Labour still committed to cap on care costs, shadow minister tells sector leaders (2024)

Labour still committed to cap on care costs, shadow minister tells sector leaders (1)

Shadow minister for social care Andrew Gwynne at the 2024 ADASS Spring Seminar (credit: ADASS)

Labour is still committed to implementing the cap on care costs and related reforms to adult social care charging, the shadow care minister said yesterday.

Andrew Gwynne told the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services’ (ADASS) annual spring seminar that, should the party win the forthcoming election, it would “seek to introduce” the changes first conceived of by economist Andrew Dilnot in a 2011 report for the then coalition government.

The current government is also committed to introducing the reforms, in October 2025, two years later than originally planned.

‘Significant risks’ to reforms

However, the National Audit Office identified “significant risks” to the Department of Health and Social Care’s capacity to deliver the reforms to the new timescale, in a report published last November.

And less than 18 months out from the target date, the DHSC has not published any plan for implementation or set out how it would find the money to finance the changes. This casts significant doubt on whether it will start the process of implementation before the election, which is likely to take place by November 2024 at the latest.

The DHSC originally allocated £3.6bn over three years to implement the changes.

What the proposed changes consist of

  • Putting an £86,000 cap on people’s lifetime liabilities for their personal care, based on how much the person’s council would – or does – pay for meeting these needs, except where the person is receiving means-tested support, in which case only their individual contributions count towards the cap.
  • Implementing section 18(3) of the Care Act 2014, enabling self-funders to request that their council arrange a care home placement for them, enabling them to benefit from the typically lower rates councils pay for care, compared with private payers. This would ensure that the costs that count towards the cap are those that the person actually pays.
  • Funding councils to pay providers a ‘fair cost of care’, to avoid the implementation of section 18(3) and the removal of the ‘self-funder subsidy’ making providers unsustainable.
  • Raising the upper capital threshold, above which people are charged for their care, from £23,500 to £100,000, allowing many more people to claim state-funded support. The lower capital threshold, below which people make no contribution to their care from their assets, would rise from £14,250 to £20,000.

However, in 2022, it decided to delay the reforms by two years and ploughed most of this money (£3.2bn) into shoring up existing adult social care services, in particular, to increase the number of care packages councils delivered each year.

Labour ‘committed to Dilnot’

Quizzed on the issue at the spring seminar, Gwynne said: “We have said that we are committed to Dilnot and we would seek to introduce those reforms. I have to have a discussion with Wes Streeting [the shadow health secretary] about how we facilitate that.

“I’d be very interested to know how the government, were it still in government then, would proceed with Dilnot and what resources it would make available for this.”

However, in an interview with Community Care, incoming ADASS president Melanie Williams said she was “not optimistic” that the reforms would go ahead, whichever party was in power after the election.

“I can’t see it happening because of the price tag,” she said.

Labour has not set out how it would fund the policy and it is hard to see how it would find the money within the constraints of the tight fiscal policy set by shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves.

Speaking more generally about social care funding, Gwinne said he needed sector leaders to help him “make the case to Rachel Reeves…that we need sound investment in care services, that helping people to live better lives is good for UK plc”.

Creating a ‘national care service’

In his speech, Gwinne also said that Labour would bring in a “national care service” within 10 years.

Gwinne said this would involve central government providing a “stronger national framework” for adult social care than currently existed, though responsibility for local services would remain with councils.

One example of increased central direction, he suggested, was placing stronger requirements on providers registering with the Care Quality Commission in relation to financial strength, worker terms and conditions and quality of care.

However, he did not flesh out what a national care service would entail, when asked to do so in a question and answer session in the speech,

Welsh and Scottish plans for national services

The Labour pledge comes with the Welsh and Scottish governments both planning to create their own national care services.

The Scottish Government is currently legislating, through the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill, to enable ministers to transfer social care responsibilities from councils to a new national care service (NCS) or regional boards set up to deliver functions on the NCS’s behalf.

This would apply to adult social care only in the first instance, and would be designed to tackle ‘postcode lotteries’ in the delivery and quality of services.

In Wales, the government has embarked on a 10-year programme to create its own national care and support service, covering both children’s and adults’ services, and providing care free at the point of need.

As a first step, it has set up a National Office for Care and Support, a team within the Welsh Government designed to provide stronger national direction on social care and develop the national care and support service.

Labour still committed to cap on care costs, shadow minister tells sector leaders (2024)


What does the Labour Party stand for? ›

It proclaimed a socialist party whose principles included a guaranteed minimum standard of living for everyone, nationalisation of industry and heavy taxation of large incomes and of wealth.

When was labour in power in the UK? ›

Under Harold Wilson in 1964–1970 it promoted economic modernisation. Labour was in government again in 1974–1979 under Wilson and then James Callaghan.

What are labour plans? ›

Labour will make sure we have strong national security, secure borders, and economic stability. Building on these secure foundations, we have already set out the first steps for change. Today we present further policies in this manifesto, as part of the journey of rebuilding our country. Help deliver change to Britain.

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Labour's intentions to reform how local and devolved government is funded are a step in the right direction – pledges to give councils multi-year settlements and ending competitive bidding could bring much-needed stability to local government finances.

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The Labour Party was founded by trade unions over a hundred years ago, because unions believe that working people must represent themselves in Parliament. A century on, and Labour is the only Party that truly speaks for working people.

What is the difference between labor and labour? ›

There is no difference in meaning between labor and labour. Labor is the preferred spelling in American English, and labour is preferred throughout the rest of the English-speaking world.

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Ideology and platform

The party identifies as a socialist, working class party, which aims for "a redistribution of wealth and power in favour of working people". It describes itself as "economically radical" and "committed to class politics". It has expressed support for a planned economy.

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Notable lengths
  • 20 years and 314 days: Robert Walpole (1721–1742) Longest term and longest total tenure.
  • 12 years and 126 days: William Ewart Gladstone (1868–1874, 1880–1885, 1886, and 1892–1894) Most non-consecutive terms.
  • 11 years and 208 days: Margaret Thatcher (1979–1990) ...
  • 49 days: Liz Truss (2022)

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The four types of labor in economics are skilled, unskilled, semi-skilled, and professional. Together, these four types of labor make up the active labor force.

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In most democracies, political conservatism seeks to uphold traditional family structures and social values. Religious conservatives typically oppose abortion, LGBT behaviour (or, in certain cases, identity), drug use, and sexual activity outside of marriage.

Who is the labour leader in the UK? ›

Sir Keir Rodney Starmer KCB KC (/ˈkɪər/; born 2 September 1962) is a British politician and barrister who served as Leader of the Labour Party since 2023 and as Leader of the Opposition from 2020 to 2024.

What were the Labour pledges in 1997? ›

The pledges were: Cut class sizes to 30 or under for 5, 6 and 7-year-olds by using money from the assisted places scheme. Fast-track punishment for persistent young offenders by halving the time from arrest to sentencing.

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The party is British unionist, historically opposing Irish reunification, Scottish and Welsh independence, and is generally critical of devolution. After a leadership election in the Conservative Party in July, August and September 2022, Liz Truss became the leader of the party.

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Parties with representation in the House of Commons
PartyFoundedPolitical position
Conservative and Unionist Party1834Centre-right to right-wing
Labour Party Co-operative Party1900 1917 (Co-op)Centre-left
Scottish National Party (SNP)1934Centre-left
Liberal Democrats1988Centre to centre-left
9 more rows

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This changed Labour Party has a plan for growth: we are pro-business and pro-worker. The party of wealth creation. We will reform the planning rules – a choice ignored for 14 years – and build the homes and infrastructure you need.

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The Social Democratic and Labour Party or SDLP is a centre-left political party in Northern Ireland. Its policies promote social democracy and the idea that Northern Ireland should leave the United Kingdom and join with the Republic of Ireland.


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