenience outlets and switches must be sufficient to £ill all your possible needs. .. - ASK YOUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR OR CALL US FOR A CHECK-UP PHiLADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY 2lact'licity- eJ,aepa'l in 52«entity SW~IHHMIlIU: DRIVE CAREFULLY ! E ... OY YOUR VACATIOI VOL. X, No. 34 SWARTHMORE, PA., AUGUST 26, 1938 S2.50 PER YEAR BORO MOURNS MRS. T. W. ANDREW Services Held Sunday in Pres­byterian Chureh for Beloved Octogenarian In the passing of Mrs. 'rhomas Win .. ter Andrew, which occured 011 Wed .. ne~day, August 17, Swarthmore has lost olle of its older citizens who was universally rCSI)ected and beloved. Al­though her friendly smile and warm handclasp have ceased. the memory of her alert spirit, always courageous and independent, will remain. She would not allow the physical handicap of ad­vancing years and failing sight to get the upper hand with her mind and heart, but remained, as ever, kee'1ly in­terested in the activities and the people of the town, until the time of her mercifully brief last illness. Had she lived until October 4, Mrs. Andrew, born Ella Mary Cowdrey, would have been eighty-seven years old. In February of 1939, she and her husband. Thomas Winter Andrew , would have celebrated their fiftietb wedding anniversary. Mrs. Andrew was born in Roxbury, Mass., now a part of Boston. She was a charter member of t1:e Walnut Ave­nue Congregational Church of that town, and her wedding to Mr. Andrew was the first service of any kind to he held in the church edifice, the com­pletion of which was hastened for the event. Her lifelong interest, begun as a young woman, \Vas in her church and its activities. Always progressive in thought, she inaugurated in the Wal~ nut Avenue Sunday School the kinder­garten method for the smallest children of the school, which was probably the inception of a plan now in general use. W. W. MITCHELL Manager of Ford Motor Company plant, Chester, died Saturday after pro-­tracted illness at .his , h ome here. FORD EXECUTIVE DIED SATURDAY William W. Mitehell Succumbed at Home on University Place After Dlne8S of Several Months William Wesley M,itchell, 011 sick leave from his position as general man­ager of the Ford Motor Company in this area, passed away last Saturday morning, August 20, at his home, 630 University Place. Mr. Mitchell, who was forty-five years old, had been on leave since a collapse after his work as chairman of the combined Philadelphia committees for National-Used C~,:t' Exchange Week some months ago. 'Quakers' Shake Swar,hmore Another thing we understand these travelling vacationers are missing are the earthquakes at home. Whether there was anything aside from the pos­sible edifying experience to be gained by feeling the earth tremble late last Monday night and early Tuesday is a matter for conjecture. Even thrill seekers. at any rate those who realized what was taking place. must have been a bit apprehensive when the periodic shocks increased in intensity. Well, it will give us stay-at-homes one subject 011 which we can authoritatively meet the returning flock's description of its personal observatiolls beyond our reach. That is, if we didn't sleep right through it as we're told did many hearty devotees of the 'blessed release·. \Vith varying reports in the County and the Philadelphia area as to the number and time of the tremblers, three shocks which undoubtedly regis­tered in Swarthmore were the first and longest onc, about 11.40 P. M.; one about 1 :10 A. M.; aud the most severe quake, around 3 A. M. \Ve've questioned ~everat old timers in these parts but failed to find one who could remember a similar previous occurrence here. I I ENGUSHMAN TO SPEAK AT BLUE CHURCH D. H. Dolman, D.D., of England, widely known as a Bible conference speaker. will speak at the Blue Church, Baltimore Pike. Springfield, Thursday evening, September 1. at 8 o'clock. For several years Dr. Dolman main­tained a training school for young Jews in Germany. A few years ago he went to England to he the pastor of a Church of England congregation but is now devoting his time to conference speak­ing and writing. Dr. Dolman is always a welcomed speaker to American audiences. This is his ninth visit to the United States. All Although a resident of Swarthmore are cordially invitl.ed to attend this since 1903, Mrs. Andrew remained a devoted daughter of New England. It was her pleasure to keep in touch with New England women as they came to Swarthmore to live, call upon them Born in Springfield, Mo., he attended service .• the University o( Oklahoma (rom which • • . ' entertam them, and in every way make them welcome to the home of her adoption. Her interests ill Swarthmore were many. She was an active member of Swarthmore Presbyterian Church the \Voman's Club of Swarthmore, th~ lo­cal Needlework Guild and the Swarth­more Poets" Circle. She was a member also, of the Pennsylvc:.llia Society of New England 'Vomen. She is survived by her husband Thomas Winter Andrew; a daughter: Mrs. Frank V. BUrton, of Philadelphia, and five grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Charles E. Aldrich, of Providence. R. I., and three nieces. he entered the employ of the Ford Motor Company and remained with it until the time of his death. After hecoming connected with the company he soon rose to an important position at the Oklahoma City branch. and was then transferred to the man­agement o( the plant at Atlanta, Ga. Shortly thereafter .he became manager of the Norfolk, Va., branch. From there Mr. Mitchell went as ad­vertising manager to the main branch at Dearborn, Mich. He served there a few years, then returned for a while to Norfolk before coming to Chester in 1928 and purchasing a home here. He was transferred to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1932 but returned to Chester two years later. A thirty-second degree Mason, Mr. Mitchell was also a member of the Springhaven Country Club, the Penn Athletic Club, the Merion Cricket Club, the Chester Club, and the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Gladys Harmon Mitchell, and two daughters, Betty Lou and Billy Ann. A large number of friends including DOG RESTRICTIONS TO BE ENFORCED Several persons in Delaware County having heen bitten by dogs with rabies during the past two weeks the state dog catcher carne to Swarthmore Tues­day of this wcek and warned certain dog OWIlCr.S whose animals hc found loose. Any dogs ruuning at large on the streets in the daytime will bring pros­ecution upon their owners. Police of­ficers have the authority to shoot any canine loose at night. With quarantines already in Spring­field, Haverford Township and Clifton and one about to go in force in Ches­ter the authorities are tightening up on regulations and all Borough residents who cherish their pets are advised to take care that they do not run at large at any time. • I I Pool Group to Meet Again After Labor Day ~tal1Y friends gathered to pay a last tnbute at the funeral services con­~ ucted by Ihe Rev. J, larden Guenther 111 the Swarthmore Presbyterian Church at 2 :30 Sunday afternoon. Pall­bearers included Leonard Ashton, Ed­ward M. Bassett and L. A. Wetlaufer, of Swarthmore; and Andrew Burtoll, gral~dson ?f the deceased. The organ IllUSIC durmg the service was played by Mr. Frank V. Burton. Forest Hills, Mass., will be her last resting place. e. e HORNETS PLAY OFF PROSPECT PARK GAME The regular schedule of the Delco League had limped to its close for the ~ornets but Prospect Park had an out .. SIde chance to enter the play-off for a great many business associates, some The second meeting of the advisory officials from thc Ford home office, board to consider further detailed plans were at the funeral services conducted (or a Swarthmore swimming pool, es­at Oliver Bair's Chestnut Street, Phila- pedally from a financial aspect, will delphia, at 2 '30 o'clock Monday after- he held the first week in September, noon. The Rev. J. Jarden Guenther, the exact date to be announced later. rector of Trinity Church, Swarthmore, Anyone who has suggestions to offer conducted the last rites in the absence 011 the project should communicate of the Presbyterian pastor, the Rev. with Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, of Harvard David Braun. Interment was private. avenue. • I On Slate Board of W. I. L. the championship and it also had a Mrs. Frank Aydelotte, of Cedar lane, postponed game with the Hornets. The Swarthmore. and Mrs. Lovett Dewees, game was played last week and Pros- Sweetwater Farm. Glen Mills. have re­pect Park still had its chance at the cently heen appointed to the Penllsyl­play- off. Final score Prospect Park 9' vania Executive Board of the Women's Hornets 1. ' International League for Peace and Th " I Freedom. Mrs. Aydelotte js on the k I·C VIIS itofir s lopped off to a three run General A<h'isory Committee. :Mrs. Dc-aad( ·11 1 t I1 e rst, added four ill the third \\ t.'cs is Chairman of the Delaware 11 sing e markers in each of the fourth C t B h and sixth innings. The Hornets lone oun y ranc, • • • aI lly ca me 1. 0 the S'lhXt. Sh e II y scored Fraternity Deleg' ale to California t Ie run, had a hit and stole a base' Dotts hit a triple and a single· Black' W: Vitulli and Wagner grabb~d a hit apiece and Henderson stole a base. \Vagner allowed ten hits and fanned seven opposing bat bearers in the final performance of the 1938 edition of the Hornets. Followers of the team who ex­Pe<: t to see future engagements must rt.strain their impatience until the 1939 season. Effingham Dolman, of Vassar ave­nu(', left Saturday for California as delegate of the University of Pennsyl­vania ehalltcr of Pi Kappa Alpha to the natio'Hal convention in Los Angeles. He boarded a special train in Chicago which will pick up delegates en route to the convention and stop at Yellow­stone on the way out and affhe Grand Canyon when homeward bound. e I , BRIDGE CLUB ENTERS LEAGUE PLAY IN SEPT. The Swarthmore Bridge Cluh which has be(,1l holding regular Wednesday evening sessions throughout the 5Ut11- Iller in t he American Legion Room, Borough Hall. is looking forward to a .succe<;sful fall and winter seasoll. Be­ginning next month the Cluh will play a series of match games in the Dela­ware County Whist Association. A series of matches in the Wilmington '¥hist League will al50 be played this fall. During the summer monthly prizes to top scorers have been awarded and the numher of winners indicated very dose play with no one player out .. standing. June high scorers were: Richard Randall, Jr., first; E. Linnard, second; L. J.l.uckie, third. July's were: E. Linnard"first;o- Mrs. J. Rankin, Sec" ond; Harold Tomlinson, third. .. . SEND SEPTEMBER FLOWERS TO MRS. TUNIS Continued cooperation throughout September will be necessary to supply Swarthmore's share of Flowers for the Flowerless. Beginning next week M rs. R~chard Tunis, of Princeton and Lafayette ave­nues. and If rs. Lewis Goodenough, of Secane, will ue in charge of collecting the flowers on behalf of Trinity Church, Swarthmore. If you cannot bring your floral con­tribution to Mrs. Tunis' home Thurs­day evening or before 10 o'clock Friday morning it can be arranged to call for any flowers you have if you will tele­" hone Mrs. 'funis (Swarthmore 569-J) or Mrs. Goodenough (Swarthmore 32· J). Patients in the PhHadelphia General Hospital are greatly cheeNd by the weekly arrival of the flowers. • I • EXAM~FOOTBALLPLAYERS AT meH SCHOOL TODAY All Swarthmore High School football players are to report to the High School gymnasium at 3 o'clock this afternoon, Friday, August 26. for a free physical examination by the school physician, Dr. George B. Heckman. At the same time they will receive their football equipment for the com­ing season. On Sunday, August 28, at 4 P. lIf. the S(IUad witl leave the College avenue school building (instead of the Rut­gers avenue school as previously a11- tloullce(H for a six-day training period at the Y. M. C. A. 'Camp, Camp Dwight. Downingtown, Pa., returning Saturday evening, September 3. I • Annie Revive8 laded Community FWWER SHOW AT CLUB SEPT. 20, 21 Annual Fall Event Sponsored by Women's Garden Section Open to AIl Amateur Gardene1'll The Thirteenth Annual Fall Flower Show of the Garden section of the Wo­man's Club of Swarthmore will be held at the Park avenue Club house on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 20 and 21, (rolll 3 :30 to 9:30 P. M, As usual ice cream and cake will be served both days. ''rhe show is open to all amateur gardeners, men and women, who wish to enter and see how their flowers compare with those of their neighbors. A competent jury will judge the entries. Schedules of classes will be avaiJable in a few days, by notifying the garden section chairman, AIrs. H. A. Peirsol, o( Lafayette avenue. The club garden section in coopera­tion with the Friends Meeting, Meth­odist, Presbyterian and Episcopal Churches, of Swarthmore, have been taking flowers every Friday, from the first o( June until the end of Septem­ber, to the Philadelphia General Hos­pital under the auspices of the "Flow­ers for the Flowerless" committee of the Delaware County Federation of "'oman's Clubs. 'fhe flowers are taken direct to the hospital and some of the chairmen collected bushel baskets of half-pint jars to he used as containers which were greatly appreciated at the hospital. A committee of young girls bunch lhe flo\vers and take them through the wards with ":Mother Aloore." Monday afternoon the few local Mrs. Harold Griffin, chairman for y~ungsters left among us began to August for the Presbyterian Church, ghmpse, t~at th~re may be some ad- reports a fine response from the public-vantagt;.! "s .1 11 (bdemg marooned. in -this- ~H~;J ""11'- -1,lin·::~' -~-~ wa rtlJ 1l101'ean as k·t ng f or mosqu!to, 111 este co.unty wh~le many mure flowers. It required lour cars to of their playmal~s enjoy vaca~lOns with transport them to Philadel hia. sea or mountam breezes, 10 cooler p climes, or at least where different I I scenes engage the vien. When Annie, an organ grinder's thrce-year-old Brazilian monkey, pro­fusely tipping her hat for coins and equipped with the telltale mirror which betrayed her sex despite masculine at­tire, descended upon the Borough there was sufficient rejoicing to make e\'en older children forget the monotony of summer existence in this place. Thanks Annie! - and we trust the trit) was not altogether unprofitable for you. e.1 To Move to New Home Swarthmore Police Captain Alvin J. Herr and his wife and sen, Alvin Jos­eph, ] r., will move into their new horne at 40J Michigan avenue on Saturday of next week, September 3. The house which has been occupied by Dr. \Valter J, Scott, assistant pro­fessor o( zoology at Swarthmore Col­lege. has just been purchased by the Heers through Titus J. Ewig, of the office of M. Parker, Swarthmore. Captain Herr is only the second local police captain to own a home in the Borough. ---.....,. . .. ~-- Latest Additions to Library INDIANS WIN OPENER 7T05 Season Launched Friday After Two Postponements; Chester Won Wednesday Aft~r twice postponing the opening of the box lacrosse season because of rai'~, the Swarthmore Indians opened theIr 1~38 campaign last Friday, with a 7-5 victory over the Philadelpia La­crosse Club. The second game was played with the Chester Comets, Wed­nesday and resulted in a victory for the visitors by the score of 5 to 1. In the opencr, Hickman starred by scoring 4 goals. H. Belfield, Kahler, and Shelly contributed the other tallies in a game that was hard fought and 011 even terms until shortly before the final whistle. \Vednesday, the Chester Comets won a well-played game that seemed much cl,?ser than the score indicates. H. Bel­field sent the lone Indian tally into the net. The next game will be August 31, at 7:00 P. M. between the Chester Comets and thc Philadelpbia Lacrosse Club, at the Rutgers avenue field. The report of mosquito activity at last Friday's game. is somewhat like the rumor of Mark Twain's death of which he observed, that the report ~as somewhat exaggerated. Line-ups. Indians PhUa. L. C. ~Iablcr. .......... goal ........... Polllll . Kahler ........ R.D .....•....... HeSCh Roche .......•... L.D ••••••••••.... S8<!hs E. Kahler ......•. R.W .• , •••... W. Kahler W. Hickman ...... C ...•....•••••• Chandler H. BelReld..... L.W.. .•.... ~ •.. Shrader Slmre:!--Swarlhmore. P. Belfield Stupka S,lrelt. Shelb. Fello\1;!I. Battdorf; PhdadeIphi~ ",ra,u.r. ::IlSLCutlhlll, ),[alc!', COl'lI1uke, Mathews. Goal,.-lhckman -1. U::ahler I, H. JJelfield 1. Shelly 1, Shrader 1. Frllzt!\' I, Maley 1. Mac­cuhhlll I, W. Kahler 1. Time or Period&--16 min . Refcree---Cltfl Rnmsey. Pa. StaLe. New fiction in the Swarthmore Pub­lic Library includes; "The Ugly Dachs­hund" by G. B. Stern, "We Lived as Children" by K. Hulme, "Prelude for War" by L. Charteris, "Ae of Con­sent" by N. Lindsay, URich Girl, Poor Girl" by F. Baldwin, "Kindling" by N. Shute. "The Wan" by M. R. Rinehart, "Homing'" by G. L. Hill, "You Haven't Changed" by M. Banning, "Requiem for Idols" by N. Lof.s, "The Barly Fields" hy R. Nathan, "The Spanish House'· by E. Smith, ".case of the Sub­stitute Face" hy E. S. Gardiner, "The Man from Cook·~" by P. Banks, "Em­ily" by S. BCll~on, "The Beast ~[ust Uie'~ by N. Blake, "Midnight Sailing" by L. Blochman, "The Doomsday Men" by J. Priestly, "The Bridge in the Jungle" by B. Traven, 'fMr. Zero" by P. Wentworth, "This is 1\{e, Kathie" G~~cla~~:' ......... goal ......... ~ by J. Yenni. . ~tabler .....•••••• L.D ............. Roche New lion-fiction follows: "The Com- 1tl1ake ............ B.D •• ~ ••..•• J. Kabler lng Victory Ot Democracy" IL' y T.!oGf aa ~eu.yb •b•l , D•. • •. •. •. •. •. •. . Rc.W. . .•.•.•.•.•.•••••.•• E•,. .K Garheleenr MaUll. "Swedes in America" by A. onion .......... L.V" .••••••• R. Belfield Benson, "Goose Feathers" by G. Digby, . Comet Spa~s: Budd. Sachs. Dolman. eo .... "Across the Frolltiers'~ by P. Gibbs, ~~~:; ~~s,s Seh'~s 'kFruier, Kra'ten· "A S out h erner D·I scovers t h e S outh" Campb.e ll. Battdoprfa.r eDsi.n gle1.u pF eal.l owShse. ll~yf erSetree-lt-. by. J. Daniels, "My Sister Eileen" by I enGff Rulll&CY. Pennsslvania State. R McKenney 'D-_.. ,.,.. __O learll l: H. Belfield; Gordon~ )(8.ccubb1h~ 2; Cosinuke. •

---------- Page 10 ----------

INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE !.4 _________ -. __________ --,--.:T~H~E~S~W~A~R~T.!:H~M:..:O~R=E:.:.:A:::N~i----------;-----AU(.UST 19, 1938 PHIl h: ,kills Itft StlluilY for New Ch IrIh (unls on Juh 23 IUd IS llh\' hOllst II 1'rt. ... Cllt \\111 n.:1IlUl l' SCII \ork to IsSlIUle Ills He\\ position \\lth J..::l\lJIg 1u:r 11I(hlll (llIIet Illd st:\cralill'1II1)(,T 110 Ihnt SI)TlIIgs I tflll "hll.:h the (.race 11IH: HIs mother Mrs "tinTS 111 Sk'TU.:kcts I n\IC\\ hCIll~ 11111.\ h \1..' pnnhlS(;d II BlIllirllmllh: NEWS NOTES IllS \\lfl thrH da,s last \\Cck \\'Iule Mr Bog Irtlus \\ IS 011 hUSIIH.:Ss IU Baltnllorc • • • I (lilt n lilt I rcdenck J Bo~ Irdus wd :\1 r I g:ardu" Tl tttrlll d Sunday h thllr h 1IIl' Oll ~lldl1f.: til 1\ ellttC I IlUt('1I11I1 H, /0{ Inlus It l«i spent 1\\0 \\l'lk It Iht I ngllllCr ... Olhc~rs Rc .. t.'rH (11111 It I, rt Il.'holr \ I h":lI1g J( 111(:<1 In :\1 r I)g Inltls III " lslung l( I I> C f r thl.' \\l:e.:k llld C lrla \\ Ilsol1 daughter of Mr and "-I r" \\ \ \\ IlsOI1 of P Irk HId Mlch I/o{ III tvl'IIU1.:S ceh:hratcd her tlurd hlrthdtl\ wllh I pari) on I ucsda) of (,(urge \\ I cakUl~ \\111 remove from st Ig\'d August )!{ and 19 for \\lmh she! I' I IUT II)artl1lll1t at -tot North S\\arth wntll1cd thl oldu girls 11110111{ the sum 1-----------------­mOTe il\CIIUl St:ptcmLu.:r I lIld thc) \\111 IIH'T gUt:sts \\11) P Ir"ctInted Itl the have III Ipartlllcilt 111 ~c" ~ ork Cit) progr 1111 Sh r U 0011 Cunrl II U~ )Icdll 1'1. lUI list \H l k • • • • • • Il\,uh:nant IIITn Andre\\s tlul Mr... :\lr 11111 :\Ir I t I.rc.:c.:nil\\ lit haH 1'1 11\ AII!:II I fl 1lliS I IlUI('1I1111 I Iglrd'b hrothu 1I1l1 ... 1 It r 111 11\\ :\1 r IIId ),1 no I r IIlklm J 19lrtln ... (f l U Illr \ lilt IIlII \Isiled CLASSIFIED FOR RENT FOR REI'T Housekeeping apartment four • •• lui DllIglc sou of ~Ir 3ml Mrs Ho\\anl J Dmglc Jr of Park l\CIIUe rcturmd homl' last :\Iollda) after spcndl1lg' tell d 1\:-. III Sodus Pomt N \ \\ here: he "as Ihe guest of Mr and "-I rs (,l'orgc R '3n Uuser of Strath JJ IH II l\ enu~ 1 hl' \ 311 Dusers are Spl'l1 hng the SUtHl11t.'T at ~odus Pomt • • • !\1 r IIId M ro.; ) D Brauns of Rut \I1<1rc\\s returned Il~t Saturday to n:tl1rn~d from I \Hddll g tnp 111 the th~lr home 011 i\:orth Chester road aftu \\1.: .. 1 IIId Irt. Il\lIIg (II )llIrtU'lIth l\l I It.' ute II lilt \ndre\\ shad SPl' nt h\o litH. Pn p~ (I I'lrk Bt.' h re Ill: r rl'cellt \Heks \\llh th~ Resent.' Corps It lort 111 Irnlgt :\Irs (reell \\\ lit "IS !l.l1ss (,enrgl ~Ie Hie :\Id IIHI ~lrs Andrcns (r Ilt.' Sch H fer of :"1< r((HI I f ,rlUl'r had \lsltcd hH parl'lIts ~Ir lIul l\frs S" Irlhm re IIlgh Sell( I stl1d~nt I D Caml n. n of Allcnto\\ II * • • ~ • • :\Ir IIltl :\Irs (11\1011:\1 \Ihnght ~Ir Iml :\lrs Ch lries KUllmcl IIld of ,\\ollhrook n Id \\ llhngfonl 111115 daugh"':rs of Ha\Cdord plan; sP(,lIt 1"11h tlil'lr son I h\ Ifd h IH returm:d the \\clk ~l1d at Sl'Il\\lck Islll1d ~Id from I tnp It) J Ikl 101l1Sl' lIld B 111fT fishmg tIlIl (rlhhmg III thclI- fourte..:n Ihl'lr (til :\Ionnc "ho gradulted rooms find bath 139 Rutgers a\enue font sll skllT Kist \\llIch 1\[r KIIII fr01ll C( null Unl\(To.;lh II ... t "prlllg 1Il<i A N GarreLL Telephone SWarthmore 489 or PelUHPacker 4442.,;;;=;--;::;-c::::==",,=> FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished apartments Modern 011 beat Elcctrlc re(rlgeratlon Continuous hot water Tele phone SWllrthmorc 93 gers 1\ eUlIl' rcturned Suuda\, AUgUht l-t from 'ork s 1 Will Pille Camp lJ lIcC\ POlld :\[c \ .. here the) had bCl'1I Ie r 1\\0 necks • • • mel hid JlIst completed ,,111 rcturn thl re f r I ( st gradu Itt: • • • \\ork tills fill 1:-. spl'lIdlllg Ihe slimmer \\ M h II.,r' "uh Secret In J Ihou j{lch lnl I M r.. J \\ ht l'It: r Allison and daugh tcr B Ifh IT I of I~utg('rs avenue to gc thc r \\ It h :\1 rs \lhsotl s sister ~I r5 J S ~fcC n of Prospect P uk arc Il t\ IIIg ~1t}llda\ for Long Island N Y "hen tht.' \ \\ III hc the gucsts of their ststlT :\,1 rs Bcrt flllkh I1n fhe, plan t) rctl1rll II( mc thl da\ hdorc J abor J>tl\ :\Ir \lhsoll left lata Monda) ~ , r. III lIr lpt SOil of I Ifl\ctte lHIllIl' Idt list] f1 (11\ h spl'lld hiS h\ll \\ccks \ Icalloll II SUllSll :\ll Iccompalllcd I" IllS ~Oll FOR RENT-Apartment entire second floor !i\e roonu; and bath large shady porch $75 month includes gns electricity elee trlc re(rlgerator 133 Ogden avenue Tele­phone bVmrthmure 295 R FOR RENT - AttrncUo.;p modem apart .. ments fi\c rooms bath three rooms bath Nice location Adults Telephone Swnrthmore 1581 W FOR RENT-Attrnct1\e apartment four rooms bath Electricity refrigeration garage Included $45 month 124 Linden m enue Rutledge Telcphone Swarthmore 1153 W F OR RENT - Lo\ ely second (loor apart-ment 011 Swarthmore no.;enue thret: rooms bath or four rooms two baths Electric re(rlgl'ratlon Garage ao.;ailnble Telephone Sw uthmore 1133 FOR SALE - Home on HlIl Attractive grounds On bus line near College 011 heat Occupancy in two months BerthA. Sellers tclt!phone Swarthmore 295 R FOR SALE PEACHES EL RANCHO OR CHARDS PrO\ idence Road one mile north of Rose Tree Hunt Club near :Me~ din WHITE PEACH AND RAMBO APPLE WEEK DO NOT DELAY FOR SALE-Shunese kittens Phone 138~ FOR SALE-DELUXE CHEVROLET COUPE 1938 MODEL equipped with radio heater defroster Scarcely used Telephone Swarth more 1147 FOR SALE - Antique mahogany drop lea.! table six legs maple end table RCA radio and table Tclcphone S"arthmore 1147 1l0AKDlNG I ~ for a three \\ ecks bustness ITlp I BllIl'ilcid " 'I and \ ICHtlt) • • • Iliutl Jr • •• ~I r (hn .. t 111 i\ I ne.. md SOil or lim Igo Irn\l'tl last \\Cck to \1"'11 :\Ir ... I fll' parellts :\'lr Iud Mrs 'rallk II 1I0eng (f Rutgers l\ellUC On Sund 1\ \\ 1111 ~I rs I C I Ilstlllgs of \\ e ... tclall' I\UI\I(' the\ dro\c 10 Quail Clt\ i\;r f \\ hue 1h(\ left I ntz to re "-Ir Illd :\Irs f<redcnc B Cahert, of I ~rk lIHI :\llcIlIgan lvellues had as mam ulltli Ilmrsd 1\ as the gucst of I fohllll\ I~ Io.;S\Hllu son of Dr and :\Irs t lelr gUt t" It dmller on \Vedllesdas ).Ir I tH-{l'm Burns of j{1(I1ev To\\n C I Hns:-'\\l'llcr of I{1\CT\ tC\\ road ... lllil IlHI ~II s I Buell man of Plllia \\h I If(' pClldmg thc lIlonth of Aug delphi I u .. t It th(' h( f(' nsort Be fon gOI11g: ).Ir lilt! '-Irs i rcdcnc B Cahc.:rt It thl' I (rc the R Iss\\cllcrs took I Ir f Rulle\ 10\\IIS11l1' \\111 nturn se\l'T1l \\t(.'ko.;. Irlp to the \\cst dunng tillS \\llk ~lId from a t\\O "ccks' vaca \\llIch :'I.lrs I fitS JOlllcd them for Se\ tlon SpCllt It en st tl I Ike N Y cral "h rt tnps • • * :'I.lrs l nes \\as thl' gucst of ~(r ami ~I r 1II<l \1 r!) Perc\ C Bd field Sr :\1 r I I I h dgl' pel h of Cornell a\C l f :\t.c!lIg Itt 1\l.'IlUC \\111 Ica,e ncxt nUl' \\Ith thclr dllldrcn Bcth Jane \\ et k h hnng their grandcluldrell an<l "1111 at tl1IIBer 111 PllIladclpllla and I,,-athn n and I d\\ard Belfield home th~ Ilu Itn list Fnda\ nCllmg from lllllJl JllIffree \\ est Sprlllgficld :\lrs J4ncs md Fntz \\111 Ie I\C next ~ II "hlTl the\ 111\( "lIcnt thl' sum IUl'"dl\ h \ISlt fnends III Pittsburgh nn r I h('\ \\ III he J )IIIC<I F nd 1\ b) ~I r at!'J * • • :\Irs Ihlng \\hn \\111 ICCOmpall} Ihem "Irs (h IrI( .. brad of Prmcetoll md to ChiC Igo tn Hllkc thl'lr hU11Il' • •• "-Ir I1ellT) D :\Iock tlt Cornell lH BOARDING-Nlrse will board thro: aged It lIegt I\ll1Ul' IS l'lItcrlallllllg a IIUtll cOIl\nle.!;cellt nnd chronic Care given if I 'f I ,I I t I nceded Porch and grounds Rates $18 per I )l'r ( nll!( s a IIIiC lcon o( a \ \\cek Teleplwne Madison 6936 ).Ir 111<1 :\Irs •I aU• rl'I•I l:e I lJa\1ts of WANTED F urntshed house or apt 4 or 5 rms (rom SCl,t 1 Also three 3 bedrm houses $50 and $61) TVfO 5 rm apts un(urnlshed $60 to $65 WiU S BITTLE 111111)( rn aHll\le \\ho retufI1l'd ~foll II n \ugusl h fr lin a 1\\0 \\ceks va l ttl HI ~t lake (.l'org-e N Yare o.;pcn<1l1l-!; tillS \\cl'k III Carhs1e Pa \\ IH.'Tl thc\ ~re tilC guests of Dr and :\1 rs Paul Doney 1111t t'lltl'flal11cd mformall} It hll1dllOIl on \\ cdncsd 1\ :'1.1 rs \ Pn "C•) tt* \ \• IllIs lIld d High tcr ~I tn o( Colullliu I tHIIlH' Idt "ednesd 1\ to \lsl1 :\Irs Petl'r I I Id of Park 1\ ellue 111 H In e} Cedars N J until Sundin * * • • • • IA \ I I }< ~I rand :\t r 0 :\t Hook lIul dill drcil Dick wd :\1 In \nn (f \\ e hi ~Ic 1\1..' 1\1(' rclurlled 1111 \\ll1-. from C 11111' 1hz thetl :\c\\port 't \\1t<:rc they had h III I (t tt llo:e o.;lIlet \ugust 1 :\Ir Ind ~Ir IllllT\ \ Plp('r UHt l f 'lit 1\ l' 1111t: Idl "e<lll(," ~I t:lld t\\() \\l'~ks • • • \\ Ihun Il\ltr IIUC 11111 Ill.' r SOil I lIId II lIIghttr :\1 s :\1 ~rth S Iturd l\ ft r Ihc \\ Illte ~ II · .. . ;\lotll lUll" k S mfonl rdllTllul list to hiS h IIIl )11 i>1Ckm"on 1\LlHle c Hllpldlllg 111 JlIl1H r \l Ir ami Hhhtlnn I lll11l11cr \\( rk It the Um f \\ Isconstll 1 lis I areuts Mr illld :\Ir lIerht:rt I S IIlfnnt recellth \1"lled \Ir Sll1fordo.;mother ~lrs I ~ S lIIi( «I of Bunker 11111 III • • • Proics ... or and Mrs J S I I\l1lg:;1< III \\Itl their 1\\0 S))ls lIld d lUghter of 1:1 I 1 h 11 :\[ ISS \\111 111( \e II1tO HI) pllk II ~cJltllnhl'1 ( Pr )fl':;sor 11\ (n1ll('s fn III thl 1111 \ lnl Lm \cr"'lt, d~pllllllellt tl luhg) S\\ Irlhm .. ~ Colkge :\1 r mil i\1I... J \\ IItn I h01l11 SOil IIHI thn~ dllghtels I lIhlla Annc ~1 Irlll l I!HI S\ dill' \ \\ ho lrc l CCUP} IIlg PUBLIC HEARING \\ :\1 " Swarthmore 111 J NofaQ J'ubltc-Insurance--Real Estate ••• :\1 r tlld i\1 r BCIIJ Ullin " md II n l snll" (f S"arthmorc "Itt It IH lolla) for l crtllse II IP, I IIld St )'hchads ~f d Collllls IVCllUl' 10 All ah lard The Board o( Adjustment wlll hold a c.; public hearing on the appeal o( Robert W III Kinsley In the Council Chamber Borough [H , Hall Swarthmore Pa on September 2nd & l 1938 at 8 0 clock P M D S T The lot In II qUe&Uon is located 011 t.he East side of I I John I (1Ig:\\ell h ts ht:ell 111 "IIU Cornell Avenue approximately 389 feet t South of Yale Avenue being thc Southeast ~ \U - lUlU EY I'\RK Ih~lr II( It BClled l Modern Coloui ,I clapboard home with 4 bedrooms 2 baths 2nd floor and maid room and lavatory (or study den) on first Ilour Newest type oU heat enclosed and screellc(l porches lot 125 x175 one block (bruo~m thHlisg h School Flcst offer $7500 will J1 1k hne location can be full} n 1l \ ex) t: ct 10 )C gone a "ce or SO nnnced * • • UUIt-UONDEDItEUCOIt ~Ir Shclh~ Shlllkllll ofllrt~I)('rs Smull\ It III" hOIlll' 011 1 tf I) ctt(' aH coruer o( Cornell AVenlie and an unopened II street known as Stratford Avenue Per I mlsslon is requested to locate a single family frame dwelling approximately 20 ~\ I (eet South o( the Southerly line of said nue • • • ~I Inl Sch ,..:iu of :\1 )rlt II S\\ Irtl III JrC: IIlgh Slhool tlHll'llt IS SP(lldlllg tht S1l1lltlltT at Sk\ top P I IS Ihe guest of Dorth) \\ aid) PllIlhp .. \\ ho IS II( st css tt I he lodge then Strat(otd Avenue (unopened) leaving a 10! ,,, , HI I foot yard between said dwelling and the II r t Southerly line of said lot whleh Is approx r I I imatelv 52 15 feet in width The set back I ' from Cornell Avenuc Is not Involved In this appeal I ~ I ~ HU\ , , , !oOlmllrd Till!( I 1 or 1 rtl ncd hcek oil! r\\I>'C .. lnlf'1 i 1,)!40tlrC(1I rrl J.IR IW .... N \11 I ~l I IJ utln 12U JUI c II I I I HtOI C front frllme No .. a8 S\\ uthm»rc I It ")11 ?Il Cornell henlle III tOPIIt:d Frula\ 10 \ISII :\Ir ami J. D. DURNALL liE II "STATE :\1 ro.; \ P Shankhn t f Amherst ave IIt1( IIl1tll \\ cdnesd l\ nlgllt \\Iule ell rOlltt 10 Kelllllck\ She.; "I" the gUl'st )f he nr It I te I gl\ cn 1)\ M r Shank 1111 "cdlll'Stll\ Iftl rll II :\1 lrJI 111 Id( l hit Sk ELLIOTT RICHARDSON III the \toPI Secretary! \\IIII\~I" ~II{lM Slcnf( -------------------- OJh" J 10 t:orncll Ave I ( I. f1Jwm Sw 13 S II('s Ucn.als nd I'roperty Management Thirt} 'ne Jot'IrS ID Swarthmore handling Ue II Estate \\c soliCit ~our husmess and confidence * • • :\1 r tlld ~I r \ P SI lIIkhn l1ld f tllllh \\ III rellil \t ITll ·10 \mherst FOR SALE l\ lnlle to s\ r lC\lSl r...: Y September 3 bt'drm~ 2 baths 10 cash Priced at!l' :\.Ir Shlllkllll hiS hun Irm:-.fl'rred to $10 000 5 mortgage Well located in I t hl hnme oiliu f III U Ill)) 1Il} thc Sw rtlunore C ITnt r Corpor 111011 I nOBI HI I n \IIC, /luwl. II "(ultor I hl Sh nklm I lH btlll gUtsts of 2]1 (ornlll A\e 1I111tr It se\(rll Vlrtlcs gl\cn 111 lei S\\ 211 S\\ ~rt hmore and (' t of ·0\\ 11 I hc Phone Madison 1113 " Iltl r C (dks (f I{utgt:rs a\Cllue B k' E I A llltl'rtalled Ilu.'lll II clmllt:r nCl'llth and e. S Ill" oYluent gellcy ~I rs II I ,,,die, [,,, I of (olumb,. Hund.d lIulll(tnsed In Sllle I\Cllle g~\l l IUllheoll ftr :r..lrs ] 7 1\1 "h!'jun A,c Sh tIIkhn Dr tIId :\In, I ral1khn Gil I \NSDO\\NE, .·A Ie Pl f S 11th llllsltr roul and lIar Sf 11"('1( d HIli ft nntl .. "Ior,.tl Irvl p I \ I rrl 1\ II til' \\ 11 l lilt rl 111 It dll\l1( r til slwr' uotUf md hndgc tOl tI I I t hl S \turd l~ \ l \ IlIlIg !\lARY EYRE MacELREE I * * * T,lu/.er oj PUlllo-P,pe Organ I ).Ir tIld \lr 11\\111 \\ (rosin lilt! Theory I clltt~hl r ~t rrh JI..<l1 of Norl1 In S"lrtluHnrt E'\cr" "ednesday Il'nn tim I\lll1l Ilft \\e.:dlll'sd" for ()09 S IIIGII 51, WEST CHESTER I t\\ \\lek" \1 tt to :\Irs Crosln s lei "est Chester 905 W hr ~II'" 1"l1th Puhll:s lf \shllllll MUS A J. QllINBY & SON JOSEPH E QUINBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS UELL PHONE t MEDIA PA. CALL 1896 K, • • • ~Ir mel ~Ir I rlllst R I aws and II Ihh e.:11 Cil Irle and Hett} of Col Il g( a\ lllm \\ lit It all I Ullorro\\ on a \\l e.; ks III It r Inp I) "-Iuskoka h 0 II ITI C ~ lad I • •• ELECTRICAL ~I,,, I I IIIl IIradford ,f Rutgers Rf.,. flRS R,fVIO'" "" fulu S-" ash1llg II Ichmc~-Cleaners 1111 tt .. tt "-I nd;1\ \\llh 1\\ 1 cla " fr III llllllll II t11 C IIlge tn -INSI \II \rIONS- I ' , I , k I Slllli" Oil \lslt lIIg s\\ \II1II\IOHI El ECTlUC SIIOI' ",I II !IIlh ~1 J Ull' Skllco.; .·ark nul DarhnnQth Avcs YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER Swarthmore 19 ------------------ PETER E. TOLD Gelleral Insurance 417 DAKT~.OUTII AVE S"arlhmore 1833 • • * :\1 r II Ihe <. P liard tnrmerh (f S" trtllm n.' \\110 SII<"l1t ~Ia\ and June \\ It h hl r (Iaughll'r :\1 r Frank F ci ler 11)(1 f 1I111h III I lrdal1!'> I ngland re ( (nih f( t urnl'(1 In In r hOllle t n rhom Inn ad SprmghC'ld Dr Frank Fetter III nOIl( 1I11st has hten folll\\llIg a Il1'e I nscanh III Inglish UIlI\trsltl('S lIIet Hll'l\lIlg l (,uggcnhellll Fellow I 1(1 lit Junc 1917 The Fetter" resJ(ie 111 Il(\\\ J and \\111 relurn from Ing Iland I II tl e QUt.'tll :\faT\ salhng Scpt I It mhcr 14 • Like hIdden expenses of all kmds, your house wmng IS out of SIght Is It out of mmd, too? If It IS, you may be daily cheated of a full·measure of current You get full volt age mto your meter If your wumg facihhes choke your supply beyond It, you are mlssmg full comfort, conve· mence, safety, economy and effiClency of electrIcal usage FIRST, copper wmng must be adequate m SIze (large enough core of copper) to care for every conceIvable use of electrICIty to supply full measure current SECOND, IIghtmg and du plex convemence outlets and SWItches must be sufhCIent to fill all your possible needs ( ! @ @ ~ "J @! @) ASK YOUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR OR CALL US FOR A CHECK· UP PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY 2/flctticitr- t!1zfl«Pflt in $luantitr • AUG 261938 COLLE-(';E. L r 8f.t"""'Y DRIVE CAREFULLY ENJOY YOUR VACATIOII -" VOL. X, No. 34 ~~~~~===r====~~~~~;,:.~=S~l:W~A~R~I~II~~~IO~R~E~,~P~A~.,~A;U~G~U~S~1~26~,~19~3~8~=================J========~$!2:.!5~O~P~E~R~Y~E~A~R BORO MOURNS w. W. MI1CHELL I 'Q,wk,.rs' Shake Swartl,more SEND SEP1 El\IBEU FU-H-~'Ens FLOWER SHOW AT (~l,LJB SEPT. 20. 21 MRS T W ANDREW I TO l\IRS.llINIS • • • \11 lilt r thlll).! \\t WHit r~talld these ScrVlfes Held Sunday 111 Pre.· byler",n Churd. for Belm ed ! Octogenarian III thl P ISSIII}.! «f :\Irs I h 'III IS \\ 111 tlr \nelrl'\\ \\hH:1 t tctlred on \\tll 111.' .. «1 t\ \ugnsl 17 S\\ trthlllt rl litls t 1IIl' of Its )idcr lIlII\ l rs Ilh n o.;pedl'(1 Ih ugh Il'r fnuulh htlrt(II"1 hl\l l:ll .. td Ihl: 1IIl'1I1(T\ ht:r akrl "plrH 11\\ t\s llurlgeolls oul I ulq)(.' udellt \\ III n.: n 1111 She.: "unhl IH t ~Ih \\ tht 1,ll\s l: tl h lIulll II' f HI I \ I !emg \ c ~rs l11el f I1ll11g Sight to get thl UPl't:f h 11Id \\llh htr 11111)(1 lnd 1Il'lrt hut rcm lined as c\('r kClllh 111 terested III thc ICtl\IlilS 1I d the let Ilc I thc to\\1I 1111111 the lillie <-f Iwrl lII('rclfulh hnd last IIIIIOS 11 II HI sht h\td until Odolllr 4 :\Irs \mlrc\\ horn I III ~I In Ce "dre'- "l £ Fl.. C I I I I J n mug( r 0 orf 11 otor 01l11,an\ \\OU( II\C )et.'11 l'lghh Sc\en ,(..'ar~II)11Il1 (h(!!'lcr dJ(~d Salurdl)u£llrllrn 1<1 In 1 ehru In 01 1939 Sill uul her I tr 11 tl" IlIncs!oi' II hiS home here hll"h IIld J II( III IS \\ IIItl'T \ltdre\\ ••• \\ ",Id h I\e edel" ,ted ,10 r hft,eth FORD EXECUTIVE \\lddlllg 111I1\t:ISI[\ ~Irs \udrc\\ "" horn III I,ux"",) I DIED SATURDAY ~I ISS 110\\ I plrt 01 HI h II She \\ah I cI Irtc lI1e.:lIIhcr t f the \\ alnllt \\C l11e C( IIgng lttt 1111 Church 01 th It tt \\11 mil her \\e.:<1<111 g I ~lr \mlre\\ \\ IS thl' hrsl s('f\lce 01 un kllld to In: hdd 1I1 th(' church eillhec till com I plclll11 of \\llIch \\ .... hi ten-cd lor the WIlham W. Mdcbell Succumbed al HOllie 011 UmverslIy Place Afl('r Illness of Several M011lb8 \\1111111 \\ eslc\ ).Iltcht II Oil slt.:k nC1l1 Il I\e fl III lis pc sitU II I gll cr ~I 11111 Iler hl('lolig IlIl1.:n Il.'gUIl IS f II ( I rei :\Iotor LOmpIII) III \( ung \\( 111111 \\ I III Il.:r t::hlln;h lIld I lssed I\\a\ II t S01lllrd l\ ,t " '-.""" c\1s" " t n_ grcsslvc III 1U11 0 IlIlig \lPIIg ust 20 It 11I~ 1)( lilt: (lO I I I Il\CI I) tCt.' t "ng It ... ht: IIIIUgUf IIl'd III the \\ al .'I\ \ '.~I t eIl cI I \\1I1 "IS f 011\ I l\e llut \\lll1le Sumll' SChlOI thc I·allder I'cus lei ha I I eCIl 11l It l\C ~1tI(l I g rlen method fur Ihc ~Ill ~1Il' t c!lIldrell l:,11 tJlSl lite! III \\ rk IS ch l 1111 III of l r thc ell )01 \\ hlch \\ IS probahly the 1 tht n nhllled r 1111 Hldpln 1 c 11ll1ll1ltec lH.:q II Itt 1 Ilan IlOW III h~llcral U50e for" 11011 • ..1 Lsed t I xch lI ... e \\ It:k \111 High I resullnl of S\\ IrllHunrc sOllie monlhs ~go II (l ilJOl ~Irs Andrc\\ rem tlncd al I rll 111 SprIng' dd:\1t In lilt Hlcrl tlt\ tld dlllghte.:r ,I :\e\\ Illgltud It till' t.:1l1\l'rslI\ or Okllhlllla it Ull \\IHch \\ IS her pic lsure I. kcep II t lIch \\Ith he Ultt.'ft I Ihe empk..,) 01 Iltl' lorel :'\e\\ I nglllld \\ JIIIt II t .. the\ c line to ::\10tOl Camp IIl~ and rcmalllt.'d \\ lilt I S" Irlhmon to II\L c 111 lipan Ihem until the tl1l1e of Ins dcath ('nl~rllllllhlll1 nul 1\ ('\l'T\ \\aymakc \lltr htCOlIIlllg Ctlllll'ltcd \\1111 the Ihltll \\t.'lc lilt t( tht homc of her III JlIII\ he soon lose t III II11Jl tt 1111 Ull pi 011 111 )sttlOIl II the Okllh lllli ll1\ 11 Iidl Iler mll'fl t 111 S\\ Irthmorc \\erc and \\ t~ Ihlll 11 allsfci I ('II to the 111111 II til' Sh \\ I III ".::1 \C IIIcmber of Igllllt! t )t the 111111 It \tllnt I {. ~ S\\lrthm)r )'n 1,llr 1lI lhlln:1I the Sit ltl\ thllC'aftlr lie hl lUll t11ll1lgCI \\ III III lIuh t S" Irthmon the 10 (t tht ~ I tolk \ I I r lIIdl I tr t\lllllg \ Il Itlt IIlr ... lrc IIII",slllg In thl t Irll 11I1h ... It ht 1IIl' \\Iathn I lh( fl \\ I" 111\ thlll/.{ Isui( fn til the pus III ldl{\lIIg (XpeTllllll t() hl glllll'd ! 1 \ Ittllllg IlIl t Irth In IIIhle Itll' list ~I ntl l\ lIIghl IIId l Irh I lUhr)n I IIIlth r f( r t IIJl'Ct Irl' ] \ell thnll tlklr It 111\ rltc Iho I.: \\h) realized \11 It \\ I t tkmg pI 1(( 11111,,1 h l\e heell till lJprl'llIIl\l \\hell thl' It:nodu; h tk mcn I l'<i III lIItenslt\ \\ ell It . , . ( IIC c\erc .. 111111 tr pre\ 10US ENGLISHMAN TO SPEAK Al BLUE CHURCH II II 1) 1m 111 ]) D of England, I( h kilt \\ II l I Ihblc confl'renee \\ II p< ak It the Blue Church Il I Ikl Sprmgrldd 1 hllr50d I~ t \l It I\.! S('ptullhn 1 It 8 0 clock It l\l'rI1 ,elr .. l>r Dolmal1llll111 t tlJll'd I Ir II11111g sell< I for }'llllllg Je\\s III (.lrl11 111\ \ fc\\ \etrs Igo he \\elll tt I I gil I I It he tl l I lstl r of a Church of ] I gllll<i U)I1JUt.'g ItlOll hut IS 110\\ dt \ t Ig IllS tlllll t c nfll c Il:C speak Ill\.! Int! \\ I Hmg I)r I) 1111111 IS 111\ Ited to • DOG RESTRICTIONS TO BE ENFORCED Sl \ l r II I t rS( I s III I Jl'11\\ ITt.' Counl) hl\l1Ig l,tl'1l l)lltell I" dig" \\Ith ral)le~ lit r ng til II t I I\\(l \\elk the state eI, g e Il:hl r clint: 10 S" rtl n .rc I tics fill \\tck III I \\ ITI e I certun \\ hose UlII I at hl ROUlld III :'\eedll\\ Irk {1I11<1 111<1 the S" Irlh Ill111 there :\11 :.\111 lit II \\l'llt l~ ul lIun I t:t Clrcl~ She \\~:-. t mcmbcr \t.IIISllllo: IIIt1l1gei I til 1111111 hraneh deg rU11l1ll1{ It Ilrgl: til the 11 ... 0 (t I hI.' Penll \h 11111 SOl:ICt~ of It )lc Irholll ~(l(h 111.' cncrl Ihc,e l III Ihe d l}tllllC \\111 hrJllf.: pros :'\t\\ IlIglllld \\( IlItll it \\ \( Irs tll'1I Icil1rnc I t)1 I \\lllc t(utll I up II Ihclr (\\1 er P hcc of Sht IS "uT\l\cd h) her hu~hlll(llto ::\)1£(11 hefOic COllllIIg it (h('stcr til fI(lr .. I I\e tht luthonl) to :-.11(ot any <.. I I Ilil ttl t:T II I till IIIlIlr \\111 I c I ut in I S\\ Irt I III fl... h ITt f I I \\ r .. I It '\\l rll Ih~1II1l11g IIlxt \Hlk :\Ir I tIllI f I TI It d II III I I uHI ~I r I ('\\1 ( Ilhngl hl h 111 l'ltltlt thl.: Phd 1('lpllll II Iltt! In gn Ith (htcr«1 \\l t kh ITT \ II f Ihl' fl \\ t:r~ • • lIglu til IIPll\ f r tht.' Gcm r tl 1.\ thl EXAllIlNE FOOl BALL PLAYERS AI HIGH SCHOOL TODAY \ II s\\ rl hili pin r trt I Sll I g the.; r t IIIg l II n: Ihgll Sl.:h n I rt I( l < l 1111 lilt! I .1 t 10til til tilt 111gh lluck till:; )( f r a I thc com Oil S 111(1 t\ \ugu I}H t -' P ),1 thl ... fIUt<1 111 Ie 1\ Ih llh~t 1\t.'IIlH eh ,I Itlhh Ig (111 te d (I thl I'-llt l h til 1 n \I 11 h all r I IX d t\ tr 1IIl11 g I cflod " ),1 C \ l tntl lamp Ih\lght I) \\!lllIgt \\11 PI ntnrnm,.., Situnin l\(llIIg Sqlcmhtr J .1' Annu' Revn e8 Jaded ConllUlllutv :\Il-II II \ Ittl'llill 11 tl l Ic\\ \(HlIIgster Ittt 1I1l)lg u .. he).!;lH to gllnl St th It til(.' c 1IIl\ hc somc ad \ 111 19 s I I III I 1- 11 I (onl' II II tIll IIltl qll I, mfe I d UIII\ \\hllc 1lI1I1) 01 tl t:1I 111\111 Ill: tl JI \ \ It Itt lib \\lIh ... t.' I 'I III mnl III l)rl('zl: 111 co leI dlllJ(' II Iltl "hl'IC hl[lnnt sct:lle .. l:lIglg( tic \Il\\ \, III 1 \1I111l' III t rg III grllltici S tllllt: \~ tr llel II tZlhll III nkn fU"'th t1lll11g: hll hlt I I t(I1'o lilt! l'qUlI'Ill'1 \\Ith tl c Idlt t1 111111( r \\lml het I a\ l 1 he.; I .. t x dl'spltl II t cnhue It til ( dt t (Hkcl lion till I )1( ugh tl e.;rt \\ lS sun Ilnt rqlllllg to II k, (,\lll (ldl.'l dill I e I It Igl t the III lOt 11' )t o.;Ut11I11n CXbtt: II t til til pi tll I h tJlks \ lillie.; 1_ 111<1 \\ t trll I the tTlI \\ IS lI)t Ilttlgelht.'r Ulpll fit Jlle for \0\ Tn ~Iove to New Hmue III( til to.;. \\ IIlter \nlfl'\\ I d tllghtcr 11)2K alld llurch ISlIIg a ho Ile I ClC III t: I 0 c tt IIIghl :\lr Irlllk \ lurltl) IfPllIlldclplua I lie \\1 trallsft:IIl'1 t< Clc\c!lIld \\ II 1j11trllltlllt .. llnctd\ 11 Sprlllg S\\lrlhmm.' 1 IH' (,"'" \1", I , I I II Oh III ttH2 hut I clUllled to Chl:ster ' til( I\e grll(CI (nil lSI lcr Mrs t\\ \Cl:.. Iitel fltlrl Ill\trtord lo\\n~lllp I1ld Chfton Illrr ~ d III \\IIt.' 1Ie1 II \1\111 J l h Irll S I \hlnc! ttl r ,ull:nc(; R I Illd Itl ~h( lit to go III force III Chcs cph Ir \\111 Ill( 'e 1111 Ihclr II \\ h III mel Ihnl I"...'. .,'-."...., :\ll\I chIelllIl fh\ \ sISe c laIllsdo dtI.' grIcI Icll:l\hl er 01011 tl ,I, I ' 1 J(' U II niCS ITC IIg ltU ng up (n It '"to :\lIclllg III l\l'lIm til Sllur 11) ~I 11I\ fnclJ(ls g ltlll rt d 10 Pl) l list SIC U I I P r gUlltl 110.; lIId Itl B r ugl re 1dcllh (I mxt \\HI.: S(')Itt.'1Ilhu 3 tnl ute II Ihl' fn lr t1 l'nlCts C( II pr IIg I 1\ ell )111111 \ 1I I I Ie cnn c!lln h thllr l)ct ... are ad\1 cd to II 1 I hll.:tull)\ II.e I'-"'- J JIrI tGil ,I AthletiC Club thc ~lcnoll Cllckel Club It III e \\ lei ha .. hClll UCll ler I Il Ihll 11Il') d 1 t rUIl It largc In Ilr \\ Illlr J St:ott assl .. t 11 Ir) III tht S" Irthmore.: Prl' h}tcrmn t..,lt. Chesttr lluh lIlll tht: S\\ Hlhm )TC It ",,,or I;,: olog\ tl S\\ lrtluh re.; L)I l hun h tt 2 10 SlIIul t' ,'t'.r" I')"~ I'all II e.: h~ ten 11I Clullch J' I S I 1 ).fr I I Icgt: h 0.; Just hl'en IlITch I cd h) the htlnr mdllc!('d Itlllllf(1 \ htol Ed llI\l\lI1g lit lis \\1(0\\ Illrr Ihr ugh Iitu J 1\\10" 01 \\ tnl :\1 B ~ cit lilt! I \ \\ etlautcr Bllatrlll L)Il )'lJlcl elli ll "'\1 t\\ I ughten; P'ool Group to l\leet Again After (tllCe ,I ).1 P uker S\\arthn7 re I s\\ lrlhlllllrl' Iml \n Irc\\ Burlon I e h on and II ~ 1111 Labor Day C Ipt I !lerr I olh Ihe seCl "I I gr lIHI II of thl' dcn I~l'd I hc organ! \ large nm Iher 01 IflClH1 Inclu hug II I d pohl:": (,lllllll 11 \\ I ~ ht 111(' 111 IIlUSK dunllg thc e.:T\IC \\1" I I I grelt 111 III) hU!'>lIle!)~ t~OClate ~OlllC t.'1 .. n Ii( meeting of the a \Isor) lontlgh 1\ ~II Irlilk \ Burt n pl}e( 1t1l.'mls flom Ihl' lord IH It.: ofhcc If( tl c(lIsHIl'r (urtlllrdelalledPlanS[ •• I, nst 11111 ~II \\111 \\(It' It th~ IUl1trll ll\ c.;:c C")II Ittctcd I S\\ lrthmore.; \\1I111llllllo: 1001 es Iu; Illr list at Oll\er I all s Chestnut Stlcd Plull ,(III" Ir III I hnanelll a l)ect \\111 L~llesl AddItions 10 LIIu,Il' l illig )llll.'t • I • IfOUNE I S PLAYOFF I'ROSPECT PARK GAME ddplll It? JO Oc1Olk ).1 n 11\ attci hl htld lhl hrst \\Ct.'k til Scptember 110011 Illl lu\ J J 11 len GU(,lllhet tilt.' (X Hid Ill' to hc al1110Ul ccd later :'\:('\\ I (II I I thl' S\\ ~rtllln rc I't h ecturtl lnlllt, Clmch S\\ rlhmoll' \11\ Jl( \\1 ht ... sl1gf.:t.'Stllh to otTer hc Ilhrr\ IIlclule Ihet:gh IJlch condlH:h:d II e last I ttl's III the libence Iht I rOJcct shoulll cOllunUlIlcate hUlld 1 \ (. B Stnl of the Plc"b}ter an pastOl the I e\ J , S Ihshlll 01 Hanard Children 1\ K Hulnu 11 I I d I I I D~l\ HI I r lUll Inlellllent \\ as 1 r \ lte \\ IT I, I Chari en \"e ot ( II t.: IlgU ar sc Ie u c ot t Ie Delco • '. ,.., I C IgllC h td hmput to Ib close fUl the • I. ult In :\ I lilt! a\ 1\lch GITI Poor I hornet> hut p, lS!,cct [' Irk hili '" out 0" Slale Board of W. I L BRIDGE CLUB ENTERS (,rl I, I B .11" III K, Ilil 'g hJ ~ HIe eh tIICC to cnter the pia) off for LEAGUE PLAY IN SEPT. Shutc I hc \\ til In :\f l~ 1'-lIll.'hnrt Ihe cll UI1PlOllSlllP and It abo had a :\1 .. II ~l1k h (Idottc ot 1101 Illig h\ G I 11111 \ nn IIa\cll t S"arthmore Inti ~Irs I melt Dc\\(cs III I o~tl)olIed game \\Ith Ihc Hornet~ lhc I hl S\\ Irtll1110n Brulgc (luh \\ll1cll I l gu I I1 \.'\1 I 1IIIIIIg ~tllle \\ IS llla)t:<I last \\eek l11d Pn:-. S\\l'('t\\ ItCI , Irlll (.1('11 ::\lll1s hl\1.' \ hi Il\lll II Ildll1g rcgullr \\t<IIH'sdl\ t)r 1<11 In:'\ I It 1 ct Palk ... tlll had Its chancl' It the II Itl\ III .pp IItcd to the Pc 111\ \ 1111 g ll11 thT( ugholll Illl tlllI Illeld Il\ 111\ It IlIItl~l.'orcPrOSl)CctP01rk91\1"l1llxllllll\( BOlrlolthc\VllllCnSI mr II til \mt:rl{lII Ilgi 1,-(111 IIlllt 1\ Smlh II "., Ie.~ I I lilt 1111111 1111 I eigne I r Pl' ll.:C Ill( I r 1I/-!1 II tI I I I okn g f r\\ tnl to I I '"I 1I I tll)I \ I [h \1:-'III .. IIIJ1cIlI1l1 1111 t.'11I1\ Ilttll"'\I\1 hdcltlt I',he , 1111111 II I \\lIIttr a I Be :\lllIllllIt lk 1\1 I t I II lII e hi 1 tltll I h II II the Ih rtl { l I \ I I <. IIlIlHt t :\1 I.' I t.:11 Ig xl I nlll lill II I \\111 Ill\ 1I \."1 "1,- I 11 (I I II« I slllglc lIIalkcrh III cachot thclomth \\l I lhllllltl I II '1IIItl:h glllll IlllJtla I III 1H .,'. 1~1 lk \lllmght "-lIlng I l 11 11\ nl !IIdl 1 I III 1 til Sixth IIIlllllg 1 he Hornt.:t::; IOllc • I' l 11111\ \\ III t \ss )Ctatl()1l \ n (111111 III 1) III I \ )'IUl tldly Cline 111 the Sixth Sillily sCOlcdlfi"."derulty Delegate to Cahfornm I IIIltdles III thl' \\lll1IlIIg lon!11\ J PrI( .. lh Ill: Brtdgl' II the.; I I.. run had I lut and stole a base, Illgllt: \\111 II h( plaHd tim; JUlIgll In n Ir,nci "-Ir Ztro ~~otts hit 1 tnplc lIId a ~lI1gle Bllck I I fl-Hlghllll Illiman 01 \ O1 .. Slr a\c I) \\( h\ rth Ihl :\It \ ltlllh and \\ agl1er glahbcd a Int 1"lIt Itlt Sltllrda\ I r Clllh rIlla as lilt lI11HlHr IIWI thl) prizes In J 'llllll I1Il'ce md I1c1Hler~oll stole a basc d( Il~ III II IIIl UII1\erslt\ li Pctllls\1 ha\e.; I)(tll mardul and :\:l\\ II I h(1I n I 11 \\ I hl ( III \\Igner 11l(l\\cdttnhllsandtal111Cd \11111 (hlilltl (f PII'\.il111 1 \I!lha tl II lIumhlr)1 \\lIIl1lr ... mtllcatt,1 \('T\ JI1!-{ \1(lln (I l)llllcrH:\ In e\C I OP()oslllg btt bc lrCIS III the final Ihc IIltl)ll tl t: JII\l'lItun III I ( \ngeies III 1 ttl\ \\Ith III JIll' pll\cr lUt :\lllIl S\\ldl 111 \meTlt: 1 h\ r:rhllllancc of the 1938 edition of the ! III.' homlt:d spetlll trllli III Clncago 1l1ullllg IUlle IlIgh SC(Tlr:-. \\crc Btlls II (tOSt Ilathlr In ( 1)lgll\ ornets FolIO\\crs of the team \\ho ex I "llIdl \\111 pICk til) delegate.;s ell rollt('IRldanl l'lIulall Jr fir~t I [lIluard -\crls tic Ir nlt.'rs 1)\ P (.lhhs llect to sec future engagcment ... must III tht (tlll\Cntllll and ... 1 )1) at 'ell )\\ ILL HI I I I tlckll' tl1lr<1 Jul} s "erc \ Sontherner DI co\crs th~ South restrain their nnpatlcnce l1nlll the 1939 1 It lie 011 the \\a) out ami al Ihe Grand I 11111 arcl hrst ~frs J Ranktn sec 1)\ J Hall1cb :\h SI hr 11lu.!11 h) l'aSOI1 Camon \\hen home\\ard hound (liHI II Irold Tomhn~on tlllrd R ~lcKenlle) Annn,II Fall E,enl Sitonsorcd hy '~TOIl1t .. 'tj Gl.lrdcll Sc(holl Open 10 All Am"lcur G,Irdener. lilt IllIrlt 11th \11H11i 1111 I I \\t.'T f tll( ( Inllll Slctl 11 t I the \\0 lin" s\\ IrtlnH n \\111 hc htld I\lllltl <- luI, II( \I COl \\ l IlIl d" Stpt~lllhu I Irk I r II ~o t C) i() P:\I \s lIo.;l1lllll Lre.; till till I 11 hili dn Jhl hl\\ \\ III II(: "l' T\ cd t I CII to til 111<1 \\omell t.'c ho\\ thclr III ltl \\ Ih tlu sc of Ihclr \ l( IlIlltl.'l t JlIf\ \\111 Judge IlIlII \\ II \ll lIelghl r till 1I11f1l St:I «lull.''' f t I I l \\ 111 he l\ !lltble n I Il I t\ In lit IIf\ III{ the gardell ut II lh lin til 'Ir II \ PClr~d II I II t\ l ttl t\ Ulln I hl' lluh g r!tll t I 111 III I.' ol)l.:r I I rtl)(1 'It.'etillg' ~rcth te.:nll I!HI 111sc1101l I S\\ rtllllt rc h I\C hC~1I 11 \\ r 1.'\ t.'n I rul" frolll tht.: I , I It ullul Ill' 1.'1It1 (f Septun III r I llat 1'1 IIHlllph I (~ellcr tl Bos I lIlid r II! 111 i'lLt.'o.; t f Ihc 11o\\, lr I lit 1 It \\crit.' COll1l1uttee of III I)ll \\ ~n (( lIull I t:derattoll of \\ um II lin I.,., I he Ho\\ l'T lrC taken 1 ht h IHt" IIld (lIC t t thl' t Hutl" liu ... h I hi kcts 01 t I I U l d I cOlltamers gn lth II prt:lIlleti It the ,I , 11 "l ro.; \\ ~r I t ) t ullg girls lid t Ike IhclII \\tth ::\[01 her ~II I I Ir II (.nlhll l:h Hftn 1Il {( i \Ugll I I r th Presh) In all Church I I Il Tl' P IIsC trom th( pubhc II II ~\\ II tillIH C 1 I a J..llIg fOI lilt fl II \\lr II rlqulrcd tour c tr to Ir III I rl thllll I I I II tde1lllla • INDIANS WIN OPENER 7T05 ~( .H;un L.nuu lu d Frill .. 1\' After I \\0 (J'o~tJU'IU Incnhi, ell( "'h r \\ nil \Vedncsd,,, \lllr 1\\ ll' P II II1l1g tht (I cnlllg III( I x III r 0.; t.' 1"'011 hee IllSC of rill til S\\ Irthm n 111(11 illS optlled llllir I :;1-1 llllli lIgn Ii lind" \\Ith \ I( t f\ \ r till PIIII Hldpta I 1 lluh II t Sl C( 11<1 g IIl1e \\ ts II L Che ttt « l1ul \\ cd lIltt d III l \ Idor) for lilt c( rc (t ~ to I 1 l r Illckm I I t Irred b} g II II llelhdd Kahkr 1IIIhutc I lhc l tht r talhes Ih I \\ l h Inl f )tight IIld ul1t11 o.;llOrth hclore thc \\Ullll 11\ Ih Cht.:It.:r«(mt.::1S\\Hl \\lll pi \ed g IIIIC th It ctmed much II tr II III ,In c n 11 hCltes I Bel hlld (t thl- 1,m 111(11 III talh 11to lilt III t Ilu I' xl g IJIll- \\ III h \ugnst,1 i (HI "I d\\t:ul the ehc tl'1 I HI Iht I h Ilddlllli I acrossc l'-tltg r \ ellllC "tid I 111 qUIto acll\ll\ at g IllIl Is 50( mc\\ hat like :\1 ~rk I" 1111 dt ath of cr\ld th It the report \\as (X Iggeralc(1 , UlJ 'H" \\ C '" -t; If It 111 , " 'R"I> C It\\ '" I h II , C I I ~tll 1 hll lIC'sch Saeh \\ Hallci Ch 1 dlCI Shr ICI 11 Imll::> \\ lut h:ur Ro ht J K:\hler Grec I f. Kallcr II Belfield

---------- Page 11 ----------

THE SW ARTHMOREAN AUGUST 26, 1938 Z~-------------'--------------""l"'-:~~~~~~~~!d~D:'~~1 ~=rt=-:f=-:-t~h=:C::-'I~h-d=:I~C~h:o~'·~r-:=:;-I~M~r:s-. ~R~ic:h:::ard Tunis, of Princeton and • • Ilue, IS improving at his horne where Mr. and Mrs. Howar lUg e er fom e a e fa Tea Honors VISit H d d he has been ill with pneumonia. Mrs. lamily, Mary, owar an T e d '. 0 I SI • J oh. I Ih e DI·v· nIe, New York, and LalayeUe avenues, with her daughters, LOIID'U..'eU's mother and aunt, Mrs. H. Park avenue, arc go.m g to 0 cean C I t 11 I' 5 Vl"SIt 'II Ig Mr• and Mrs. Howard Kirk Philippa and Patt~v , returned Friday Of Former ,~,.l llttl F. RDo"b erson and Miss Marie True, of N. J. this Friday I or len d ayo. an d f km.'1 y, 0 I L a I ayet te a venue , until from Atlantic City, N. J. where she had Albany, N. Y., and her sister, Miss Bealric L auterb ae k , 0 f S ep t emb er 17 W IJ en h e WI'1 1 re turn to visited her lather, Mr. Philippus Mil- Mi88 Ruth Detlefeeu Entertained Y .. d M' Jllalrvl th s hiler, of St. Davids, since Mouday. For Mi88 Loube Keatley Yesterday Lillian Roberson, of New R(lcilellle,1 Vernon, N. "vtSlte 15S e coo. • •• N. Y., arrived Thursday of last Dingle over the week-end. They at- Mrs. Louis· C~I: Emmolls, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Carels, of to remain until September 10. tended the wedding and reception of Meadow lane. left Wednesday to spend Biverview road, are spending several Robersoll and her daughter arc Miss Isabel Smiley. of Abbington, CP a. a week .U 1 Rockport, M ass. weeks 011 Martha 'sV 'u teyadr, M ass. Miss Ruth Detlefsen, of Lafayette at The Harvard. The three girls were classmates at e- * • • • • • avenue, entertained at tea !.::ii~~t'::1 • • • dar Crest College. Mr. and -Mrs. J. V. S. Bishop, of Mrs. M. D. Dennison who has been afternoon for Miss Louise ~ Mrs. Charles B. Shaw and daughter: * * * J h Harvard avenue, spent the week-end visiting Mrs. William Thompson. of former Swarthmorean, who with Dorothy, returned Saturday to their Mrs. Robert T. Bair and son, 0 n, with their son. Mr. Ellis G. Bishop, of North Chester road, for the past two Pa.rents, Major and Mrs. Ed. win home on Whittier place. Mrs. Shaw left Tuesday to visit Mrs. Frank N. Cranford, N. J. ' months will leave Monday for her d I d had Silent the s'Ummer vl'sl'ting Mrs. Smith, formerly of Swarthmore, at * * • . Keatley, and sister, A e e, arrIVe {I k home in San Francisco, Cal. Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Sey- Edward Lindeman, of High Bridge, Gloucester, A ass~, ~r.a wee or so. Miss Marian Kirk, of Lafayette ave· * •• mour S. Rutherford, of Strath Haven N. J., during Mr. Lindeman's st&y in Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Davis, of Garrett nue, left Monday to spend two weeks Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson avenue until today. The K eaI I eys were Ca I'I fo rm.a , au d D orot h y I1 3d VI.S I't e d th e avenue, will leave tomorrow f or a va- with her grandmother, Mrs. Andrew and f ami'1 y, f ormerI y 0 f Co neord V'I1 1 e, on thei,r way from F ort S ne II1' 09, Mm' · A rt h ur R . Da nas, 0 f EI m avenue, at cation in Cape May, N. J. Burns Chalmers, •o f *F r*am ingham, Mass. move d'11 1tO th e St one H ouse on th e nesota, to Bowling Green, Ky. Tunhannock, Pa.· • • * Mrs. Wesley N. Clifford, of South of the Strath Haven Inn last • • • Mr. Shaw, who had been tcaching in Mrs. William C. Taylor, of Cleveland, d Dr. and Mrs. Miles H. R 0 b·m son and tl.e department of library science at Ohio, formerly of Riverview road, Chester road, and Mrs. Edward Boy . , two &ons, Peter and Ji.m my, wh oeI f t summer session of the University Swarthmore, is spending a week or so Park avenue, have returned to their Woods Hole, Mass., "a b ou I A ugus tIMichigan at Ann Arbor, Mich., re· visitinlg friends here. hOR.e. after a two·w.~ek stay in Asbury after visiting Mrs. Robinson's parents, to his home here on :Monday. * • • Park. N. J. •• * Dr. and Mrs. J. M. JohUn, of Na~h- Shaw, will return tomorrow from Miss Carolyn Cresson who has been Mrs. Harold Barnes returned to her ville, Tenn., will live in New MexiCO Camp Wallawhatoola, Mi11boro, Va. itt at her home on Riverview road with home on North Princeton avenue Tues-until the latter part of October when where he has spent the summer. a heart condition since December is day after a two weeks' illness in the they will return to their residence at * • • now imprO\'cd and able to be Presbyterian Hospital, Philadelvhia. 204 Dickinson avenue. On Novrmber 1 Mrs. ,"Valler Rodman Shoemaker, of stairs and about the lawn of het home. * * • Dr. Robinson will take his Riverview road, who returned last week Samuel L. Cresson returned Mr. and ~-Irs. T. W. Crossen and duties as interne at the from the University Hospital, Philadel. week from Rocky Mountain Biological Mrs. Horace H. Hopkins, all of Crest Hospital. phia, where she had undergone an Statioll. Crested Butte, Colo., where he lane. spent last week-end at Camp 'Irs. Samuel M• . •D o•d d, Miss Grace operation two weeks earlier, J. S Il'JW h as spell t th e s ummer. Strawderman, Va. where Barbara Ann D.. odd and Samuel Dodd, Jr., left Friday :=~'u~:vis~iti;ng~ r~ela.tiv~es· 1 11 CI les- 'Ir. al.d 'frs. •C h•a rle• s R. Russell and Crossen and Laura Lee Hopkins have , . I k lot.l.\ attended camp this summer. to spend the week~end in Ocean City, severa wee s. daughter, Joan, 01 Ogden avenue, left • * • N. J., visiting the Misses Agnes and • • • Monday for a week"s cruise to Hance's Trevor Robcrts, of Ogden avenue, Edith Robbins, of Moorestown, N. J., Mrs. J. Donald Gibson. of Hillborn Point. Md. on their boat, IIThoan." underwent an appendicitis operation at until Tuesday. and Mrs. Albert Sidney John- • * * the Jefferson Hospital on Tuesday. * * • son. of South Chester road, euter- Mr. and Mrs. Basil Sprague and SOil, • * • Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Robinson, taincd their luncheon club at Mrs. Sheldon. who have been spending the Frances and Adrienne Shira, of of Rogers lane, Wallingford Hills, left Johnson's homc 011 Wednesday, August summcr in West House, all the College North Chester road, returned Friday last Friday fOBr a thbree wdeelks' Rcrubi~e on 24. campus, will move into the from a six-wcek stay at Oconomowoc, Chesapeake ay a oar t le 0 IOson • * • Feakins apartments in the Freedley Wis. ketch "Caroline." William J. l\lcClurc. of Riverview house, 401 Swarthmore avenue. Sept- • • * road, returns home tomorrow pfter ember 6. Sheldon, who graduated from Connie Heg who is staying at Miss ••• Lieutenant and Mrs. Robert Conrad, spending two months in Europe. Mercersburg Academy last spring, will OIiYe Cleaves' home 011 Ogden avenue of Washington, D. C., visited Mrs. Con- * *.. enter Swarthmore College next month. entertained at a small luncheon-bridge rad's parents, Mr. and llrs. William .1n . 1 rs , Louis Brooks, who has bcen Mr. Sprague is with Stone and Web _ T lies d ay. H er gues t s we r e '1f'· l'ss Nancy Vlachos, of Vassar avenue, last week- VI'SI't,'lt'" her 5011 and daughter-in-law, P II M' B tt Sm'th and ~ ster 011 the new Scott Paper Company owe, ISS e y I end. • * * 1o.Ir. and Mrs. Charles H. Brooks, of construction job at Chester. S' tie W 0 It ers. Dickinson avenue, returned to her * • * * * • . Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Mett. of Sche- home in Woodbury, N. J. on Tuesday. :Mr. and Mrs, Richmond D. Fetherolf Jim Powel1, of Swarthmore place, nectady, N. Y., with their three chil- • * * . and son. Donald, of Park avenue, re- spent the week-end at Cape May, N. J. dren, Barbara, Elizabeth and ~u~ith, Mrs. Carl De Moll, of Park avenue, turned last Thursday, August 18, from Nancy Powel1, of Swarthmore place, arrived Tuesday for a ten~day VISit left Monday for Chester Springs, Pa. a two weeks' vacation at Canandensis, visited in Ocean City, N. J. last Sun- Mrs. Mett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. where she will attend art school for Pa. where they had a cottage. day and Monday. A. B. Chapin, of Harvard avenue. two weeks. • • * • • • • * • • • • Mr. and Mrs. HaroM G. Griffin and Mr. and Mrs. J. Burris West and Miss Alice Robinson is expected to Mr. al.(1 Mrs. Alfred Gary Wh.·te, of SOilS, R 0 l)ert dan RI'C I l ar d , 0 f Rutgers family returned to thei. r It ome on DI' Ck - return to her home on College avenue Colle"'e avel"IC, rcturl.e(1 l,on •• Tucs- I . t orr lor a I S d f d eo avenue, arc eavmg om ow iIlS011 avenue ast un ay a tcr spell - . about the 1st of Septembe.r . afteMr a day I• •· gl.t fron. Wasl,,',.gto •• , D. C. motor tn.p t 0 N ewE' ugI a nd. The y ex- ing a month visiting their CO'uS.U l, M rs. month's trip to Mexico, viSiting f rs. wl.ere tl.ey had 'I,ee.. ho'"u.s ehuntl·ng. to go fiI rs tt0L a k e H ort om. a, Vt" Eugene H. Gipson, of Fan.b auI t , M1'1 111. Carlos .Avila,. of !d-exico City, the or- They expect to move to Chevy,1 on to West Medford, Mass. where • .: • mer MISS ElSie PItman, of Swarthmore, Md. about September I 5. 'r h orne, they will visit Mr. Griffin's moth er, C-I lar Ie g- -A .,' (M·1 'ke) ,. DI~Id .VO;,·LJ r·.,' 01 . : and stoiJping'':at several towns near 315 College avenue, has been sold Mrs. Annie M. Griffin. Their last stop Washington, D. C., is expected this M·exico City. • * • through Titus Ewig, ill the office of will be at the home of Mrs. Annie C. Saturday to visit j ames Dryden, of Mr. and Mrs. William M. Park and M. Parker, to Mrs. Edith H. Dewees. Thompson, Glo'tlcester, Mass. where Dartmouth avenue, and other Swarth­family of Cornell avenue, left last * * * they will pick up their daughter, Char- more friends, Mike's father and broth-week to spend three weeks in Ocean Miss Mabel White, of Beloit, Wis., lotte, and bring her home with them. er, Ed, were recent Swarthmore visi- C't N] eXI)ects to return to her home on Mon- They eXI,ect to return in about ten tors and John Naisby, of Yale avenue, I y, . . * * • , August 29, after visiting her b rot h • days. has !leen visiting E d at t h e D ravu Mr. and Mrs. Theodore \Viding, of er and sister·in·law. Mr. and Mrs. AI- * * * summer place at Annapolis. "Skyland," Ridley Creek road, Media, fred Gary White, of College avenue. Mr. J. Dayton Gibsoll. of Water- * • • left \Vednesday to motor to Delta, Oh- • * * hury, Conll., arrives today to spend Dr. and Mrs. Hans P. Neiser and tario, Canada, to visit Dr. and Mrs. Mr. C. E. Lappc, of Chester, rc- ten days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.lcll.i\,d,,!n have returned to their home Wiltiam T. Ellis, of Walnut lanc. turned Monday from the Crozer Hos- J. DonaJd Gibsoll. of Hillborn avenue. on Kcnyon avenue after a several * * * pit at, Chcster, where he was admitted * • * wceks' motor trip to Grand Teton Na- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Franck and following a heart attack last Thursday, Phillip Price has returned from a Park. SOil, Larry, of Cornell avenue, have re- and is improving at the home of his six· week trip to California with a mas­turned to Swarthmore after spending SOil and daughter~il1~la\V, Mr. and Mrs. a week in Ocean City, N. j. E. C. Lappe, of Yale avenue. THE LINEN SHOP • • • John Longwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Longwell, of Lafayette ave- NOW PLAYING Don Arleen AMECHE - WHELAN In "GATEW.ty" with Gre&'ory Ratoff-John Carradlne· Binnie Barnes MEDIA Friday and Saturday FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW MICKEY ROONEY In "LORD JEFF" Monday and Tuesday KAY FRANCIS In "MY BILL" Wednesday and Thursday . MELVYN DOUGLAS FLORENCE RICE In "FAST COMPANY" t .,.... ., ;"i S ANLEY Chester Pa. Starts Friday "LETTER OF INTRODUCTION" with Adolph Menloo Andrea Leeds Edgar Bergen ChorBe McCarthy Wasbington CheSler Pa. Starts Saturday THElJEAD END~KlDS FIIISH fAOM 1MIIIIIOWDYDlUMftt""..o.MlIOtOOL .. , -MANOR-THEATRE (helter Pilee Prolpect P.rle Friday and Saturday GINGER ROGERS DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS. Jr, In "HAVING A WONDERFUL TIME" Monday and Tuesday MICKEY ROONEY FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW In ''LORD JEFF" HARVARD TEA ROOM Harvard & Rutgers Avenue Dinne.' Break/aot - Luncheon For Reservations Phone Mr. Lippincott Swarthmore 149 "Honse of Dlstlnetive Linens" FINAL SALE Fine Floral Sateen Down Filled Comforts Colors to select from - Blue, Green, Gold, Peach and OrChlel NOW September Price $10.50 each $6.95 Wlll Hold for FUture Dellvery H. T. Patterson Charlotte M. McCurdY In Charge 1318 Walnut St. Pblladelphfa Est. 1908 Ph. PEN. 0691 This is the Last Week to Buy Coal at the Prices Quoted Below: C.O.D. Charge STOVE ,.,',."""'" $9.75 .. , , ... ,510,25 NUT, " .... , , , , ,., " " 9.75 ... ,., .. 10,25 I'EA ."".".".",," 8.25"".... 8,75 BUCK ., .. ".,""',., 7.50,.".... 8,00 TIme payment accounts: openeel wIth payment for first ton on dellvery and one ton per month thereafter. No time payment accounts w11l be opened after September 1st. untn next summer. VAN ALEN BROS. COAL AND FUEL OIL I'hone SWD. 10412 (Swarthmore Subscribers Onl,,) SWARTHMORE CANDY SHOP Reollell8 Friday, September 2 At Its New Location ill tlte Celia Building, 104 Park "Avenue With Addition of Delicious Homemade Cakes, Rolls and Pastries From Swarthmore Kitchens Party Orders Filled Telephone Swar,hmore 2149 • • • William A. Lippincott, 4th, of The Harvard, will leave tomorrow to spend a week at the Boy Scout Camp, Treas­ure Island. Upon his return he will enter the fresh mall class of Swarth­more High School. • •• Captain A. J. Herr, who spent the second week of his vacation from the Swarthmore Police Department mo­toring through New England and to Quebec accompanied by his wife and his mother, Mrs. Garfield Eppley, and Mr. Epl)ley, of Marysville. Pa., re­turned to his home 011 Linden avenue. Rutledge, last Sunday afternoon. Al­vin J. Herr, Jr., will arrive home this Sunday after visiting Mrs. Herr's par­ents, 1o.Ir. and Mrs. John Schroeder, of Harrisburg, for two weeks and spend-this \\'eek with Mr. and Mrs. Ep· • • • Miss Roberta Kohl, of Norristowll, is the guest of Miss Doris Rowand, of Yale avenuc, for a few days. ••• Hedgerow Theatre' The Hedgerow Theatre, Moylan­Rose Valley, announces four Shaw plays for next week's bill. Scheduled the other two days are Eugene O'Neill's "The Emperor-Jones," on Wednes· day. with Arthur Rich and jasper Dee. ter in the principal roles; and, playing Thursday, the increasingly popular pcace play. "The Frodi," by L. D. Ken­nedy. The Shaw plays for thc week are: Monday-the last pcrformanc~ this year of the comedy, "You Never Can Tell." with Mary Eshcrick, Ferd Nofer, Ccle McLaughlin and Harry Sheppard; Tuesday-Hedgerow's first play, "Can­dida" featuring Miriam PhiIHps, Harry Sheppard and David Metcalf; Friday-. the newest Shavian play in the reper­tory. "The Simpleton of the Unex­pected Isles;" Saturday-UToo True To Bc Good." Do You Know The Sure Cure tor aDJ' Auto Trouble' Call 440 nr.. 'fi,t.toat Batt.d. RUSSELL'S SERVICE Dartmouth and Lafayette AYeli. "We Don't seU Can- We Senlce Them" 1111111111111111 EVEN ON vacation-time can weigh pretty heavily if you're worry­ing about what may be happening back home. lETNA-IZE A Comhiaation Re8idenC1!;::::r. written througb the Altna '" Sutety Company of Hard'o • Conn., offen you worry~£ree protec:­tion from most of the b.az8ad8 of home ownership. PETER E. TOLD Swarthmore 1833 417 Dartmouth Ave. AUGUST ~ 1938 THE SWARTBMOREAN PVIII.JBBBD _'I' nmAY A'Z BWUTIIIIOIIB, PA. - rHB SWU'rIIIIOIIIWI', Die. ..... - , THE S1V ARTHMOREAN of CaUfornia and Berlin. He was ac· A 313 h I f Dedi I live in educational work in Los An- t t n antry eation I NEWS NOTES geles, Cal., ror a number 01 years and Colonel James E. Davis, of Amherst Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Underwood and from there accepted Ihe call ,to the h I Ch . f S ave.nue, as returned rom two weeks' daughter. Miss Caroline Underwood, of .alr 0 y~tematic Theology in actIve duty at Fort George G, Meade, Wallingford Hills and Mr. and Mr •• Pnnceton Seminary where he is now Md D ' PETER E. TOLD Associate Prof.ssor of Homiletics and . uring his .tay there early this E. H. Taylor and son Richard 01 Har- EtJIIor Dean of Students. month Colonel Davis, commanding ~f- vard avenue. were the guest; of Mr. The Re D 'd B ' ficer of the Three Hundred and Thlr- and Mrs. Howard Buckman, 01 George ROSAIJE DRYDEN return t ~h av~. raun, pastor, will teenth Infantry Reserve, gave the ad- Sch.ool, formerly of Swarthmore, last If ... MIt.- ing Se;embe:u4PI~~n d Sunday morn· dress of greeting at the dedication of a Sunday. the' Church Sch~l w'l~par~ments of; !"emorial window in the Post Chapel • •• Phone Swadbmore III Sunday mornin S tire open on III honor of members of the Three Hun- 8Iltered .. 8ecoD4 CluIllaUa', "Ul1lU7 H, • 1 k g, ep enlber 18, at 9 :45 dred and Thirteenth Infantry Regiment Mr. John Dolman, Jr., 01 Vassar avenue, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. John Dolman, Sr., of Myrtle avec nue, returned Sunday after a ten-day motor trip through New England. They stopped to visit the R. Chester Spen­cers. of Swarthmore avenue, at Wal· lingford, Vt., on the first lap of Ihe trip, then continued to the 'White Mountains, Mt. Washington and spent several days at Boothbay Harbor, Me. 1m. ~:: ~ == ~~o:- ...., 0 C oc . who died in the World War. The win- ==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=: I • I dow was the gift of former officers FRIDAY, AUGUST 26,1938 Christian Science Church of the Regiment. Howard Kirk, 01 La­fayette avenue, a captain in the war- Dear Editor: I think there should be some public recognition made of the splendid work of our Burgess among the younger lads of t he community. When ·this Summer Recreation Com­mittee business is brought up each year and we put our hands in our pockets, magnanimously withdraw fif­ty cents or so and contribute it to the annual fund. in most cases that's as far as it goes. And that's as far as it ever would go if every adult dis­missed the matter from his mind so easily and went selfishly or, if that's too strong, thoughtlessly off to enjoy part or all of his summer tripping thither and yon or sitting idly com· fort able at home. I know and appreciate that there are a number of other committee members and generous assistants who help con· siderably but I can't but believe a great deal of the necessary dependability and friendly resourcefulness has been shouldered by John Pitman. Every time I've had an opportunity to see things being accomplished along any line of local summer community pastime (and often in other seasons too, for that matter) that fellow has been busily in evidence. I wonder how many SWo:&rthmore people are really familiar with the or­ganization and spirit with 'which he~s endowed the Eagles, Pirates, Junior Hornets, Wasps and whatnots of the hoys' neighborhood baseball groups. How much arranging and inconven­ience the job requires too many of us will never kno\v or care.· Although I have no little heirs I stol1ped UI1 town last Friday afternoon and watched the members of these 'yo'ulig·~j;all ·teams, lioslly atixioiis, await automobiles of interested merchants and friends to take them to the big league game at Shibe Park. This an­nual treat by the Baseball Club of Philadelphia is just one more thing the Burgess has secured for the kids. His reward in the genuine unconscious de­light of those kids seems to be enough for him. Maybe this lettcr would have car­ried more weight hefore next year's can1J)aign. As it is it will bc forgotten long before ·that but I could 110t sup­press the wish that all Swarthmore could have seen those eager lads Fri­day nor resist the desire to recall to those who weren't there how grand it is for us that there is one who takes such relentless interest in our youth and community. I ApPIU)::IATE IT. • 1 • Presbyterian Church Notes Sunday morning, August 28, at 11 o'clock the guest preacher will be the Rev. Dr. Edward H. Roberts, of Prince­tOil Theological Seminary. Dr. Roberts is a graduate of Wisconsin University and of Princeton Seminary and pur­sued graduate study at the Universities "Christ Jesus" is the subject"'" of the time Regiment, was one o~ it~ many Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of ~embelrs prhesent at t.hel d~dldcatlOn hs~rh­Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 28 vlce.s or t e memoria WI~ .ow W IC The Golden Texl is: "Thou, B.lbleh.~ depIcts a scelle of the Nahvlty. Ephratah, though thou be little among , • • the thousands of Judah, yet out of TEN COMMANDMENTS thee shall he come forth unlo me Ihat FOR is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings MOSQUITO PREVENTION forth have been from of old, from ever .. lasting" (Micah 5 :2). • •• Methodist Church Notes Sunday morning, August 28, at 11 o'clock, Octavius Narheth, of Lafayette avenue, wm have charge of the services instead of the pastor, Rev. Clarence F. Carter, who will be taking part in the homecoming services of the Cherry Valley Charge, Siroudsburg, Po. This was Mr. Carter'"s first charge. Last Sunday, Augusl 21, Isaac Yo­cum. of Walnut lane. assited in the baptism of his grandson, Robert Ham. mond Smith. The folJowing rules are contained on a circular of the Delaware County Mos«(uito Extermination Commission. Although the commission's claim of a mosquitoless county it these "ten Com­mandments" were observed may not be exactly taken literally. if each resident abides by the rules there should at least never be any other such summer as this. Mosquitoes breed only in water (an amount sufficient to fill a tea cup will produce 250 larvae in ten days) and are harbored in tall grass and ne­glected shrubbery for feed and pro­tection. 1. Eliminate all standing water pos­sible. • • • Mr. Thomas H. Hall, of Baltimore pike, will sail August 31 on the Europa for a brief business trip to London. • •• Geoffrey Dolman, of Vassar avenue, will return next week from Camp Gun .. ston, Centerville, Md .• where he has been sailing counsellor this summer. Last week he was visited by his broth­er, J ohl1, for se\"Cral days. John, who is on two weeks' vacation, left Wed­nesday with a party of friends on a schooner bound for Barnegat Bay, ar­riving at Beach Haven. N. J. on Sat­urday in time for the races there and rcturning this week. • • • Last Monday, 'l'uesday and Wedncs· day Mr. Carter entertained the Church Messengers, Dickie Hoot, Edward AI. ston, Harry Hamby. Fred Scott and Robert Carter, at the Carter cottage in Pitman, N. j. Tuesday they all spent the day in Atlantic City, N. J. Mrs. john Ryan and Miss Mary Ry­an, of Palmers Corner, with Mr. and Mrs . .1ohn Daly and daughter, Mary Anll. of Germantown, have been spend­ing the month at Sto'le Harbor, N. J. 2. Covcr rain barrels with netting. * • • 3. Clean watering cans twice a week. A party of Swarthmoreans who 4. Seat cesspools tightly with strong visited Mr. and Mrs Peter E Told of covers . . J 5 D . . Park avenue, in Harvey Cedars, N. J., ro.o fs.r am clogged roof gutters and flat 'last Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. 6 Cu' . J. Walter Thompson alld three daugh- . t up old tires to prevent holdmg ters, of Park avenue; Mr. and Mrs. • • w7at;;'1 _ A. ~rescott Willis and family, of Col· S peA Jul R t " t wheelbarrows to eliminate umlua avenuc' and Mr. and Mrs. John • • •• y epor I standmg water ~' 8 St k Id b• b I Spencer, of SOllth Chester road. 1052 . . ac 0 oxes, arre s and iron * • • 'Un~allted ammals were called to shed water. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Little of for or received by The Delaware Coun- 9 M I P k . ' t S • t f P . f C 1 . 1 as I or puncture water collecting ar avenue. returned Sunday after t y A o.cle r . or] I re~enlhOdl! o 357rdue ty receptacles. spending two weeks at Martha's Vine .. o nuna s 111 u y, mc u mg ogs, 10. Drain or oil unused cisterns and yard. Mass. 692 cats,. and olle opossum, a ubbit excavations. Their daughter. Peggy, led a group and a plgeo~. 13 lost dogs were .. e~ I I of older girls from Camp Wakondah, stored to their OWllers. 435 calls w~re Centre Harbor, N. H., on a five· day answered by the ambulance, which Robin Hood Theatre canoe trip from Vermont to Quebec travelled .2230 miles.. 'last we'ck. ,. Compl8mis ·of· abuse· to· hurseS', ·-dogs, .St.".l.l:'rillg .. fo.u{" oC the Robin Hood cats, goats and birds were investigated lfavo~ites for the (,ast two seasons . and remedied as required. Two arrests !hc It.ttle theatre barn in Arden brings were made, one for shooting and It~ eighth season .to a grand climax wounding a dog, the other for desert-I With that dulcet piece of English hu­ing a dog injured by an automobile. mor, "'Ther,e's Ahvay.s Juliet," john Fines of ten dollars and costs were Van Druten s comedy about a love as imposed by Justices and paid in both great. as that of Romeo and J utiet. cases. Opcnmg on Tuesday. August 30, fol-lowing the closing of this weck"s per­formance of "Tonight at 8 :30," the final play features Mary Loane, Dorrit Kelton, Maurice Burke and Edwin • 1 • Camp Sunshine Season Over Camp Sunshine, Delaware County's Ross. Malnutrition Camp at Thorton, ter- Fate, decreeing that Leonora stay at minated its most successful season on home while her family goes aboard Monday last. th.rows into her life a young American: A total of 380 children were treated· With whom she at once falls in love to two weeks vacation. The fresh air, making such a thorough job of it that th~ excellent food. the light exercise, she is afraid of her emotion. Dwight gave them a measure of health and Houston, the young American has trav­weight. cUed throughout the world, knowing The scales revealed that these chil- poverty and starvation in order to dren added an average of 2.Y.1" pounds rcach his present position, and to him to their avoirdupois. Leonora is the fulfillment of something During a rainy week or two. the he has sought all through those years. name Camp SUllshine was a misnomer Mary Loane plays Leonora with the since the sun kept in hiding. However, same wistful appeal that has won her those rainy days were not a total loss, such a great place in the hearts of for the children assembied under var~ Robin Hood fans. Maurice Burke, ever ious shelter and interested themselves popular, who has appeared in all this with various games and craft activities. season's productions save one, is again Financially, the season ends with the romantic interest. These roles were funds sufficient to meet all obligations. originally played by Edna Best and due to the generous response of those Herbert Marshall. • •• Mr. Harry Wood will return to his horne on Cornell avenue this week·end after a trip to Montreal, Ottawa. and Toronto, ~a~lada; Buffalo, N. Y.;· De­troit, Mich.; and Cleveland, Ohio. hav­ing be~n away since August 9. SHERIFF SALES SHERIFF'S OFFICE, COURT HOUSE MEDIA. PENNA. Salurday. September 17. lOaM. 8::10 A. 101. Eastern Slandard Time Condillo",,: S:!oO.UO . Cash or certified ebeck at time of sale (unleA otherwise atated in ad­vertisem*nt). balance in ten days. Otber con­tiH. iOIiB on day of sale. Fieri Facias No. 76'1 June Term. 1038 All that certain lot or piece oj' land. with tbe three·story stone, stucco and frame dweU. ing and im(lrovemenls thereon erected. Bl\uate in the Township 01 Upper Providence, in the County of Delaware and Swte of Pennaylvania. and bounded and described ae folJowa. to wit: Beginning at a point the intersection 01 the middle line of Manchester avenue and the middle line of Idlewild avenue; extending who sponsored the Camp. Physically, In the role of Florence, a trusted SWARTHMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH the Camp improved with the addition maid, is Dorrit Kelton, who brings Rev. David Braun. MlnIBter of a shelter and with bettered sanita- vividly to life the old lady who first CHURCH NEWS SUNDAY tion. trie-s to squelch the affair and then 11;00 A. M. - :r=gH.W~~r&i. ~·ce~ The directors of Camp Sunshine are tries -to save it. Edwin Ross is cast as Theological Seminary, w1ll very thankful to all who contributed the stupid young Englishman, Peter preaCh. to this season's success and to the \Valmsley, who by his warm accounts TRINITY CHURCH sponsors, the counscllors. and the var- of the American loses what slim ·Protestant Eplscopal ious committees. chance he once had to win Leonora. Rev. CJh.e sJtaerrd Reona dG aunedn.t hCeorl,l egSe. TA.Yv:e..n uBe ectm II i rr""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''';'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 8llNDAY 11:00 A. N. - Morning Prayer and Sermon. Mr. Guenther wUl preach. METHODIST BPISCOPAL CHUBCB Clarence P. Carter, A.B., B.D .. MlnIater 8UNDAY 10;00 A. M. - Church School. 11:00 A. M. - Morning Worship. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS SUNDAY 11:00 A. M. - Meeting for Worsbtp In the l\IeeUJJs House. WBDlIBSDAY 9:30 A .... to 3:30 P. IoI.-Bewtns and qAUUU tIDg: In Wblttler House. Box lunCheon. are eonIIaIJy invited. PIRST CIItTBCII OP 0BB.I8T. SOIBN1l81 • OP 8WABTIIKOBB Park Avenue below Harvard 11;00 A. Y. - 8=_ II<hool. 11;00 A .... -8=_ LetRton-8mnoD. I> Wednesday evenlD8 meet1ng eacb week. 8 . IlL Reding room. open daI17. ezoeo\ SUnclap and. boUdQa 8:30 a. m. to 12:30 .,. m., Church edUlee. . Don't Lose Y onr Vacation Freshness! To keep the sparkle-transfer the drudgery to us Stop Our Driver or Call Media 174 MEDIA LAUNDRY Serving' Swarthmore Sn_fully Since 1900 AU are cordIallY inVited \0 atteDcl tbe &erv1cea Gd ·use. die·Beadlng Room.- , 11!= ......... .:.===== ... ===:;;;;::;;:;l:;;=================o!I or GUDE GALLOP? Driving safely depends on the way your brakes stop your car. Stop in here today -we'll change that gallop. ing stop 10 a dependable, smooth glide, Free Testing HANNUM AND WAITE Clarysler- Plymoulla Yale Ave. & Chester Rd. Swutbmore 11150 s theme along ,he middle line or lhe aald x ... ~ c"beliler avenue north .. wrn"~ dIaJ'eeB. aUy·aYe mlnuletf, eae' 'iuee huDdred fortl'­Even fee' to a voint a eorner of laude of lobn W. Ford: thence lIT _ald laoda oort.h lixt)'.ftve dep-ea. thtn,·ftve minute. ""* ODd hundred aizt7·elx a.od flYe·lentha reet to a pOiot In Jloe or laodr. of Eleanor K. XUbIlH: thence alol"W lhe last·mentloned laade lOuth ."cn\)'·lhree tSt.p-eee. flfty·jlye mnutee ._ three hundred fortY'BeYen feel 10 a point 1D the middle liDe of eald Idlewild &YeDlI8o ~ Ihem'e aloll6 tbe middle of I81d idlewild ave­nue alltI aloll. lande of Ac-ademT of Notre Dame IIOUth eixt),,·:8ve degeee. thirty·Aye m1n~ utee e .. ' one hundred alxt,. .. ix and Ave-tenUui feet 10 tbe flrBt mentlolled point and place of beainn1.tq-. Improvemellhl <.'\ of three et0r7 *,tooo. .tueco and frSlne hoUle 30 :I[ 90 feet: porch tronl; two etol')" frame l"ar8l"e. 38 x 20 fee'. Sold Bit the "ropert)'" of Barton 8. LebeiWD. Hand mOlley '500.00. I. WARD HINKSON. Attorney. Pier! Fada8 No. 286 March Term. 1938 All that. certain brlt'.k; me88118p: aod lot or piece ot land eUuBie on the aOUtbe88t corner or Tblnl and Edward etreele. In the CiU'" or Chester. County of Delaware and State of PeunqIYanla; containing in front OD the said Third street twenty·two feet (22'). and. ex­teudlng in depth iJOutb along "he aaid Ed· wanla etn.-el. continuing tho same width ODe bundrOO forty fC'!!:t (140') to a twenty"' feet wide alley called MIU'7 street. Being knowu and designated 118 No. 1631 West Third street. Impruyemellle coneis' of three etory bri,s building. 21 x 64 feet: sture frout; 00" st017 (rame atIditlon. 10 x 18 feet. Sold a6 the properly 01 M. J. Spencer aDd !. Brinton Spencer. J. WA.RD HINKSON, Attorney. WILLIAM W. McKIM. SLerifl. SCHOOL DISTRICT OP SWARTHMOBB Bwart.lunore. PennsylvanIa The Board of School DIrector& of the School District of Swarthmore wlll receive sealed. quotationa at the HIgh SChool BUlld­Ing up to 4 p. m., dayl1gbt saving t1me. Monday. September 12, 1938. for aupplyiDs cinders tor athletic fleld and tor ateel om­ll& Blum lockem. The School Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids in wbole or In part anel/or to award. contracts to other than the lowest bidder on any Item or Items. kInd, quaUty, and. character of material consdered. SpeelflcaUollB may be secured at tbe School Dlatrlct omce in the Swarthmore HIgh School. ELIZABETH A. LUBDBBS • Secretary. We've Baked Two Grand Cakes For You HONEY MACAROON LAYER CAKE No Need To Do Your Own Baking These Warm. Daysl 33c lb. Feather -light - rich with butter and eggS and Gold Medal Flour wllb a cream honey macaroon icing Ibcd's a dream. Think of tall glosses of iced beverages and slices of luscious cake. Was there ever a better choice for sum-mer refreshment? CHOCOLATE ANGEJ. FOOD SQUARES With a while Icing - ]I's the desserl of the hour. Why not serve this good cake with Iced tea or lemonade. each 35c FRENCH APPLE PIE Is one desserl the folks will look forward to - It's a treat and Ihey know it. each 23c BUTIERFLY COFFEE BUNS Rich coffee dough, fondant icing and plump raisins make lhIs cake - a surprise. dOL 24c TURK HEADS each 25c Plain Angel Food ea. 29c Cin. Clusters each 18c Dutch Twists each 15c Bohemian Rye Bread 12e • Martel's Be,,,,. Food FM rile r."18 Swarthmore 2100

---------- Page 12 ----------

CLASSIFIED JR. BALL TEAMS ===:FO;::::::::a:==:B===ENT::::==== VISIT SHIBE PARK FOR BENT-Attractive a~t: fow rooms, bath. ElectriCity, retrlgezatlOD, garage Included. $45 month. 124 LIndon avenue, Rutledge. Telephone Swarthmore UM-W. FOR RENT - Purnlshed or UDfurn1ehed Pro8l'am of Borough Recreation Committee Ends This Week apartments. Kodern. on beat. Blectr10 refrigeration. ContlDuoUB hot water. TeJ.e.o phOne Swarthmore 93. Through the courtesy of Earl Mack. FOcRen tRraEllNy Tlo-Rcaoteodm nse. a1r2 8te aR urotogmehs. aBveecnoune d· Vic. e-President of the Phila.d el.p hia Ath-door. $5: third door, $4. Garage, $5. Tele- letlcs, fifty boys from the JUnior league phone Swarthmore 1050-J. visited Shibe Park last Friday and saw POTRel eRphEoNneT S-Awparatrhtmmoernet In Tbe Harvard. the game between the Atheltics and 149. FOR RENT-Large furnished room, private ~he Yankees. The b~ys h~d been look­t11e bath, prlvate entrance, garage. BuIt- 109 forward to t!l:us trip for many able for studio. Telephone Swarthmore 1133. months and thoroughly enjoyed the FOR RENT-Housekeeping apartment, four SR' rooms and bath. 139 Rl:itgem avenue. game. The ummer ecreation com- A. N. Garrett. Telephone Swarthmore 489 mittee wishes to thank Betty Michael oFrO RPe RnnEyNpaTc-kAerp a4r4t4m2.e nt, entire second floor, Ch. arI es R ussIeI ,·H annum & Wa'lt e,' five rooms and bath, large shady porch, Clifford Rumsey, A. P. Smalley, John $75 month Includes gu, electriCity, elec- Rogeri E. M. Bassett Victor Celia, trlc refrigerator. 133 Ogden avenue. Tele- '. ' phone Swarthmore 295-R. Roy Delaplame and Charles Thatcher FOR RENT-Gentlemen, comfortable single for furnishing cars for the occasion and starotioomn.s , recsotanuvreannietsn.c eRs,e feornene cessq euxacrhe anfgroemd. also thank those who drove the cars in Telephone Swarthmore 13. the absence of the owners. FOR RENT-COmfortable room and bath In On Monday night, the Eagles beat ropurnidvlantges h. omAem, pWle ailclnlogsfeotr d.s pBaecaeu. tlfGual rsaugre-. the Pirates 5-4• The game was featured Breakfut If desired. Telephone Media 1032. by good pitching by Sherman Vauters FOR SAL.~ for the losers and Costello for the win- FOR SALE-Maple high chair In perfect ning team. The Eagles also did a great conclltlon, $5. 209 Garrett Avenue. Tele- deal of fancy fielding which kept phone Swarthmore 1747. the bases clear most of the time Th FOR SALE - PEACHES, YELLOW AND •• • ere WHITE FREESTONE, EL RANCHO OR-- were no extra base hits ID the game. CHARDB. Providence Road, one mlle north Last week the Eagles won the playoff of Rose Tree Hunt Club, near Medla. PA- . b MOUS SMOKEHOUSE APPLES. game from the Pirates y the score of FOR SALE-Home on Hlll. Attractlve 12-4. On Wednesday evening the Jun-hegarto. unOclC8C. UOpann cbyU B line, near College. on ior Hornets failed to appear and for- In two months. Bertha . Bellem, telephone Swarthmore 295-R. felted the game to the Eagles. The c1os- FOR SALE OR RENT ing game of the season is scheduled for FOR SALE OR RENT-Attractive home, Friday evening between the Pirates and furnished or unfurnished, four bedrooms, the Junior Hornets. tvweon lebnattlhys ,l otcwatoe-dc.a rR geauroangaeb. lLe.a rRgeep llyo t.B oCxo nA-, ThI'S wee k en d s t h e program f h 0 t e The Swarthmorean. Summer Recreation Committee. The WANTED tennis courts will have been open for a WANTED--Asslstant for cand shop. For lit.tle more tha~ nine weeks, the swim­appointment telephone swa~hmore 8-W. mmg pool for eight weeks and the boys BOARDING have played ball since the latter end of BOARDING-Nurse wllJ board the aged, June. Not as many games as usual were neceodnevd.a lePsocrecnht aanndd gcrhoruonncilca.. Care given U played because of rain and conflicts in Rates $18 per . week. Telephone Madison 6936. schedule WIth the Hornets. Those who FOUND have been in charge of these sports all FOUND-Wallet marked Hugo H. Hanson. summer will. have a few ~ays t~ rel~ Inquire at The Swarthmorean office. before entermg upon their duties thiS fall. FINANCED The committee will present a report $8000. small amount of cash required. Half of its work in the near future. stone, shingle, 7 nus., slate roof. Lot 6Ox150 ., •• ft. Good location. Possession within 30 days. WM. S. BI'ITLE NEWS NOTES SwartJunore Ill-oJ Notary PubUc-Insuanc_Beal Estate Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rhoads and daughter, Phyllis, left Saturday for a FOR RENT week's motor trip to Fort Lauderdale, M'odern Home on HUI Fla. The Rhoads will move to Florida 1st floor-llv. rm., dining rm., breakfast this fall for a year having rented their romn. , hsetautd. yC aendadr lcalvoasteotrsy. . 5 bildrms., 3 baths. Il ome a t 333 N ort h P rl.n ceton avenue ALICE M. BAIRD to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Moseley Old Bank Bldg. and family, now of the Swarthmore, Phone Sw. 108 who will move in after the middle of September. SALE CENTURY OLD RESTORED STONE HOUSE All modem conveniences. Attractive location with wooded background, 2~~ acres ground surrounding, Set 500 feet back from concrete highway. Water by electriC pump from sprlng. One-car garage with open deck above. Within ten mUes of Swarthmore. A brlde's dream or novelist's retreat. J. D. DURNALL Realty 110 Cornell Ave. 'Phone Sw. 13 Phone Madison 1773 Beck's Employment Agency Bonded and Licensed by State 17 Madison Ave. LANSDOWNE, PA. Selected while and colored help at .hort notice A Music Lover cannol endore a piano tbat is out of tune. If they eon, yon can mark it down that they are not real lovers of music. A. L. Parker Media, Pa. Phone Media I063-W MRS. A. J. QUINBY & SON .JOSBPH B. QUINBY FUNERAL DIRECTORS BBLL PRONE , MARY EYRE MacELREE Teacher 0/ Piano-Pipe Organ. Theory In Swarthmore Every Wednesday 609 S. HIGH ST, WEST CHESTER Tel. West Chester 905-W • • • Air. and Mrs. Oscar J. Gilcreest and family returned Sunday to their home on Harvard avenue after spending two weeks at Harwich Port, on Cape Cod, M ass., and visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Dewhurst, of Forest Hills, Long Island, over the week-end. • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. Warrell Paxson and son, Jimmy, of Vassar avenue, will I leave tomorrow on a w.!ek's motor trip to Nantucket, Mass. * • • . Weston Clarke, of Yale avenue, vis- Ited Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Pittenger, of South Chester road, at Pittwillow the Pittenger farm last week-end. ' * • • Ruddy P. Hayes, of Swarthmore ave-l1ue, and Haines Dickinson, of Mt. Holyoke place, returned Saturday from Camp Onas, Bucks County, where they had spent two weeks. * • • Jimmy Pitman has returned to his homc on Vassar avenue after a two­week visit to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grant and family, of Vassar avenue who are spending the summer at Wol~ lastol1, Mass. * • * Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Kniskern of Riverview road, left Tuesday mor~ing to pick up their children, Edith, at Camp Aloha, Fairlee, Vt., and Philip at Camp Mashnee, Monument Beach Buzzards Bay, Mass., and motor t~ Quebec. They will return in two weeks. UPHOLSTERING Furniture RestOring In All Its Branches Village Win~ow Cleaner /1 A. HAUGER - Swarthmore 19 _I A N Y W H E R A N Y T I CALL 1896 M ELECTRICAL ur AIRS lUDIO! Tuhes-Wuhin. MaehiDeII-cIeanera E E FRED J. HARLEY Call Swarthmore 1441 -INSTALLATIONS­SWARTHMORE ELECTRIC SHOP II Park ~ I!a~~q,~ ~T'" - ------------__ J THE SWARTBMOREAN AUGUST 26, 1988 THOMAS BAYARD McCABE Mr. and Mrs. Russell Andrews, of Chevy Chase, Md., arrived Saturday night to spend the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. McCone, of Dartmouth avenue. Mrs. Andr~ws, who was a college chum of Mrs. McCone at Stanford University, remained this wcck. On Tuesday with Mrs. McCone she left to spend several days in New York where they enjoyed reunions with other Stanford classmates. A characteristic photograph of Thom­as Bayard McCabe, North Chester road, appears in the August 22 issue of Time. The picture accompanies an article headed "Tissue Issue'~ which highlights, in Time's best manner, the successful history of the Scott Paper Company from its founding by Swarth-. morc's Scotts to its 1938 half-year re- • • • Miss Mary Wood, of Cornell avenue, and Miss Mildred MacTurk, of Salem, N. J., journeyed to New York on Tuell­day to bid bon voyage to their former Swarthmore College classmate, Miss Heten Zentmye~, of Hagerstown, Md., who sailed on the S. S. Paris Wednes­day with the Delaware University group for a year's study in Paris. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis and two children, of Ridgewood, N. J., spent the week-cnd visiting Mrs. Davis' mothcr, Mrs. John Eastlake, of The Harvard. They will return after a few days in Cape May, N. J. where Mrs. Davis and the n went Tuesday. Men'8 Doubles Reach Finals port and its recent preferred stock is- The finals of the Men's Doubles sue under President McCabe. Tournament will be played by Lauer If Brain Trustcr Berle really seeks Jones and Ted Saulnier who defeated a yardstick of a successful business A. P. Harrington and Cyril Gardiner giving consumer value and making ade- 6-4 6-2; and Bob Delaplaine and Stu­quate returns to labor and capital, The art Jones who first defeated John De1a­Swarthmorean refers him to the Scott plaine and John Naisby 7-5, 4-6, 7-5; Paper Company. and then defeated Ralph Rhoads and -----------------!------=------------ Bill Fawcett 6-1, 6-3. This is the last Betty Jean Pitman, of Vassar avenue, spent last week visiting Alice Red­grave, of Vassar avenue, in Beach Haven, N. J. • • • Mrs. John H. McWiJliams, of Ben-jamin West avenue, left Monday 011 a week's business trip in the Poconos and to Cape Cod, Mass. • • • Mr. and Mrs. T. Whitchair, of Park avenue, spent the week-end visiting Dr. and Mrs. C. Brooke Worth, of West Elm avenue, at Skytop, Pa. • • • Mr. 'and Mrs. S. P. Hutchinson and three children, of Merion, will move into the former Shanklin residence at 40· Amherst avenue on September 9. • • • Mr. and Mrs. R. Price, who June 1, recclltlyreturned from a three weeks' visit to Mrs. Anthony's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Perry, of Rah­way, N. J., on Cape Cod. tournament of the year and should be a very cJo:!e one. The courts will be closed Saturday since all the funds have been exhausted. FOR SALE 209 Garrett Avenue-$lO,OOO 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, oil heat. Perfect condition. This property can be hought for 100/0 cash, balance to he paid on 15 or 20 year basis. Can be inspected by ap­pointment. EDWARD L. NOYES, Exclusive Agent 13 South Chester Road 'Phone Sw. 114 have returned to their home on North Swarthmore avenue after visiting Mrs. rr!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Price's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Carroll, of ChariottesvilJe, Va., for two weeks, will entertain at bridge this Sat­urday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Shanklin, of Amherst ave­nue. Their son is spending the summer at Holiday Hill Camp, Westtown, sum­mer home of Mrs. Helen M. Hall, of Park avenue. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Anthony, who have been occupying the E. Ful­lerton Cook apartment on Copples lane, Do Your Banking With SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company Member Federal Deposit Jnsoranee Corporation Wallingford, since their marriage on l:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .... HER FIRST VEIR and she will have a healthful winter In a home healed automatically by • Lucky babyl She'll thrive on the<all-over, even, clean heat of her Daddy's automatic gas system. She'll be much less apt to catch colds in such ideal, comfortable atmosphere. IT WI L LeOS T ~flJJ T HAN YOU T H INK ! • Let us make a survey of your home .•• at no obligation to you. We feel sure you will find it will cost you LESS than you anticipate. On your small down payment, we'll instalt a Janitrol, Bryant or Welsbach Gas Conversion Burner immediately. Pay nothing more until October. Burner costs $195 eClch, installed. Slightly higher on budget ptan-3 years to pay. Ask about our monthly plan for operating a heater and our low combination gas rate. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY • AT OUR SUBURBAN OFFICeS OR see YOUR PLUMBER OR HEATING CONTRACTOR

---------- Page 13 ----------

r l INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE CLASSIFIED 1 JR. BALL TEAMS I'OR RENT =1 VISIT SHIBE PARK FOR RENT - Attractive apartmcnt: fOUl I rooms. bath. Electricity. refrigeration. garagc Includcd. $45 month. 124 Llndcn jl-ro"ram of Borou~h Recreation uvcnuc. Rutlcdge. TcicI)honc Swart.lmorc " C ~ 1153-W. 'onunittee Ends This l"OR RENT - l"urnlshcd or unfurnlshed I W k apartmcnts. Modcrn. 011 hcat. Electrlo I ee refrigeration. Continuous hot water. Tele- ----- phone Swarthmorc 93. Through the courtesy of Earl }'faek, l"OIt RENT -- Rooms. 128 Rutgcrs avenuc'l \'ice-Presiclent of the Philadc1l)hia Ath- Ccntrally locutl'd ncar tea rooms. Sccond . . . floor. $5: third floor. $4. Garage. $5. Tclc- ktlCS, lifty boys frolll the JUlllor league phonc SWllrthmon' 1050-J. \'isitell Shihe Park last Friday and saw FOIt !tENT - Apurtmcnt In Thc Harvard. the gallic between the Athcltie' an I Telephone Swarthmorc 149. " • S l }o'OR RENT-LIll'~l' furnlshcd room, private the '\ ankecs. [he boys had bcen look­tllc bath. prlvutc entrance. garagc. Sult- ing forward to this trip for many ublc for studIo. Tl'lcllhone Swarthmore 1133. n Ilth I tl II 'd t1 FOR RENT-Hou.;ekecplng apartmcnt, four HI S, ,all( • .oroug I y ellJ?Yc )e room.; lind bath. 139 Rutgers avenue. game. J he ~Ullllller RecreatIOn COI11- A. N. Garrett. Telephonc Swarthmorc 489 mittee wishes to thank Betty Michacl or Pennypacker 4442,' . ' FOR RENT-Apartment, entire sccond 1loor, l,l~arles Russcll, Halll1l11!) & \Valte, IIvc rooms and bath, largc shady porch'l ChfTord Rumsey, A. P. Smalley, John $75 month Includes gas. elcctrlclty, clcc- Rogeri E. ~L Bassctt Victor Celia trlc rcfrlgcrator. 133 Ogden avcnuc. Tcle-, '. • ' , ' phonc Swarthmorc 295-R. II\OY Delaplame and Charlcs Thatcher FOIt RENT-Gentlemen. (!omfortablc slnglc for furnishing cars for thc occasion and st~~~:~~' rc~~::t~~!ll~~~~c'itfc~~~ce~q~;~~a~~~~ also thank those who drove the ears in Telephonc Swarthmore 13. the absence of thc owners. }o'OR RENT-Comfortable room and bath In 011 ~Ionday night, the Eagles beat ropurnld\l'unt~cs .h omAcm. pWlea llcinlogsfeotr d.s pBaecacu. tifGual rsaugrc-. II It' I)I'r·. ltc, s 5 -4. 'TI ' f d IC gantc was eature Breakfust if deslrcd. Telcphone Mcdln 1032. hy ).;'ood pitchillg by Sherman Vautcrs !<'OU SAL~ fllr Ihe loscrs and Costello for the win- FOIt SALE--Maplc high chair In pcrfect ning team. The Eag-Ies also did a great condition. $5. 209 Garrett Avcnuc. Tcle- deal of fancy fielding which kept pFhOoRn e SSAwLaErt h_m PoErcA C17H4E7S. . YELLOW AND thc hases c1car lIIost of the time. There THE SW ARTHMOREAN THOMAS BAYARD McCABE A charactcristic photograph of '1'holl1- more's ~c .. 11 ~ til its I~Jl) half-\'ear rc- AUGUST 26, 1938 ----- I ~I r. and Mrs. Russcll Andrews, (If Cht·\')' Chasl', 1\1 cl., arrh'ed Saturday Ini~ht to spc'lIIl t hl' \\'l'ck-cnd visitin~ I ~I r. ancl Mrs. IIClwarcl T. McCone, of I Jartmout h an'nue. 1\1 rs. Andrews, who I was a collegt· chum of ~t rs. McCone at I Sian ford Ullin'rsity, rcmaincd this wc'ck. ()n Tuesday with Mrs. McCone sh(' Idt to spcnd several days in New Yurk whl'rc they enjoyecl reunions with I otlu~r Stanford classmates. ••• I ~liss Mary \Voocl. of Cornell clvcnUl', : and Miss l\I il<ln'd 1\1acTurk, of Salem, i r\. .I .. jOllrtll'yel1 to New York 011 'l'ucs­: day to hicl !tOil \'\Iyagl' to their formel' I Swarthmon.' ClIlIl'gl' c1assmatc, Miss : Helen Zl'nt myer, of HagcrstowlI, .Mel., 'who saill'c\ 011 the S. ~, Paris \V cdnes-day with the Delaware University gmllp for a )'l'ar's study in Paris. * * * , ~I r. a 1111 ~I rs. Howarcl Davis amI I two childrl'n. of Hidgewoud. N. J., spl'nt t he \\'el'k-~'IHI visiting ~I rs. Davis' IllIotlll'r. ~1 rs. John Eastlakc, of The I Han·ard. Thl'y will n:turn after a few days ill Capl' ~lay, i'\. J. where ~lrs. Da\'is alld thl' childn'n WCllt Tuesday. ••• Men'8 Douhles Reach Finals WHITE f'REEl;TONE, EL RANCHO OR- werc no extra base hits in the gamc. CBAHOS, I'ro\'ldl'llcc Road. OIlC mllc north Last wcek the Ea"les won the playoff of Ito~e Tree Hunt Club. Ilear Mcdla. FA- '" Jl.IOUS SMOKEHOUSE APPLES. game from thc Pirates by the scorc of as Bayard :\lcCahl', North Chester port and ib Tl'cent preferred ~t(lck is-I The finals of the :\It'n's Doubles road. appt'ars in the Aug-ust 22 issuc sue undt'r Pn'~ident ~lcCabl'. 'i'ourllall1ent will he playcd by Lauer J f Brain Truster Ill-ric reali,' sccks JOlIl'S alld Ted Situlnit'r who dcfeated of Tilllt'. The piclure accompanies an I a yardstick of a succcssful hJ usiness :\. P. Harrinl-:ton a 1111 Cyril Gardincr FOR SALE- Home on Hill. Attractive 12--t. On \Vedncsday evening the Jun-hegarto. unOdcsc. upOann cyb usI n lint,ew,o Ilmcaor ntChosl.l cgBee. rt0h1a1 'I llr I.I orne t s fa'tl e d to appcar an d f or- Se\lcr~, tclephonc Swarthmore 295-R. fcited the game to the Eaglcs. The clos- I:On. SALE on RENT ing gamc of the season is schedulcd for f'OR SALE OR RENT _ Attractlvc llomc. Friday e\'ening between the Pirates and fllrnl~hed ur unfurnished. four bcdrooms, the Junior Hornets. two haths. two-car gan;gc. Largc lot. Con- '1'1' . ·.k d I' f \'elliently located. Reasonable. Reply Box A'I II~ \\ ce cn 5 t Ie program 0 the: Thc Swarthmorcall. Summer Recreation Committee. Thc WANTED h:nllis courts will have been opcn for a WANTED-Assistant for candy shop. For Ilit~le more thal~ nille wecks, the swim­appOintment telephonc Swarthmore 8-W. ·nung pool for eight weeks alld the boys nOAUDING ha\'e piaycil ball since the latter end of BOARDING - Nur.;e will board the aged, JUlie. 1\ot as many games as usual were COllmlegcl'nt and chronic. Carc given If played bccause of rain and conflicts in needed. Porch aIHI grounds. Rates $18 pcr weel,. Telephone Madison 6936. schedule with thc Hornets. Those who I'OUND ha\'e hecn in charge of these sports all sUlllmcr will havc a few days to rclax FOUND-Wallet marked Hugo H. Hanson. Inquire at The Swarthmorclln oft\cc. hefOl'e cnll'ring upon their duties this fall. FINANCED Thc C(llIIlllittcc will prescnt a report $8000, ~lllall amount of cash rcquircd. Half IIi its work in the Ileal' futurc. "tone, shingle. 7 rms., slate roof. Lot 60x150 I ft. Goo(1 location_ Possession within 30 days. I ••• NEWS NOTES WIll. S. BITII.E Swarthmore I11-J Notary Pl1blic-lnslIrance--Rcal Estate I ~I... and Mrs. l{alph Rhoads and HUt UENT wcck's motor trip to Fort l,auderdale, \ c\au~hter. I'hyllis, left Saturday for a .UIlII.'rll 1101//(' fill llill Fla. The Rhoads will mon: to Florida l~t 111101'-11\' I'm., (lIl\ln~ I'm., hreakfast' thi~ fall for a ycar having rellted their rm .. ~tudv anel la\'Utorv. 5 bedrms .. 3 baths. II 333 '" I I)' 011 heat.' Ccdar closets. \IOml' at • • ~,urt I nnceton avcnue AUCE M. UAIHD til :\Ir. allli ~Irs. ,\Iexander W. Moscley OM Uunk U1dg. 1 an" family, now of the Swarthmore, I'hone S\\,. 108 who will 1I1O\'e ill aftcr the middlc of b================-I Sl'ptcmheL ! * * * SALE l:E;I;TUllY OI.U Itf:STUHEIl STUNI;; BOUSf: All modern conveniences. Attractive loeution with wooded background. 2~~ acres ground stllTotllldlng. Set 500 feet back from concrete highway. Wall'r by ell'etrlc pump from spring, One-car gnl'lI~e with opcn dcck above. Within tcn mll('s of Swartlunore. A IJI'id("~ drcam or novellst's rctreat. J. D. DURN ALL Ut·/tlly 11 () Cornell A ,'e. 'Phone s\\'o 13 I ~I ... and l\lrs. Oscar J. Gilcrcest and ! iamih- returned SUllda" to their hOlllc I' J 1"11 Ilar\'al"{l a Vl'lIue after spending two i \\'t'cks at Harwich Port, 011 Cape Cod, I :\1 a,;,;., an" visit iIII-: l\lr. anll .Mrs. John I \Jewhurst, of Forcst Hills, Island, : o\'er t hc week-end. * * * , ~II·. all" ~Irs. J. \Varrcn l'axson and i SOli, Jimmy, of Vassar avcnuc, will ! lea \·t· t .. mOl·row lin a week's motor trip i \0 Xantuckct, Mass. I * * * \ \ \' cstllll Clarke, oi Yale avcnue, vis-article headeil "Tissue Issue" which I-:iv.i nl-: l"onsumer v;due and making adc- {,.-I (,-2; a 1111 Boh Delaplainc and Stu-hio... r hli ..... hts, in Tilllt"s best manlier, thc Ijuatc n'turns til lahor and capital, The art J 1I11CS \\" I1 11 f'I nl (I l' f eatClI J0 I III D C I a-successful history of thc Scott Paper Swarthmorean refers him 10 the Scott plainl' alld John Naishy 7-5, -t-6, 7-5; COlllpany frul1l its founding hy Swarth- Papl ... COl1lpany. and t hl'n ddcatt'd I{alph Rhoads and _. ______ ._ ___ ____ _ __ . -.. - - Bill Fawcett (,-1. 6-3. This IS thc last Betty Jcan Pitman, of Vassar avenue, JUlIl' I. n'n'ntly returned frolll a three spent last week \'isiting Alice Red- we('ks' \'isit to ~Irs. Anthony's parents, I-:rave, of Vassar avcnue, in Beach ~Ir. and ~In. Arthur L. Perry, of Rah- Havcn, X. J. way. N . .I., on Cape Cod. tournal1lellt of the ycar and should he it \'ery c1osl' olle. The courts will be dosed Saturday SIIICC all thc funds han' hel'n exhausted. :\lrs. John H. *M *c \V*i lliams, uf Ben-jamin \\'est avcnue, left Monday on a wl'l'k's husiness trip in thc Poconos and to Cape Cod, ~lass. * * * ~I r. and l\1 rs. T. \Vhitehair, of Park avcnue, !'pcnt thc week-end visiting Dr. and Mrs. C. Brooke \\'orth, of \\'est Elm O\\'cnuc, at Skytop, Pol. Mr. and ~I rs. *S . * P.* Hutchinson allli thrce childrcn, of :\Ierioll, will ilion intu the former Shanklin rcsidellce at -tU Amhcrst avenue on Sel)tember 9. * * * ~I... and ~I rs. R. Blair Price, who have rl'lurncd to their hOllle on North Swarthmore avenuc aiter \'isiting l\lrs. Price's parents, ~tr. and Mrs, James Carroll, of Charlottesville, Va., for two wecks, will entertain at bridl-:c this Sat­urday c',cninl-: in houor of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Shanklin, of Amherst ;I\'C- 1111('. Their son is spendinl-: the summer at Holiday Hill Call1p, \VestlowlI, sum­mer home of l\I rs. I·lelell l\1. Hall, of Park avenue. * * * l\1 r. a 1111 ~l rs. Fredt'rick Anthony, who ha\"e heen occupying the E. Ful­lerton Cook apartlllent \)11 Copples lane, \\'allingforcl, SIllCC thcir marriage on HER FOR SALE 209 Garrett Avenue-$IO,OOO 3 heclroolUloI, 2 haths, oil heat. Perfect condition. This prol.erty {'Ull he hought for 100/0 ('ush, hulunce to ht~ I.aid Oil 15 or 20 yeur hasis. Cun he in81.ected hy all­Imintment. EDWARD L. NOYES, 13 South Chesler Road Exclusive Agell' 'Phone Sw. 114, Do Your Banking W itlt SWARTHMORE NATIONAL Bank and Trust Company I\It'mlwr F('(If'rllI Df'IJOsit In!lurancc Corlloration I!;;:================~i ite" :\11'. and }'Irs. ~. U. Pittcnger, of ('hOllC Madison 1773 \ South Chester road. at I.)ittwillow, thc I He('k's Employment Ageney \ Pittenger farm last week-end. * * * FIRST BIIIIII .. c1 allcl IJ(~clI~cd by State Rudely P. I-layes, of Swarthmorc ave- VEAR 17 ~llIdi!'ml Ave. IIUC. and Haincs Dickinsoll, of Mt. I.ANSDO\VNE, ('A. 11"lyokc plan" returncd Saturday from ."i"I.·,';"., ,.-Ilit., ",ul colored lrel" l' amp () nas, I), ucks County, where thev fli slwrt ""tice J A Music Lover ('allIlClI t'ndur(~ ;l I,iano that is Ollt of lUlU', If 'h,,~' ('.111, you (':Ill Inark it clown that tlwy ar" nol real IO\'cr~ of 1l111~it·. L. had spl'nt two weeks. * * * Jimmy Pitman has returned to his hOllle on Vassar a\"Clllle aiter a two­\\' Cl'k \'isit to ~I r. and :\1 rs. Edward (~rant and iamily, (If Vassar ;\\,Cllue, wh .. arc spellllillg' thl' sunllner at \Vol-laston. :\1 ass. * * * ~I r. 0111(1 ~II·~. Philip \V, Kniskern of l\lcdia, Pa. R iHJ"\·ic\\· rO;1I1. Il'it Tllesday 1II00'I;inl-{ I'hmw I06:i-\V to pick lip their childrcn, Edith, at _________________ i Calli}' Aloha, Fairlee, Vt., alld Philip MUS. A. J. QUINBY & SON i at tamp l\lashlll'e. ~lllntllnent Beach, JOSEI'll E. QUINBY • 'UNEUAL DIRECTORS nEI.L PHONE " MEDIA, PA. MARY I~YRE l\laeELREE 'I'f'(wlrer oj PillIlO-Pi,Je Organ Theory I" s\\ arl II llIor(' EH'r~' \\' (,dnesday hfl'J :-i. 11((;11 ST, WEST (:IIESTER T"I. \\"'~I (:JU'~h~r 905-W YE Village Window Cleaner A. HAUGER Swarthmore 19 CAU. 1896 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS RADIO Tubes-Wa~hillg :\Iachines-Cleaners -INSTALLATIONS­SWARTHMORE EI.ECTRIC SHOP J'ark and Darimollih AVClS. I Blizzards nay, ~Iass" and motor to i UUl'hcl'. They will return in two wecks . ',-------------------- ! UPHOLSTERiNG Furniture Restoring In All Its Branches A N Y W H E R A N Y T I M E E FRED J. HARLEY Call Swarthmore 1441 and she will have a healthful winter in a home heated automatically by • lucky babyl She'll thrive on the all-over, even, clean heat of her Daddy's automatic gas system. She'll be much less apt to catch colds in such ideal, comfortable atmosphere. IT WILL COST ~flJJ THAN YOU THINK! • let us make a survey of your home ... at no obligation to you. We feel sure you will find it will cost you lESS than you anticipate. On your small down payment, we'll install a Janilrol, Bryant or Welsbach Gas Conversion Burner immediately. Pay nothing more until October. Burner costs $195 each, installed. Slightly higher on budget plan-3 years to pay. Ask about our monthly plan for operating a heater and our low combination gas rate. PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY • AT OUR SUBURBAN OFFICES OR SEE YOUR PLUMBER OR HEATING CONTRACTOR

The Swarthmorean, 1938-08 | TriCollege Libraries Digital Collections (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.